The scope of the Project is to award Contracts through this Competitive Dialogue Process whereby the Concessionaire shall be responsible for the design, construction, operation, maintenance, and decommissioning of an offshore Floating Wind Farm for renewable energy supply, in an area at sea which is beyond the territorial waters of …
Windpark Salzfurtkapelle, Teilbereiche Entwurfs- und Genehmigungsplanung sowie Netzanschlussplanung Ausschreibungsgegenstand ist die Entwurfsplanung, die Genehmigungsplanung sowie die Netzanschlussplanung. Geplant ist die Errichtung von 5 WEA mit einer Nennleistung von 6 - 7 MW je Anlage.
Dostawa wyposażenia technologicznego na potrzeby Branżowego Centrum Umiejętności w dziedzinie elektryki w Radzyniu Podlaskim. Zamawiający podzieli przedmiot zamówienia na następujące części: Część I: Zestawy dydaktyczne w zakresie odnawialnych źródeł energii, Część II: Zestawy dydaktyczne w zakresie maszyn elektrycznych, Część III: Zestawy dydaktyczne w zakresie elektroenergetyki, Część IV: Narzędzia, Część V: …
The scope of the Project is to award Contracts through this Competitive Dialogue Process whereby the Concessionaire shall be responsible for the design, construction, operation, maintenance, and decommissioning of an offshore Floating Wind Farm for renewable energy supply, in an area at sea which is beyond the territorial waters of …
Notice of Magnet Joint Qualification System (JQS), a portal for supplier qualification and which is used by buyer organisations and all operators in the energy industry to search for, assess and qualify suppliers in accordance with their respective qualification and procurement requirements. Magnet JQS is operated by Offshore Qualific,, …
Servicio de mantenimiento preventivo, predictivo y correctivo del Parque Eólico Teguise I (9,2 MW). Servicio de mantenimiento preventivo, predictivo y correctivo del Parque Eólico Teguise I (9,2 MW).
The Danish Parliament has in recent years agreed to a large expansion in offshore wind farms in Denmark. The aim is to ensure the green transition and strengthening the future security of supply of energy in Denmark. The political agreements that this procurement concerns are: - Climate Agreement from the …
The Danish Parliament has in recent years agreed to a large expansion in offshore wind farms in Denmark. The aim is to ensure the green transition and strengthening the future security of supply of energy in Denmark. The political agreements that this procurement concerns are: - Climate Agreement from the …
The Danish Parliament has in recent years agreed to a large expansion in offshore wind farms in Denmark. The aim is to ensure the green transition and strengthening the future security of supply of energy in Denmark. The political agreements that this procurement concerns are: - Climate Agreement from the …
The Danish Parliament has in recent years agreed to a large expansion in offshore wind farms in Denmark. The aim is to ensure the green transition and strengthening the future security of supply of energy in Denmark. The political agreements that this procurement concerns are: - Climate Agreement from the …