Diese Vorinformation umfasst mehrere Gewerke bzw. Leistungen bzw. verschiedene Planungsleistungen. Generalplanerleistungen, Architekt, Brandschutz, Technische Ausrüstung (M+E), Tragwerksplanung, Laborplanung, BIM-Manager, BNB Koordinator
CPV: 71200000 Architectural and related services, 71240000 Architectural, engineering and planning services, 71250000 Architectural, engineering and surveying services, 71313000 Environmental engineering consultancy services, 71313200 Sound insulation and room acoustics consultancy services, 71313440 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) services for construction, 71313450 Environmental monitoring for construction, 71314310 Heating engineering services for buildings, 71320000 Engineering design services, 71321000 Engineering design services for mechanical and electrical installations for buildings, 71327000 Load-bearing structure design services, 71541000 Construction project management services