verschiedenes digitales Zubehör für die Schulen wie z. B. Drucker, externe Laufwerke, Tastaturen für Schwerbehinderte, Sensortechnik, elektronische Mikroskope, Lautsprecher, Mikrofone, verschiedene Hardware und Mastertool (die genaueren Aufstellungen entnehmen Sie bitte den einzelnen Losen) 35 Stück Multifunktionsdrucker A4 6 Stück Multifunktionsdrucker A3 17 Stück 3D-Drucker 6 Stück Beamerteppich 76 Stück externe …
The Leiden Institute of Chemistry wishes to purchase a Spinning Disc microscope. The primary tasks of this setup is to image live zebrafish larvae (0 to 12 days post fertilization) and to image (i.e. brightfield and fluorescence imaging) biological samples (cells, organoids, tissue (sections), organs like the brain of zebrafish) …
The Leiden Institute of Chemistry wishes to purchase a Spinning Disc microscope. The primary tasks of this setup is to image live zebrafish larvae (0 to 12 days post fertilization) and to image (i.e. brightfield and fluorescence imaging) biological samples (cells, organoids, tissue (sections), organs like the brain of zebrafish) …
The prequalification specifications include a summary of the creation of SDU’s Dynamic Purchasing System regarding the purchase of research and laboratory equipment including the conditions for applying for admission to the system.The Dynamic Purchasing System is divided into 7 categories, for which the Applicants who meet the qualification requirements are …
Region Östergötland inbjuder härmed, enligt 8 kap. 4 § lagen (2016:1145) om offentlig upphandling, LOU, in till att ansöka om att delta i dynamiskt inköpssystem (fortsättningsvis DIS) gällande inköp av operationsmikroskop. Region Östergötland inbjuder härmed, enligt 8 kap. 4 § lagen (2016:1145) om offentlig upphandling, LOU, in till att ansöka …