Digital Oblique Image Acquisition and AT 2025 and 2026

Complete country cover of Denmark in 10cm digital oblique photos' and aerotriangulation. The contract will be split into five sub-contracts and nobody can win more than two lots. Each lot has more or the same size and all lots have the same technical requirements. The contract in 2025 is covering …

CPV: 71000000 Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services, 71250000 Architectural, engineering and surveying services, 71354000 Map-making services, 71354100 Digital mapping services, 71354200 Aerial mapping services, 71355100 Photogrammetry services, 72314000 Data collection and collation services, 79961200 Aerial photography services
Place of execution:
Digital Oblique Image Acquisition and AT 2025 and 2026
Awarding body:
Agency for Climate data
Award number:

1. Buyer

1.1 Buyer

Official name : Agency for Climate data
Legal type of the buyer : Central government authority
Activity of the contracting authority : General public services

2. Procedure

2.1 Procedure

Title : Digital Oblique Image Acquisition and AT 2025 and 2026
Description : Complete country cover of Denmark in 10cm digital oblique photos' and aerotriangulation. The contract will be split into five sub-contracts and nobody can win more than two lots. Each lot has more or the same size and all lots have the same technical requirements. The contract in 2025 is covering one acquisition period. Due to finical / funding review the contract cannot be offered for more than one acquisition period and cannot be prolonged.
Procedure identifier : 8026c338-551b-4514-af49-582ea22e9561
Previous notice : 790ee112-4d64-44e7-bccb-2022fb242887-01
Internal identifier : 1423-4065
Type of procedure : Open
The procedure is accelerated : no
Justification for the accelerated procedure :
Main features of the procedure :

2.1.1 Purpose

Main nature of the contract : Services
Main classification ( cpv ): 71000000 Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 71250000 Architectural, engineering and surveying services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 71354000 Map-making services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 71354100 Digital mapping services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 71354200 Aerial mapping services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 71355100 Photogrammetry services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 72314000 Data collection and collation services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 79961200 Aerial photography services

2.1.2 Place of performance

Country subdivision (NUTS) : Byen København ( DK011 )
Country : Denmark
Additional information : The service covers the entire country and all lots are spread out over the country

2.1.3 Value

Estimated value excluding VAT : 25 000 000 Danish krone

2.1.4 General information

Call for competition is terminated
Additional information : The Danish Public Procurement Act section § 134 a The contracting authority shall in accordance with section 134 a of the Danish Public Procurement Act exclude economic operators established in a country stated on the EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes and which is not a party to the WTO Government Procurement Agreement or any other binding for Denmark free-trade agreement. Documentation for the grounds for exclusion The tenderer must complete and submit the ESPD as preliminary proof of compliance with the requirements set out in section 148(1)(i)-(iii) of the Danish Public Procurement Act. Prior to the decision on award of the contract, documentation of the information provided in the ESPD must be submitted, see sections 151 and 152 of the Danish Public Procurement Act. By way of documentation that a tenderer does not fall within the scope of one of the grounds for exclusion set out in section 135(1) and (3) and section 137(1)(ii) and (vi), the following must be provided in accordance with section 153 of the Danish Public Procurement Act: - an extract from a relevant register or an equivalent document showing that the tenderer is not encompassed by section 135(1) and a certificate proving that the tenderer does not fall within section 135(3) and section 137(1)(ii) and (vi); - where the country in question does not issue such documentation, or where these do not cover all the cases specified in section 135(1) or (3) and section 137(1) (ii) and (vi), they may be replaced by a declaration on oath or, in countries where there is no provision for declarations on oath, by a solemn declaration made before a competent judicial authority etc. For Danish tenderers, documentation may be provided in the form of a service certificate. Where a tenderer, one or more members of a group or other entities are from another EU/EEA country, such entity must generally provide the types of documentation specified in e-Certis. The contracting authority can however request a tenderer for further documentation and examine such obtained documentation, if the contracting authority considers this being necessary for the correct conduction of the procurement procedure. The tenderer shall not provide documentation for not being subject to the mandatory ground for exclusion set out in section 134 a. For other grounds for exclusion in the Danish Public Procurement Act than stated above, the contracting authority must demonstrate or have sufficiently plausible indications to conclude that one of the grounds for exclusion applies to the tenderer. A tenderer to whom a ground for exclusion applies is excluded from participating in the procurement process, unless the tenderer has provided sufficient documentation of its reliability in accordance with section 138 of the Danish Public Procurement Act, except for the ground for exclusion in section 134 a, where the tenderer does not have the possibility to document reliability. The contracting authority may only exclude a tenderer, if the contracting authority has informed the concerned tenderer that it is subject to a ground for exclusion and if the tenderer has not within an appropriate time limit provided sufficient documentation of its reliability (self-cleaning), or if the provided documentation is not considered sufficient to document reliability. For information on what constitutes sufficient documentation, see section 138(3) of the Danish Public Procurement Act EU’s sanctions against Russia The contracting authority shall also exclude economic operators, which are subject to EU sanctions in accordance with EU regulation 833/2014 with later amendments, Article 5k.
Legal basis :
Directive 2014/24/EU

