Autoritatea contractantă are ca obiectiv prezenta achiziţie de produse în contextul implementării proiectului ,,Dotarea cu echipamente TIC, mobilier și materiale educaționale și sportive a unităților de învățământ din Municipiul Ploiești", cod F-PNRR-Dotari-2023-1614, cod F-PNRR-Dotari-2023-1614, finanțat prin Planul Național de Redresare și Reziliență (PNRR), Componenta 15 – Educație, conform contractului de …
ACHILLES UTILITIES NCE is a joint qualification system for suppliers and contractors to utilities in Nordics and Central Europe. It's operated by Achilles under Article 77 of Directive 2014/25/EU. The subscribing utilities will use ACHILLES UTILITIES NCE for tenderer selection for contracts and framework agreements subject to EU procurement rules, …
It has been decided by the International Military Sports Counsil (Counsil International du Sport Militaire (CISM)), that from 2026 the shooting discipline will change from 300 meters with cal. 6.0/6,5mm to 50 meters with cal. 22. Therefore, DALO wishes to enter into a Framework Agreement regarding rifles, spare parts and …
Sansia Oy pyytää osallistumishakemuksia perustettavaan dynaamiseen hankintajärjestelmään, jonka kautta hankitaan mm. koulu- ja toimistotarvikkeita, kopiopapereita, värikasetteja, kalentereita, askartelutarvikkeita, opetus- ja oppimisvälineitä, leikkikaluja ja -välineitä sekä muita vastaavia tarvikkeita Sansia Oy:n osakkaiden tarpeiden mukaisesti. Hankinta on jaettu neljään (4) osa-alueeseen: Osa-alue 1: Toimistotarvikkeet Osa-alue 2: Koulu- ja askartelutarvikkeet / perusopetus Osa-alue …
Nærværende udbud omfatter levering af udendørs lege-, fitness- og aktivitetsudstyr til Odense Kommune. Udbuddet er opdelt i 5 kategorier. Det samlede forbrug af produkter omfattet af udbuddet (alle 5 kategorier) udgør på årsbasis cirka 2 200 000 DKK ekskl. moms. Der er alene tale om et estimat, som ikke er …
ACHILLES UTILITIES NCE is a joint qualification system for suppliers and contractors to utilities in Nordics and Central Europe. It's operated by Achilles under Article 77 of Directive 2014/25/EU. The subscribing utilities will use ACHILLES UTILITIES NCE for tenderer selection for contracts and framework agreements subject to EU procurement rules, …
TRANSQ is a joint qualification system for suppliers and contractors to leading Scandinavian transport and postal utilities. It's operated by Achilles under Article 77 of Directive 2014/25/EU. The subscribing utilities will use TRANSQ for tenderer selection for contracts and framework agreements subject to EU procurement rules but reserve the right …
ACHILLES UTILITIES NCE is a joint qualification system for suppliers and contractors to utilities in Nordics and Central Europe. It's operated by Achilles under Article 77 of Directive 2014/25/EU. The entities mentioned in this notice and the Ørsted Group will use ACHILLES UTILITIES NCE for tenderer selection for contracts and …
ACHILLES UTILITIES NCE is a joint qualification system for suppliers and contractors to utilities in Nordics and Central Europe. It's operated by Achilles under Article 77 of Directive 2014/25/EU. The entities mentioned in this notice and the Ørsted Group will use ACHILLES UTILITIES NCE for tenderer selection for contracts and …