La procedura, probabilmente suddivisa in più lotti territoriali, ha ad oggetto la fornitura franco fornitore e franco cantiere di conglomerato bituminoso ed emulsione per la manutenzione delle rispettive strade di proprietà della Città Metropolitana di Genova che interessino il territorio delimitato dal Lotto stesso. Lotto n. 1 - Valle Stura, …
Fourniture, fabrication et mise en œuvre d’enrobés bitumineux en restructuration, renforcement et/ou couche de roulement y compris réfection de la signalisation horizontale. Fourniture, fabrication et mise en œuvre d’enrobés bitumineux en section courante de jour et de nuit sur une 2X3 voies Les quantités sont données à titre indicatif : …
Fourniture et mise en œuvre d’enrobés bitumineux et de signalisation horizontale sur autoroute en service; A titre indicatif, fourniture et mise en œuvre d’enrobés bitumeux (Travaux de rabotage pour 147 000 m² environ, mise en œuvre d’enrobés pour 35 000 tonnes environ) et de signalisation horizontale.
B50/70, B70/100, B100/150, V6000C, V12000, PMB 45/80-55 ir kitos bitumo rūšys. B50/70, B70/100, B100/150, V6000C, V12000, PMB 45/80-55 ir kitos bitumo rūšys.
The objective of this QSQ is to qualify Applicants onto the Qualifications Systems for the following, the supply and delivery of aggregates (e.g. stone, concrete, bituminous material, etc.) to Uisce Éireann sites, including Local Authority Depots, and non-specific site locations (i.e. to facilitate call out to facilitate emergency repairs, and …
The objective of this QSQ is to qualify Applicants onto the Qualifications Systems for the following, the supply and delivery of aggregates (e.g. stone, concrete, bituminous material, etc.) to Uisce Éireann sites, including Local Authority Depots, and non-specific site locations (i.e. to facilitate call out to facilitate emergency repairs, and …