5. Lot

5.1 Lot technical ID : LOT-0001

Title : Digital Oblique Image Acquisition and AT 2025 and 2026 - Lot 1
Description : Complete country cover of Denmark in 10cm digital oblique photos' and aerotriangulation. The contract will be split into five sub-contracts and nobody can win more than two lots. Each subcontract contains approximate the same amount of work. There same qualifications and technical knowledge is needed for all five lots.
Internal identifier : 1

5.1.1 Purpose

Main nature of the contract : Services
Main classification ( cpv ): 71000000 Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 71250000 Architectural, engineering and surveying services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 71354000 Map-making services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 71354100 Digital mapping services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 71354200 Aerial mapping services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 71355100 Photogrammetry services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 72314000 Data collection and collation services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 79961200 Aerial photography services
Quantity : 8 966 square kilometre
Options :
Description of the options : There are two options in this lot see Annex Q.1 section 3

5.1.2 Place of performance

Country subdivision (NUTS) : Byen København ( DK011 )
Country : Denmark
Additional information : The lot is spread over the entire country.

5.1.3 Estimated duration

Start date : 01/02/2025
Duration end date : 31/12/2026

5.1.5 Value

Estimated value excluding VAT : 5 000 000 Danish krone

5.1.6 General information

Procurement Project not financed with EU Funds.
The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) : yes

5.1.10 Award criteria

Criterion :
Type : Price
Name : Price
Description : See tender material
Category of award threshold criterion : Weight (percentage, exact)
Award criterion number : 35
Criterion :
Type : Quality
Name : Data Acquisition
Description : See tender material
Category of award threshold criterion : Weight (percentage, exact)
Award criterion number : 25
Criterion :
Type : Quality
Name : Post processing
Description : See tender material
Category of award threshold criterion : Weight (percentage, exact)
Award criterion number : 10
Criterion :
Type : Quality
Name : Sample Data
Description : See tender material
Category of award threshold criterion : Weight (percentage, exact)
Award criterion number : 30
Description of the method to be used if weighting cannot be expressed by criteria :
Justification for not indicating the weighting of the award criteria :

5.1.12 Terms of procurement

Information about review deadlines : Pursuant to Consolidated Act no. 593 of 2 June 2016 on the Complaints Board for Public Procurement as amended, the following time limits apply to the filing of requests for a review procedure: Complaints about procurement procedures or decisions falling within Part II of the Danish Public Procurement Act which are not covered by subsection 1 of the Act, must, according to section 7(2) of the Act, be filed with the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement within: (1) 45 calendar days of the contracting authority having published a notice in the Official Journal of the European Union to the effect that the contracting authority has entered into a contract. The time limit is calculated from the date after the date when the notice was published; (2) 30 calendar days, calculated from the date after the date when the contracting authority notified the affected tenderers that a contract based on a framework agreement with reopening of competition or a dynamic purchasing system has been entered into, if the notification contained a statement of the reasons for the decision. (3) six months of the contracting authority having entered into a framework agreement, counted from the date after the date when the contracting authority notified the affected candidates and tenderers, see section 2(2) of the Act, or section 171(4) of the Danish Public Procurement Act. (4) 20 calendar days calculated from the date after the contracting authority has announced its decision, see section 185(2), second sentence, of the Danish Public Procurement Act. If a contracting authority has complied with the procedure outlined in section 4 of the Act to ensure that a contract is not declared ineffective, see section 7(3) of the Act, an application for a review of whether the contracting authority has entered into a contract in contravention of the Public Procurement Directive without prior publication of a contract notice in the Official Journal of the European Union must be filed with the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement within 30 calendar days calculated from the date after the date when the contracting authority has published a notice in the Official Journal of the European Union stating that the contracting authority has entered into a contract, provided that the notice contains the reasons for the contracting authority’s decision to award the contract without prior publication of a contract notice in the Official Journal of the European Union. Not later than on the date of the filing of an application for a review procedure with the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement, the applicant must notify the contracting authority in writing that an application for a review procedure has been filed with the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement, see section 6(4) of the Act. Furthermore, the contracting authority must be informed of whether the application for a review procedure has been filed in the stand-still period, see section 3(1) or (2) of the Act, or during the period of 10 calendar days laid down in section 4(1)(ii). In cases where the application for a review procedure has not been filed in the above-mentioned periods, the applicant must also state whether the applicant has applied for a stay pending the outcome of the review procedure, see section 12(1) of the Act. The Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement’s own review procedure guidelines are available on

