Accords-cadres mono-attributaires à bons de commande de fourniture de déguisements historiques pour enfants pour le Centre des monuments nationaux (2 lots) Le présent lot a pour objet la fourniture de déguisements historiques pour enfants et accessoires en bois pour le Centre des monuments nationaux. Il s'agit d'un accord-cadre mono-attributaire à …
ATU wishes to establish a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) under six (6) lots for Computing Accessories for Teaching and Research for all ATU sites, covering products including but not limited to: VEX Robots and Competition Equipment, Educational Robots, Gaming Equipment (Incl. VR headsets) and Software, Mobile Computing (Including phones, tablets, …
ATU wishes to establish a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) under six (6) lots for Computing Accessories for Teaching and Research for all ATU sites, covering products including but not limited to: VEX Robots and Competition Equipment, Educational Robots, Gaming Equipment (Incl. VR headsets) and Software, Mobile Computing (Including phones, tablets, …