Hankemenetluse esemeks on uurimislaeva rentimine ekspeditsiooniks, mille eesmärk on pelaagiliste kalavarude hüdroakustiline hindamine Läänemere kirdeosas (alampiirkondades 28.2, 29 ja 32) Uurimistööde programm ja renditava uurimislaeva tehniline kirjeldus on esitatud hankedokumendi lisas 1. Hankemenetluse esemeks on uurimislaeva rentimine ekspeditsiooniks, mille eesmärk on pelaagiliste kalavarude hüdroakustiline hindamine Läänemere kirdeosas (alampiirkondades 28.2, 29 …
This tender procedure contained two scenarios. The goal of this tender was to enter into a contract with either two party in Scenario 1 or with one party in Scenario 2 providing suitable access and availability of up to 3 SOV to allow accommodation and transfer of the technician via …
Statnett needs to enter into a Ship Management Agreement for manpower for MS Electron. Statnett would like, for this, contact with the market and feedback from relevant actors who may be interested in a contract with Statnett.
This notice supplements previously published notice from Elektrownia Wiatrowa Baltica – 2 SP. Z o.o. 2022/S 171-485697 (Works). This notice is published on a voluntary basis in order to increase transparency and knowledge about Ørsted Entities' purchases in EU tender procedures. This notice relates to the Contracting Entity’s project for …