5.1.15 Techniques

Framework agreement :
No framework agreement
Information about the dynamic purchasing system :
No dynamic purchase system

5.1.16 Further information, mediation and review

Review organisation : Klagenævnet for Udbud -
Information about review deadlines : Pursuant to Consolidated Act no. 593 of 2 June 2016 on the Complaints Board for Public Procurement as amended, the following time limits apply to the filing of requests for a review procedure: Complaints about procurement procedures or decisions falling within Part II of the Danish Public Procurement Act which are not covered by subsection 1 of the Act, must, according to section 7(2) of the Act, be filed with the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement within: (1) 45 calendar days of the contracting authority having published a notice in the Official Journal of the European Union to the effect that the contracting authority has entered into a contract. The time limit is calculated from the date after the date when the notice was published; (2) 30 calendar days, calculated from the date after the date when the contracting authority notified the affected tenderers that a contract based on a framework agreement with reopening of competition or a dynamic purchasing system has been entered into, if the notification contained a statement of the reasons for the decision. (3) six months of the contracting authority having entered into a framework agreement, counted from the date after the date when the contracting authority notified the affected candidates and tenderers, see section 2(2) of the Act, or section 171(4) of the Danish Public Procurement Act. (4) 20 calendar days calculated from the date after the contracting authority has announced its decision, see section 185(2), second sentence, of the Danish Public Procurement Act. If a contracting authority has complied with the procedure outlined in section 4 of the Act to ensure that a contract is not declared ineffective, see section 7(3) of the Act, an application for a review of whether the contracting authority has entered into a contract in contravention of the Public Procurement Directive without prior publication of a contract notice in the Official Journal of the European Union must be filed with the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement within 30 calendar days calculated from the date after the date when the contracting authority has published a notice in the Official Journal of the European Union stating that the contracting authority has entered into a contract, provided that the notice contains the reasons for the contracting authority’s decision to award the contract without prior publication of a contract notice in the Official Journal of the European Union. Not later than on the date of the filing of an application for a review procedure with the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement, the applicant must notify the contracting authority in writing that an application for a review procedure has been filed with the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement, see section 6(4) of the Act. Furthermore, the contracting authority must be informed of whether the application for a review procedure has been filed in the stand-still period, see section 3(1) or (2) of the Act, or during the period of 10 calendar days laid down in section 4(1)(ii). In cases where the application for a review procedure has not been filed in the above-mentioned periods, the applicant must also state whether the applicant has applied for a stay pending the outcome of the review procedure, see section 12(1) of the Act. The Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement’s own review procedure guidelines are available on
Organisation providing more information on the review procedures : Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen -
Organisation signing the contract : Agency for Climate data

5.1 Lot technical ID : LOT-0002

Title : Digital Oblique Image Acquisition and AT 2025 and 2026 - Lot 2
Description : Complete country cover of Denmark in 10cm digital oblique photos' and aerotriangulation. The contract will be split into five sub-contracts and nobody can win more than two lots. Each subcontract contains approximate the same amount of work. There same qualifications and technical knowledge is needed for all five lots.
Internal identifier : 2

5.1.1 Purpose

Main nature of the contract : Services
Main classification ( cpv ): 71000000 Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 71250000 Architectural, engineering and surveying services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 71354000 Map-making services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 71354100 Digital mapping services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 71354200 Aerial mapping services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 71355100 Photogrammetry services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 72314000 Data collection and collation services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 79961200 Aerial photography services
Quantity : 8 744 square kilometre
Options :
Description of the options : See section 3 in annex Q.1

