DA shall enter into a framework agreement for leasing of company vehicles for the land consolidation courts, including administration of leased vehicles and insurance. The land consolidation courts have approx. 260 employees with 34 office locations spread nationwide. The vehicles must be so that the need for safe and environmentally …
CPV: 34000000 Transport equipment and auxiliary products to transportation, 09310000 Electricity, 34100000 Motor vehicles, 34110000 Passenger cars, 34130000 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods, 34131000 Pick-ups, 34144900 Electric vehicles, 34300000 Parts and accessories for vehicles and their engines, 48000000 Software package and information systems, 50100000 Repair, maintenance and associated services of vehicles and related equipment, 50110000 Repair and maintenance services of motor vehicles and associated equipment, 50111000 Fleet management, repair and maintenance services, 50112000 Repair and maintenance services of cars, 66000000 Financial and insurance services, 66500000 Insurance and pension services