The Provision of Training Services in Engineering and Renewable Energy to Laois and Offaly Education and Training Board LOETB invites tenders to this RFT from private training providers for the provision of training services in Engineering and Renewable Energy training courses. LOETB intend to appoint a single supplier to deliver …
CPV: 71335000 Engineering studies, 80533000 Computer-user familiarisation and training services, 80533100 Computer training services, 92312212 Services related to the preparation of training manuals, 71336000 Engineering support services, 80000000 Education and training services, 80500000 Training services, 80510000 Specialist training services, 80520000 Training facilities, 80521000 Training programme services, 80530000 Vocational training services, 80531000 Industrial and technical training services, 80532000 Management training services