The Minister for Foreign Affairs invites expressions of interest to this pre-qualification questionnaire from economic operators for the Supply and Maintenance of Passport Production Equipment, Supply of Passports and Travel Documents as described in this PQQ. The Minister for Foreign Affairs invites expressions of interest to this pre-qualification questionnaire from …
Apbalvojumu, reprezentācijas un poligrāfijas pakalpojumu nodrošināšana Liepājas valstspilsētas pašvaldības iestādes "Liepājas Sporta pārvalde" un tās pakļautības iestāžu vajadzībām Apbalvojumu, reprezentācijas un poligrāfijas pakalpojumu nodrošināšana Liepājas valstspilsētas pašvaldības iestādes "Liepājas Sporta pārvalde" un tās pakļautības iestāžu vajadzībām
Dit is een Europese Openbare aanbesteding van Stichting Radboud universitair medisch centrum, hierna te noemen Radboudumc. De aanbesteding betreft de dienstverlening m.b.t. al het print- en drukwerk (inclusief het personeelsmagazine de Radbode) en stationary (briefpapier en enveloppen) voor het gehele Radboudumc. Tot de scope behoort tevens afwerkbehandeling, adviesdienstverlening op het …
Follo Ren IKS (hereafter called the Contracting Authority) invites tenderers to an open tender contest for a framework agreement for communication and printing services. Follo Ren IKS (hereafter called the Contracting Authority) invites tenderers to an open tender contest for a framework agreement for communication and printing services.
Herstellung von Druckerzeugnissen drucktechnische Herstellung von Adk - Werbemitteln drucktechnische Herstellung von Adk - Werbemitteln
ACORD CADRU ACHIZITIE BONURI VALORICE CARBURANT AUTO ACORDATE PERSOANELOR CU DIZABILITATI “ /anul 2024-2025 Acord Cadru de furnizare de produse: “ ACORD CADRU ACHIZITIE BONURI VALORICE CARBURANT AUTO ACORDATE PERSOANELOR CU DIZABILITATI /anul 2024-2025 Se urmărește încheierea unui acord cadru pe o perioadă de 13 luni de către DGASPC Olt, …
The contracting authority intends to enter into a framework agreement for copying services such as print, plotting and copying, as well as folding, binding, courier services, signs, foil, printing maps, zoning plans, placards, general plans, strategies, large format building and construction drawings, brochures, information materials, conference folders and booklets in …
The contracting authority would like feedback from relevant tenderers on the tender documentation. The intention is to get input on possibilities and limitations, as well as direct design of the tender documentation. We would like, among other things, to get feedback on the following: Avoid erroneous or inappropriate requirements. Uncover …
El objeto es la contratación, mediante categorías, de los suministros demandados por el Ayuntamiento de forma habitual para la prestación de los servicios públicos de competencia municipal mediante el establecimiento de un Sistema Dinámico de Adquisición El objeto es la contratación, mediante categorías, de los suministros demandados por el Ayuntamiento …
Prestations de service de fourniture en impression et de livraisons de copies d'examens pour la région académique Grand Est. Le marché prend la forme d'un accord-cadre mono-attributaire à bons de commande. Le présent accord-cadre est conclu pour une durée ferme de 12 mois à compter de sa date de notification. …