The competition is for the procurement of a new ENTERPRISE resource planning system for Steinkjer, Levanger, Inderøy, Verdal and Snåsa municipalities, but an option for Namsos, Overhalla, Flatanger and Høylandet municipalities. The municipalities wish to procure a general, future orientated and innovative ERP system. The objective of the procurement of …
Møre og Romsdal and Nordland counties collaborate to procure new ERP systems for the counties. Emphasis is put on the fact that independent systems shall be procured for each county, there is only cooperation in the project implementation. To examine how the market is, see what exists of relevant systems …
Upphandlingen omfattar ett beslutsstödsystem till Säters kommun, som effektiviserar kommunernas processer. Syftet är att uppnå ett modernt beslutsstöd som framförallt stödjer kommunens chefer i dess dagliga arbete. Upphandlingen omfattar ett beslutsstödsystem till Säters kommun, som effektiviserar kommunernas processer. Syftet är att uppnå ett modernt beslutsstöd som framförallt stödjer kommunens chefer …
The current ISY ProActive system has been decided to be discontinued and there is, therefore, a need to implement one or several procurements to cover the needs ISY ProActive solves. The project is currently a co-operation between the Agency for Water and Sewerage Services (VAV), the Fire and Rescue Agency …
Bane NOR invites tenderers to submit a request for prequalification for the procurement of hire of Project Manager and Amendment Manager for the VISShet project (ERP in Sky). Bane NOR invites tenderers to submit a request for prequalification for the procurement of hire of Project Manager and Amendment Manager for …
NVE is responsible for administering the country's water and energy resources. We shall ensure safe electricity supply and to improve society's ability to handle flood and avalanche hazards. NVE has its main office in Oslo and regional offices in Narvik, Trondheim, Førde, Tønsberg and Hamar. In addition we have rock …
The competition is for the procurement of a new ERP system. The competition is for the procurement of a new ERP system.
The intention of this project is to procure and implement a cloud-based (hosted) Financial Management System module of an Enterprise Resource Planning System, with an implementation partner. The procurement of a new Financial Management System (FMS) is critical in view of the fast-approaching end-of-life of the current FMS. In addition, …
VOORWERP VAN DEZE LEVERINGEN Levering en installatie van software voor de boekhouding en beleids- en beheerscyclus voor lokaal bestuur Maaseik, inclusief onderhoudscontract met support TOELICHTING Het leveren, installeren en onderhouden (+support) van de toepassingen voor het beleidsmatig en financieel opvolgen van de beleidsdoelstellingen, actieplannen, acties en de boekhouding conform de …
Ekonomisystem för kommunen Ekonomisystem för kommunen