The aim of the procurement is to demolish parts of the current buildings in Suldalsosen, as well as to expand with a new abdominal collective. The abdominal collective will be approx. 1400 m2 gross. The aim of the procurement is to demolish parts of the current buildings in Suldalsosen, as …
CPV: 45000000 Construction work, 42500000 Cooling and ventilation equipment, 42520000 Ventilation equipment, 45100000 Site preparation work, 45200000 Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work, 45210000 Building construction work, 45215000 Construction work for buildings relating to health and social services, for crematoriums and public conveniences, 45215100 Construction work for buildings relating to health, 45215200 Construction work for social services buildings, 45215210 Construction work for subsidised residential accommodation, 45215214 Residential homes construction work, 45220000 Engineering works and construction works, 45222000 Construction work for engineering works except bridges, tunnels, shafts and subways, 45223000 Structures construction work, 45260000 Roof works and other special trade construction works, 45300000 Building installation work, 45310000 Electrical installation work, 45320000 Insulation work, 45321000 Thermal insulation work, 45323000 Sound insulation work, 45330000 Plumbing and sanitary works, 45331000 Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning installation work, 45331200 Ventilation and air-conditioning installation work, 45331210 Ventilation installation work, 45332000 Plumbing and drain-laying work, 45400000 Building completion work, 45420000 Joinery and carpentry installation work, 45430000 Floor and wall covering work, 45440000 Painting and glazing work, 45450000 Other building completion work, 71240000 Architectural, engineering and planning services