5.1.2 Place of performance

Country subdivision (NUTS) : Byen København ( DK011 )
Country : Denmark
Additional information :

5.1.3 Estimated duration

Start date : 01/02/2025
Duration end date : 31/12/2028

5.1.5 Value

Estimated value excluding VAT : 5 000 000 Danish krone

5.1.6 General information

Procurement Project not financed with EU Funds.
The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) : yes
Additional information : The Danish Public Procurement Act section § 134 a The contracting authority shall in accordance with section 134 a of the Danish Public Procurement Act exclude economic operators established in a country stated on the EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes and which is not a party to the WTO Government Procurement Agreement or any other binding for Denmark free-trade agreement. Documentation for the grounds for exclusion The tenderer must complete and submit the ESPD as preliminary proof of compliance with the requirements set out in section 148(1)(i)-(iii) of the Danish Public Procurement Act. Prior to the decision on award of the contract, documentation of the information provided in the ESPD must be submitted, see sections 151 and 152 of the Danish Public Procurement Act. By way of documentation that a tenderer does not fall within the scope of one of the grounds for exclusion set out in section 135(1) and (3) and section 137(1)(ii) and (vi), the following must be provided in accordance with section 153 of the Danish Public Procurement Act: - an extract from a relevant register or an equivalent document showing that the tenderer is not encompassed by section 135(1) and a certificate proving that the tenderer does not fall within section 135(3) and section 137(1)(ii) and (vi); - where the country in question does not issue such documentation, or where these do not cover all the cases specified in section 135(1) or (3) and section 137(1) (ii) and (vi), they may be replaced by a declaration on oath or, in countries where there is no provision for declarations on oath, by a solemn declaration made before a competent judicial authority etc. For Danish tenderers, documentation may be provided in the form of a service certificate. Where a tenderer, one or more members of a group or other entities are from another EU/EEA country, such entity must generally provide the types of documentation specified in e-Certis. The contracting authority can however request a tenderer for further documentation and examine such obtained documentation, if the contracting authority considers this being necessary for the correct conduction of the procurement procedure. The tenderer shall not provide documentation for not being subject to the mandatory ground for exclusion set out in section 134 a. For other grounds for exclusion in the Danish Public Procurement Act than stated above, the contracting authority must demonstrate or have sufficiently plausible indications to conclude that one of the grounds for exclusion applies to the tenderer. A tenderer to whom a ground for exclusion applies is excluded from participating in the procurement process, unless the tenderer has provided sufficient documentation of its reliability in accordance with section 138 of the Danish Public Procurement Act, except for the ground for exclusion in section 134 a, where the tenderer does not have the possibility to document reliability. The contracting authority may only exclude a tenderer, if the contracting authority has informed the concerned tenderer that it is subject to a ground for exclusion and if the tenderer has not within an appropriate time limit provided sufficient documentation of its reliability (self-cleaning), or if the provided documentation is not considered sufficient to document reliability. For information on what constitutes sufficient documentation, see section 138(3) of the Danish Public Procurement Act. EU’s sanctions against Russia The contracting authority shall also exclude economic operators, which are subject to EU sanctions in accordance with EU regulation 833/2014 with later amendments, Article 5k.

5.1.10 Award criteria

Criterion :
Type : Price
Name : Price
Description : See tender documents
Category of award threshold criterion : Weight (percentage, exact)
Award criterion number : 35
Criterion :
Type : Quality
Name : Data Acquisition
Description : See tender material
Category of award threshold criterion : Weight (percentage, exact)
Award criterion number : 25
Criterion :
Type : Quality
Name : Post processing
Description : See tender material
Category of award threshold criterion : Weight (percentage, exact)
Award criterion number : 10
Criterion :
Type : Quality
Name : Sample Data
Description : See tender material
Category of award threshold criterion : Weight (percentage, exact)
Award criterion number : 30
Description of the method to be used if weighting cannot be expressed by criteria :
Justification for not indicating the weighting of the award criteria :

