Omfatter levering af koncernfælles internet portal content management system (herefter "CMS-licenser"). CMS-licenserne er et værktøj til opbygning og vedligeholdelse af corporate sites m.v.. De gør det muligt at oprette, redigere, organisere og publicere indhold på websites uden behov for avanceret teknisk viden. CMS-licenserne understøtter Forsvarets styrelsers websites, herunder i alt …
Europese aanbesteding Content Services Platform IenW ten behoeve van aanbestedende dienst. De onderhavige aanbesteding betreft de verwerving van: 1) Content Services Platform (CSP) licenties; 2) diensten voor implementatie van het CSP; 3) diensten voor migratie van de content uit het huidige Document Management Systeem (DMS) / Records Management Applicatie (RMA) …
Framework agreement - Assistance with the procurement of licences, cloud services, procurement of other services, as well as assistance with licence management and licence maintenance for the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority. Framework agreement - Assistance with the procurement of licences, cloud services, procurement of other services, as well as assistance …
A system has been established for the procurement of consultancy services with the help of a dynamic purchasing system. New suppliers can continually qualify for participation in the scheme. Only qualified tenderers will have access to published competitions. In this stage of the process, interested suppliers can apply to be …
A system has been established for the procurement of consultancy services with the help of a dynamic purchasing system. New suppliers can continually qualify for participation in the scheme. Only qualified tenderers will have access to published competitions. In this stage of the process, interested suppliers can apply to be …
A system has been established for the procurement of consultancy services with the help of a dynamic purchasing system. New suppliers can continually qualify for participation in the scheme. Only qualified tenderers will have access to published competitions. In this stage of the process, interested suppliers can apply to be …