Konserwacja i naprawa sprzętu medycznego Konserwacja i naprawa sprzętu technicznego Serwis oprogramowania Utylizacja odpadów szpitalnych Odbiór i zagospodarowanie odpadów szpitalnych Usługi pralnicze Transport medyczny (świadczenie usług transportu medycznego) Usługi ochroniarskie (Usługi ochrony osób i mienia z konwojowaniem wartości pieniężnych) Opracowanie dokumentacji projektowej Usługi ubezpieczeniowe
CPV: 18110000 Occupational clothing, 33199000 Medical clothing, 50000000 Repair and maintenance services, 50110000 Repair and maintenance services of motor vehicles and associated equipment, 50112000 Repair and maintenance services of cars, 50312000 Maintenance and repair of computer equipment, 50312100 Maintenance and repair of mainframe computers, 50422000 Repair and maintenance services of surgical equipment, 50420000 Repair and maintenance services of medical and surgical equipment, 50421000 Repair and maintenance services of medical equipment, 51410000 Installation services of medical equipment, 60100000 Road transport services, 60130000 Special-purpose road passenger-transport services, 66510000 Insurance services, 71220000 Architectural design services, 71221000 Architectural services for buildings, 71240000 Architectural, engineering and planning services, 71242000 Project and design preparation, estimation of costs, 71356000 Technical services, 71356300 Technical support services, 72200000 Software programming and consultancy services, 72250000 System and support services, 72260000 Software-related services, 72611000 Technical computer support services, 79710000 Security services, 90400000 Sewage services, 90500000 Refuse and waste related services, 90524400 Collection, transport and disposal of hospital waste, 98310000 Washing and dry-cleaning services, 98315000 Pressing services