The School of Medicine at the University of Limerick requires 3 off life-size digital anatomy education table preloaded with multiple full male and female gross anatomy cadavers in which full external and internal gross anatomy can be volumetrically rendered and displayed from head to toe. The software should allow the …
CPV: 38000000 Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses), 48180000 Medical software package, 31620000 Sound or visual signalling apparatus, 32320000 Television and audio-visual equipment, 32321200 Audio-visual equipment, 33100000 Medical equipments, 33910000 Pathology dissection instruments and supplies, 33912000 Autopsy dissection kits, 33920000 Autopsy equipment and supplies, 33929000 Cadaver tissue builder kits, 39712000 Electrical domestic appliances for use with the human body