5.1.12 Terms of procurement

Information about review deadlines : Pursuant to Consolidated Act no. 593 of 2 June 2016 on the Complaints Board for Public Procurement as amended, the following time limits apply to the filing of requests for a review procedure: Complaints about procurement procedures or decisions falling within Part II of the Danish Public Procurement Act which are not covered by subsection 1 of the Act, must, according to section 7(2) of the Act, be filed with the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement within: (1) 45 calendar days of the contracting authority having published a notice in the Official Journal of the European Union to the effect that the contracting authority has entered into a contract. The time limit is calculated from the date after the date when the notice was published; (2) 30 calendar days, calculated from the date after the date when the contracting authority notified the affected tenderers that a contract based on a framework agreement with reopening of competition or a dynamic purchasing system has been entered into, if the notification contained a statement of the reasons for the decision. (3) six months of the contracting authority having entered into a framework agreement, counted from the date after the date when the contracting authority notified the affected candidates and tenderers, see section 2(2) of the Act, or section 171(4) of the Danish Public Procurement Act. (4) 20 calendar days calculated from the date after the contracting authority has announced its decision, see section 185(2), second sentence, of the Danish Public Procurement Act. If a contracting authority has complied with the procedure outlined in section 4 of the Act to ensure that a contract is not declared ineffective, see section 7(3) of the Act, an application for a review of whether the contracting authority has entered into a contract in contravention of the Public Procurement Directive without prior publication of a contract notice in the Official Journal of the European Union must be filed with the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement within 30 calendar days calculated from the date after the date when the contracting authority has published a notice in the Official Journal of the European Union stating that the contracting authority has entered into a contract, provided that the notice contains the reasons for the contracting authority’s decision to award the contract without prior publication of a contract notice in the Official Journal of the European Union. Not later than on the date of the filing of an application for a review procedure with the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement, the applicant must notify the contracting authority in writing that an application for a review procedure has been filed with the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement, see section 6(4) of the Act. Furthermore, the contracting authority must be informed of whether the application for a review procedure has been filed in the stand-still period, see section 3(1) or (2) of the Act, or during the period of 10 calendar days laid down in section 4(1)(ii). In cases where the application for a review procedure has not been filed in the above-mentioned periods, the applicant must also state whether the applicant has applied for a stay pending the outcome of the review procedure, see section 12(1) of the Act. The Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement’s own review procedure guidelines are available on

5.1.15 Techniques

Framework agreement :
No framework agreement
Information about the dynamic purchasing system :
No dynamic purchase system

5.1.16 Further information, mediation and review

Review organisation : Klagenævnet for Udbud -
Information about review deadlines : Pursuant to Consolidated Act no. 593 of 2 June 2016 on the Complaints Board for Public Procurement as amended, the following time limits apply to the filing of requests for a review procedure: Complaints about procurement procedures or decisions falling within Part II of the Danish Public Procurement Act which are not covered by subsection 1 of the Act, must, according to section 7(2) of the Act, be filed with the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement within: (1) 45 calendar days of the contracting authority having published a notice in the Official Journal of the European Union to the effect that the contracting authority has entered into a contract. The time limit is calculated from the date after the date when the notice was published; (2) 30 calendar days, calculated from the date after the date when the contracting authority notified the affected tenderers that a contract based on a framework agreement with reopening of competition or a dynamic purchasing system has been entered into, if the notification contained a statement of the reasons for the decision. (3) six months of the contracting authority having entered into a framework agreement, counted from the date after the date when the contracting authority notified the affected candidates and tenderers, see section 2(2) of the Act, or section 171(4) of the Danish Public Procurement Act. (4) 20 calendar days calculated from the date after the contracting authority has announced its decision, see section 185(2), second sentence, of the Danish Public Procurement Act. If a contracting authority has complied with the procedure outlined in section 4 of the Act to ensure that a contract is not declared ineffective, see section 7(3) of the Act, an application for a review of whether the contracting authority has entered into a contract in contravention of the Public Procurement Directive without prior publication of a contract notice in the Official Journal of the European Union must be filed with the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement within 30 calendar days calculated from the date after the date when the contracting authority has published a notice in the Official Journal of the European Union stating that the contracting authority has entered into a contract, provided that the notice contains the reasons for the contracting authority’s decision to award the contract without prior publication of a contract notice in the Official Journal of the European Union. Not later than on the date of the filing of an application for a review procedure with the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement, the applicant must notify the contracting authority in writing that an application for a review procedure has been filed with the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement, see section 6(4) of the Act. Furthermore, the contracting authority must be informed of whether the application for a review procedure has been filed in the stand-still period, see section 3(1) or (2) of the Act, or during the period of 10 calendar days laid down in section 4(1)(ii). In cases where the application for a review procedure has not been filed in the above-mentioned periods, the applicant must also state whether the applicant has applied for a stay pending the outcome of the review procedure, see section 12(1) of the Act. The Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement’s own review procedure guidelines are available on
Organisation providing additional information about the procurement procedure : Agency for Climate data -
Organisation providing offline access to the procurement documents : Agency for Climate data -
Organisation providing more information on the review procedures : Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen -
Organisation signing the contract : Agency for Climate data

