OPS contract Apotekerkvartalet Kvinesdal

Kvinesdal kommunebygg (hereafter called "KB") has been commissioned by Kvinesdal municipal council to procure premises for the Vitensenteret Sørlandet and co-localised municipal entities in the centre of Liknes, as well as facilitate for a major central development in the Apotekerkvartalet. The main aim of the project is to increase attraction …

CPV: 45000000 Construction work, 70130000 Letting services of own property
Place of execution:
OPS contract Apotekerkvartalet Kvinesdal
Awarding body:
Award number:

1. Buyer

1.1 Buyer

Official name : OFA IKS
Legal type of the buyer : Body governed by public law, controlled by a local authority
Activity of the contracting authority : Public order and safety

1.1 Buyer

Official name : Kvinesdal Kommunebygg AS
Legal type of the buyer : Public undertaking, controlled by a local authority
Activity of the contracting authority : Housing and community amenities

2. Procedure

2.1 Procedure

Title : OPS contract Apotekerkvartalet Kvinesdal
Description : Kvinesdal kommunebygg (hereafter called "KB") has been commissioned by Kvinesdal municipal council to procure premises for the Vitensenteret Sørlandet and co-localised municipal entities in the centre of Liknes, as well as facilitate for a major central development in the Apotekerkvartalet. The main aim of the project is to increase attraction to the city centre, facilitate increased street life, more visitors, more trade, more jobs and a social arena for the use of and for several generations. In addition the establishment of the Science Centre will contribute to strengthening local education and raising competence, technology and innovation. By facilitating sites and having KB as tenants, KB wants a major centrist development project to be realised, beyond the minimum requirements set by KB. The project is facilitated with 3 sites with a total of approx. 1,700 m2. The sites are partially municipal and partly private plots. KB has entered into option contracts for the procurement of these at the possible start of the project. KB needs to rent an area of approx. 1,000 m2, but as an option it can also rent a further 600 m2 in the building, as well as the rent of up to 10 flats with the accompanying common areas in the building. The project has generated a lot of interest among community participants and several relevant tenants and interested parties have signalled that rent could be needed in the new quarter. KB and other actors in the municipality will help with facilitating the project to a tenderer. See Part II Annex 1 for further information on requirements, wishes and objectives for the project.
Procedure identifier : 38c74e54-4309-438c-8a60-41b858933739
Previous notice : 21e624a5-2cce-42c5-b3fd-9090f4b0ac7e-01
Internal identifier : N/A
Type of procedure : Negotiated with prior publication of a call for competition / competitive with negotiation
The procedure is accelerated : no
Justification for the accelerated procedure :
Main features of the procedure : The procurement will be made in accordance with the current Law 17 June 2016 no. 73 on public procurements (LOA) and the regulations 12 August 2016 no. 974 on public procurements (FOA) parts I and III. The procurement will be carried out as a negotiated procedure after a prior notice, cf. the Public Procurement Regulations § 13-1 (2). This procedure will be initiated with a qualification phase (phase 1), in which tenderers shall submit documentation of fulfilment of the qualification requirements. All interested suppliers have the option to submit a request for participation in the competition. Of the qualified tenderers, three to five will be invited to submit tenders in the next stage of the procurement procedure (phase 2), cf. point 9.2. Only tenderers who fulfil the qualification requirements and who are invited will be able to submit a tender (phase 2).

2.1.1 Purpose

Main nature of the contract : Works
Main classification ( cpv ): 45000000 Construction work
Additional classification ( cpv ): 70130000 Letting services of own property

2.1.2 Place of performance

Postal address : Nesgata
Town : Kvinesdal
Postcode : 4480
Country subdivision (NUTS) : Agder ( NO092 )
Country : Norway
Additional information : The location will be a combination of addresses connected to the given address. See the tender documentation and annexes for further information on the actual site and location.

