Upphandlingen avser att säkerställa behovet av en senior konsulttjänst inför hållbarhetsredovisning CSRD Upphandlingen avser att säkerställa behovet av en senior konsulttjänst inför hållbarhetsredovisning CSRD
Rare Vascular Plant Surveys Rare Vascular Plant Surveys
The management of a project to protect nesting Little Terns at Kilcoole in Co. Wicklow, by provision of wardening on the site for the duration of Tern nesting. The management of a project to protect nesting Little Terns at Kilcoole in Co. Wicklow, by provision of wardening on the site …
Multi-parameter water quality sondes capable of long-term deployment in a coastal lagoon, with minimal maintenance requirements and with a suitable telemetry system to permit data to be transmitted at least twice per day, and software to allow for data transfer. Multi-parameter water quality sondes capable of long-term deployment in a …
This panel will remain open until January 2028. To be added to this panel please contact tenders@nsai.ie Consultants required to provide Audit and Technical File Review Services to NSAI Medical Devices This panel will remain open until January 2028. To be added to this panel please contact tenders@nsai.ie Consultants required …
NPWS Agri-Ecology Unit seeks to contract services for the design of NPWS Farm Plans in 2025. In total, 101 individual plans have been identified at the time of publishing this Request for Tender. The role of the farm planner or farm planning team, is to carefully evaluate the receiving environment …
Prestations de contrôle des installations d'assainissement non collectif Prestations de contrôle des installations d'assainissement non collectif
Sustainable Public Procurement Helpdesk for EU-Institutions and -Bodies Sustainable Public Procurement Helpdesk for EU-Institutions and -Bodies
Kontrakten omhandler levering af certificering og audit af HOFORs ledelsessystem. Kontrakten omhandler levering af certificering og audit af HOFORs ledelsessystem.
Etudes environnementales réglementaires au profit du CHU DE BORDEAUX Etudes environnementales réglementaires au profit du CHU DE BORDEAUX