Multi-parameter water quality sondes capable of long-term deployment in a coastal lagoon, with minimal maintenance requirements and with a suitable telemetry system to permit data to be transmitted at least twice per day, and software to allow for data transfer. Multi-parameter water quality sondes capable of long-term deployment in a …
Prestarea de servicii pentru analize lunare de apă uzată din stațiile de pompare conform legislației în vigoare, conform specificaţiilor din Caietul de sarcini. Numărul de zile până la care se pot solicita clarificări înainte de data limită de depunere a ofertelor este de 20 zile. Entitatea contractantă va răspunde în …
Tenders are sought for the Provision of a Soil Sampling and Analysis Programme for Department of Agriculture, Food, and the Marine (DAFM). The Soil Sampling Programme is a farm level soil sampling and analysis initiative which will provide farmers and their advisors with comprehensive details about the nutrient status of …
Udbuddet omfatter prøvetagning, håndtering og analyse af spildevand og spildevandsslam samt prøvetagning og analyser af sand. Alle prøver skal foretages efter gældende eller kommende bekendtgørelser. Udbuddet omfatter prøvetagning, håndtering og analyse af spildevand og spildevandsslam samt prøvetagning og analyser af sand. Alle prøver skal foretages efter gældende eller kommende bekendtgørelser.
The EPA is seeking ecological expertise and technical support in the areas of work and associated requirements specified below. Tenderers are required to demonstrate that they can provide the necessary skills, expertise and experience to meet the requirements in the list of tasks set out below. Each tenderer should provide …