Die Kraftverkehrsgesellschaft mbH Braunschweig plant den Neubau ihres Betriebshof An der Feuerwache 12-20 in Salzgitter-Lebenstedt. Dafür sieht der Bauherr ein nachhaltiges Energiekonzept vor, bei dem die Geothermie Teil eines bivalenten Systems mehrerer Technologien (Sole/Wasser-Wärmepumpe und Luft/ Wasser-Wärmepumpe) ist. Das geplante Erdwärmesondenfeld besteht derzeit dabei aus 21 EWS mit einem Abstand …
CPV: 45000000 Construction work, 45200000 Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work, 45210000 Building construction work, 45220000 Engineering works and construction works, 45230000 Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and railways; flatwork, 45250000 Construction works for plants, mining and manufacturing and for buildings relating to the oil and gas industry, 45251000 Construction works for power plants and heating plants, 45251140 Thermal power plant construction work, 45251141 Geothermal power station construction work, 45251200 Heating plant construction work, 45259000 Repair and maintenance of plant, 45300000 Building installation work, 45311000 Electrical wiring and fitting work, 45314000 Installation of telecommunications equipment, 45315000 Electrical installation work of heating and other electrical building-equipment, 45315100 Electrical engineering installation works, 45320000 Insulation work, 45330000 Plumbing and sanitary works, 45331000 Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning installation work, 45331100 Central-heating installation work, 45432100 Floor laying and covering work, 45120000 Test drilling and boring work, 45231000 Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, 45231100 General construction work for pipelines, 45110000 Building demolition and wrecking work and earthmoving work, 45112500 Earthmoving work, 45112450 Excavation work at archaeological sites, 45113000 Siteworks