Prestación de los servicios complementarios (mantenimiento, limpieza y conserjería) de los edificios, colegios e instalaciones deportivas dependientes del Distrito de Chamartin, 3 lotes, reservado lote 3 para la contratación con centros especiales de empleo o con empresas de inserción, según disposición adicional 4ª LCSP. Servicio de limpieza, suministro y reposición …
CPV: 44613800 Containers for waste material, 45262500 Masonry and bricklaying work, 98341130 Janitorial services, 50413200 Repair and maintenance services of firefighting equipment, 50510000 Repair and maintenance services of pumps, valves, taps and metal containers, 50514200 Repair and maintenance services of reservoirs, 50531100 Repair and maintenance services of boilers, 50750000 Lift-maintenance services, 50610000 Repair and maintenance services of security equipment, 50700000 Repair and maintenance services of building installations, 50711000 Repair and maintenance services of electrical building installations, 50721000 Commissioning of heating installations, 77311000 Ornamental and pleasure gardens maintenance services, 90919300 School cleaning services, 90911000 Accommodation, building and window cleaning services, 90911200 Building-cleaning services, 90911300 Window-cleaning services, 90919200 Office cleaning services