2.1.3 Value

Estimated value excluding VAT : 60 000 000 Norwegian krone

2.1.4 General information

Call for competition is terminated
Legal basis :
Directive 2014/24/EU

5. Lot

5.1 Lot technical ID : LOT-0000

Title : OPS contract Apotekerkvartalet Kvinesdal
Description : Kvinesdal kommunebygg (hereafter called "KB") has been commissioned by Kvinesdal municipal council to procure premises for the Vitensenteret Sørlandet and co-localised municipal entities in the centre of Liknes, as well as facilitate for a major central development in the Apotekerkvartalet. The main aim of the project is to increase attraction to the city centre, facilitate increased street life, more visitors, more trade, more jobs and a social arena for the use of and for several generations. In addition the establishment of the Science Centre will contribute to strengthening local education and raising competence, technology and innovation. By facilitating sites and having KB as tenants, KB wants a major centrist development project to be realised, beyond the minimum requirements set by KB. The project is facilitated with 3 sites with a total of approx. 1,700 m2. The sites are partially municipal and partly private plots. KB has entered into option contracts for the procurement of these at the possible start of the project. KB needs to rent an area of approx. 1,000 m2, but as an option it can also rent a further 600 m2 in the building, as well as the rent of up to 10 flats with the accompanying common areas in the building. The project has generated a lot of interest among community participants and several relevant tenants and interested parties have signalled that rent could be needed in the new quarter. KB and other actors in the municipality will help with facilitating the project to a tenderer. See Part II Annex 1 for further information on requirements, wishes and objectives for the project.
Internal identifier : N/A

5.1.1 Purpose

Main nature of the contract : Works
Main classification ( cpv ): 45000000 Construction work
Additional classification ( cpv ): 70130000 Letting services of own property

5.1.2 Place of performance

Postal address : Nesgata
Town : Kvinesdal
Postcode : 4480
Country subdivision (NUTS) : Agder ( NO092 )
Country : Norway
Additional information : The location will be a combination of addresses connected to the given address. See the tender documentation and annexes for further information on the actual site and location.

5.1.3 Estimated duration

Duration : 20 Year

5.1.5 Value

Estimated value excluding VAT : 60 000 000 Norwegian krone

5.1.6 General information

Procurement Project not financed with EU Funds.
The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) : no

5.1.10 Award criteria

Criterion :
Type : Price
Name : Price/Total Costs
Description : Under this criteria: • Financial carrying capacity and operational model • Need for fixed public service procurements/hire • Risk in the project • Organisation and operational model • Options
Weight (percentage, exact) : 40
Criterion :
Type : Quality
Name : Solution proposal/concept
Description : • Fulfilment of the municipality ́s aims with the project • Environment • Attractiveness and possibilities • Synergies between functions in the project • Architecture
Weight (percentage, exact) : 50
Criterion :
Type : Quality
Name : Implementation ability
Description : • Personnel in the project • Implementation model • Progress plan
Weight (percentage, exact) : 10
Description of the method to be used if weighting cannot be expressed by criteria :
Justification for not indicating the weighting of the award criteria :

5.1.15 Techniques

Framework agreement :
No framework agreement
Information about the dynamic purchasing system :
No dynamic purchase system

5.1.16 Further information, mediation and review

Review organisation : Agder Tingrett

6. Results

6.1 Result lot ldentifier : LOT-0000

No winner was chosen and the competition is closed.
The reason why a winner was not chosen : No tenders, requests to participate or projects were received

6.1.4 Statistical information

Received tenders or requests to participate :
Type of received submissions : Requests to participate
Number of tenders or requests to participate received : 0

8. Organisations

8.1 ORG-0001

Official name : OFA IKS
Registration number : 931 832 336
Postal address : Kjøita 40
Town : Kristiansand
Postcode : 4630
Country : Norway
Contact point : Jon Fredrik Skjerve
Telephone : +47 40234145
Roles of this organisation :

8.1 ORG-0002

Official name : Kvinesdal Kommunebygg AS
Registration number : 984 421 370
Postal address : Nesgata 11
Town : Kvinesdal
Postcode : 4480
Country subdivision (NUTS) : Agder ( NO092 )
Country : Norway
Contact point : Per Sverre
Telephone : +4790912827
Roles of this organisation :
Group leader

8.1 ORG-0003

Official name : Agder Tingrett
Registration number : 974 732 998
Town : Kristiansand
Postcode : 4661
Country : Norway
Telephone : 38176300
Roles of this organisation :
Review organisation

11. Notice information

11.1 Notice information

Notice identifier/version : 5d2e4e78-fa3e-494b-8d75-a305a048b8ef - 01
Form type : Result
Notice type : Contract or concession award notice – standard regime
Notice dispatch date : 10/03/2025 13:03 +00:00
Notice dispatch date (eSender) : 10/03/2025 14:00 +00:00
Languages in which this notice is officially available : English

11.2 Publication information

Notice publication number : 00161448-2025
OJ S issue number : 50/2025
Publication date : 12/03/2025