4024020746/DA/FE001/2024-Aquisição de Mobiliário de Alojamento para o RAME, RI1 e RI19 Aquisição de Mobiliário de Alojamento para RAME Aquisição de Mobiliário de Alojamento para RI1 Aquisição de Mobiliário de Alojamento para RI19
Framework agreement for the delivery of furniture for offices and conference rooms, primary and secondary schools and before-and-after-school care, nurseries and common rooms in institutions in Sarpsborg, Fredrikstad and Hvaler municipalities. This part concerns the actual competition and the participation requirements. Confirmation shall also be given that the contract terms …
4024020746/DA/FE001/2024-Aquisição de Mobiliário de Alojamento para o RAME, RI1 e RI19 Aquisição de Mobiliário de Alojamento para RAME Aquisição de Mobiliário de Alojamento para RI1 Aquisição de Mobiliário de Alojamento para RI19
Framework agreement for the delivery of furniture for offices and conference rooms, primary and secondary schools and before-and-after-school care, nurseries and common rooms in institutions in Sarpsborg, Fredrikstad and Hvaler municipalities. This part concerns the actual competition and the participation requirements. Confirmation shall also be given that the contract terms …
Dynamic purchasing system for the procurement of health furniture to Harstad municipality, Kvæfjord municipality and Lødingen municipality. Dynamic purchasing system for the procurement of health furniture to Harstad municipality, Kvæfjord municipality and Lødingen municipality.
Předmětem veřejných zakázek zadávaných v DNS budou dodávky nábytku a jiného interního vybavení. Zadavatel uvádí hlavní CPV kód 39100000-3 Nábytek pouze pro určení hlavního CPV kódu ve formuláři F16 Oznámení o zahájení zadávacího řízení – obecná veřejná zakázka ve Věstníku veřejných zakázek a Úředním věstníku Evropské unie (dále jen „VVZ“). …