The Shield Building is the structure and annulus area that surrounds the containment building and is located in the Nuclear Island (NI). The shield building uses concrete-filled steel plate construction (SC) as well as reinforced concrete sections. The SC40 Shield Building SC Wall Panels scope reflects the cylindrical portion of the concrete-filled steel plate construction for the Shield Building. The Shield Building cylindrical wall has an outside radius of 22.1m and a thickness of 0.91m. For each one (1) unit, there are 167 individually fabricated/shipped SC40 panels. There are four main types of panels, which are further arranged into 56 unique panel ‘groups’ that each represent a unique panel configuration. The panels are steel composite construction with 19.1mm to 25.4mm thick rolled carbon steel plates, welded tie bars, welded tie plates, and welded shear studs. Each SC panel weighs between 12 and 23 metric tonnes. The SC40 scope of supply also includes misc. structural components such as embedment plates, gusset plates, attachment plates, and nuts/washers. The SC40 Shield Building SC Wall Panels scope is classified as Safety Related, Seismic Category I, and Westinghouse Safety Class C. The governing codes and standards include ANSI/AISC N690-1994 and ACI 349-01. 1. Experienced manufacturers / Fabricators capable of fabricating and furnishing AP1000® structural modules and / or shield building (described below), must (i) contact (email and/or phone call) the Westinghouse Contact Person identified in section 1 to express interest and request an AP1000 supplier qualification questionnaire, and (ii) upon receipt, complete the AP1000 supplier qualification questionnaire with sufficient detail for Westinghouse evaluation and return it via email to the Westinghouse contact person. If there are any questions or clarifications needed, please reach out to the contact person listed above. 2. The qualification criteria shall be included in the AP1000 supplier qualification questionnaire, examples thereof include demonstration of: (i) demonstrated experience in furnishing similar scopes in large carbon steel fabrication such as sub-modules that are approximately 11.8m L x 3.1m W x 1m T, workshops having >25 tonne crane capacity), stud shooting, welding of ASTM A706 reinforcing steel, welding of high strength carbon steel, and equipment capabilities to roll and handle plate 25.4mm T x 3.1m W x 11.8m L ; (ii) meeting the quality requirements for such equipment in a nuclear power plant, including having a Westinghouse or NIAC audited nuclear quality program complying with NQA-1 and 10CFR50 Appendix B; (iii) certification of compliance with all applicable governmental policies, requirements, laws and regulations, applicable international treaties or agreements, and other regulatory requirements; (iv) financial standing (solvency) and (v) verification of capabilities. 3. Upon evaluation of your response to the AP1000 supplier qualification questionnaire, Westinghouse will determine if your company meets, or does not meet the qualification requirements and we will provide feedback. Submission of the AP1000 supplier qualification questionnaire does not automatically qualify your company to be supplier for the project. 4. Each qualified Supplier will be required to execute a Proprietary Information Agreement (PIA)(Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)). 5. Companies meeting the qualification criteria and who have executed the PIA will be invited to submit a proposal. 6. The Request for Proposal (RFP) shall include the information about award criteria, scope of work, specifications, drawings, datasheets, terms and condition, and schedule data. 7. The Request for Proposal (RFP) document will be for unit one (1) of the three (3) unit project. 8. The scope of work for the subject RFP will include: • Overall project management, planning, scheduling, and reporting. • Procurement of material. • Material receipt • Preparation of necessary fabrication drawings and procedures (welding, coating, etc.), work packages (travelers), manufacturing and assembly plans, quality and inspection plan(s), shop lifting and handling plan (including lifting lug design, drawings, calculations, and testing), transportation plan, testing plan, weld documentation, personnel and process qualifications, and schedule. • Preparation of the necessary documentation to support site lifting, handling, and movement plans, including any special instructions or requirements for unloading, hauling, and storage. • Preparation of the necessary documentation to support site assembly. • Details of the joint configuration between the field welded steel components • Process qualification procedure and demonstration plans for critical processes including stud welding, automatic welding, long-seam butt welding, dimensional control, weld repairs, etc. • Fabrication based on the existing Westinghouse fleet design (not based on specific fabricator preferences). • Temporary attachments as required per the fabrication process selected. • Cleaning, marking, painting, packaging. • Non-Destructive Examination (NDE) and other Testing requirements as required by Fabrication Specification. 9. The RFP document will require furnishing of a Parent Company Guarantee if the prequalified Supplier is an affiliate of Parent Company. 10. Proposal may be requested in EURO, PLN (Polish Zloty), and/or USD . Furthermore, the proposals may be requested in a combination of Fixed Price (not subject to any price adjustment) and Firm Price (subject to adjustment per mutually agreed upon indices). 11. The final supplier evaluation and selection criteria will include price, compliance with technical, quality, and commercial requirements, experience in furnishing similar equipment, past performance, and compliance with the terms and conditions of purchase. 12. Any companies that do not meet mandatory compliance requirements in section 3 will be excl