Event Management Services The following Event Management Services are the subject matter of the framework agreement: - Provide advisory and consulting services on event management for in-person, sponsored, and online events. - Manage from planning to delivery several large-scale events, including inperson, hybrid and virtual events such as RawMaterials Summit …
Respond are establishing multi-disciplinary Frameworks to support their ambitions of delivering high quality housing developments. As part of their remit to develop cost rental, social and affordable units throughout Ireland, Respond wish to procure the services for future projects to develop design, secure statutory approvals and procure and oversee the …
1. Przedmiotem zamówienia jest usługa polegająca na pełnieniu funkcji zewnętrznego doradztwa w zarządzaniu Projektem pn.: „Rozbudowa Regionalnej Infrastruktury Informacji Przestrzennej Województwa Zachodniopomorskiego (RIIP WZ 2.0)” dofinansowanym z Unii Europejskiej w ramach środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach Programu Fundusze Europejskie dla Pomorza Zachodniego 2021-2027, Oś Priorytetowa 1 Fundusze Europejskie …
Dublin City Council seeks to establish a Multi Party Framework Agreement with two Economic Operators for the provision of Leaflet Distribution Services. The Framework will be for a maximum period of 4 years. The Contracting Authority confirms that the period of any contracts awarded under the framework agreement may extend …
La présente consultation a pour objet un mandat de maîtrise d'ouvrage pour la réalisation d'une fourrière et d'un refuge pour animaux, au nom et pour le compte du Maître de l'ouvrage en application du livre IV de la partie 2 du code de la commande publique. Il prévoit la réalisation …
Udbud af administration og drift af Slagelse Kommunes almene boliger. Udbud af administration og drift af Slagelse Kommunes almene boliger.
Couverture de frais de santé et prévoyance collective pour les salariés de la Régie et leurs ayants droit Lot n°1: Couverture de frais de santé Lot n°2: Prévoyance collective Lot 1: Couverture de frais de santé lot n°2: Prévoyance collective
Udbud af administration og drift af Slagelse Kommunes almene boliger. Udbud af administration og drift af Slagelse Kommunes almene boliger.
Københavns Kommune nedlægger de kommende år et større antal gadeparkeringspladser ifm. diverse anlægsprojekter. For at imødekomme behovet for beboerparkering i de ramte betalingsområder, har Kommunen besluttet at leje ledige, private parkeringspladser og give beboere med aktiv beboerlicens mulighed for at benytte dem som erstatning for nedlagt gadeparkering. Kommunen skal bruge …
The assignment consists of comprehensive administrative and procurement support for the implementation of the Sida-financed project “Supporting North Macedonia’s EU Accession within the Environmental Field – Phase 2". The assignment consists of comprehensive administrative and procurement support for the implementation of the Sida-financed project “Supporting North Macedonia’s EU Accession within …