5.1 Lot technical ID : LOT-0003

Title : Digital Oblique Image Acquisition and AT 2025 and 2026 - Lot 3
Description : Complete country cover of Denmark in 10cm digital oblique photos' and aerotriangulation. The contract will be split into five sub-contracts and nobody can win more than two lots. Each subcontract contains approximate the same amount of work. There same qualifications and technical knowledge is needed for all five lots.
Internal identifier : 3

5.1.1 Purpose

Main nature of the contract : Services
Main classification ( cpv ): 71000000 Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 71250000 Architectural, engineering and surveying services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 71354000 Map-making services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 71354100 Digital mapping services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 71354200 Aerial mapping services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 71355100 Photogrammetry services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 72314000 Data collection and collation services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 79961200 Aerial photography services
Quantity : 8 711 square kilometre
Options :
Description of the options : See section 3 in annex Q.1

5.1.2 Place of performance

Country subdivision (NUTS) : Byen København ( DK011 )
Country : Denmark
Additional information :

5.1.3 Estimated duration

Start date : 01/02/2025
Duration end date : 31/12/2028

5.1.5 Value

Estimated value excluding VAT : 5 000 000 Danish krone

5.1.6 General information

Procurement Project not financed with EU Funds.
The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) : yes
Additional information : The Danish Public Procurement Act section § 134 a The contracting authority shall in accordance with section 134 a of the Danish Public Procurement Act exclude economic operators established in a country stated on the EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes and which is not a party to the WTO Government Procurement Agreement or any other binding for Denmark free-trade agreement. Documentation for the grounds for exclusion The tenderer must complete and submit the ESPD as preliminary proof of compliance with the requirements set out in section 148(1)(i)-(iii) of the Danish Public Procurement Act. Prior to the decision on award of the contract, documentation of the information provided in the ESPD must be submitted, see sections 151 and 152 of the Danish Public Procurement Act. By way of documentation that a tenderer does not fall within the scope of one of the grounds for exclusion set out in section 135(1) and (3) and section 137(1)(ii) and (vi), the following must be provided in accordance with section 153 of the Danish Public Procurement Act: - an extract from a relevant register or an equivalent document showing that the tenderer is not encompassed by section 135(1) and a certificate proving that the tenderer does not fall within section 135(3) and section 137(1)(ii) and (vi); - where the country in question does not issue such documentation, or where these do not cover all the cases specified in section 135(1) or (3) and section 137(1) (ii) and (vi), they may be replaced by a declaration on oath or, in countries where there is no provision for declarations on oath, by a solemn declaration made before a competent judicial authority etc. For Danish tenderers, documentation may be provided in the form of a service certificate. Where a tenderer, one or more members of a group or other entities are from another EU/EEA country, such entity must generally provide the types of documentation specified in e-Certis. The contracting authority can however request a tenderer for further documentation and examine such obtained documentation, if the contracting authority considers this being necessary for the correct conduction of the procurement procedure. The tenderer shall not provide documentation for not being subject to the mandatory ground for exclusion set out in section 134 a. For other grounds for exclusion in the Danish Public Procurement Act than stated above, the contracting authority must demonstrate or have sufficiently plausible indications to conclude that one of the grounds for exclusion applies to the tenderer. A tenderer to whom a ground for exclusion applies is excluded from participating in the procurement process, unless the tenderer has provided sufficient documentation of its reliability in accordance with section 138 of the Danish Public Procurement Act, except for the ground for exclusion in section 134 a, where the tenderer does not have the possibility to document reliability. The contracting authority may only exclude a tenderer, if the contracting authority has informed the concerned tenderer that it is subject to a ground for exclusion and if the tenderer has not within an appropriate time limit provided sufficient documentation of its reliability (self-cleaning), or if the provided documentation is not considered sufficient to document reliability. For information on what constitutes sufficient documentation, see section 138(3) of the Danish Public Procurement Act. EU’s sanctions against Russia The contracting authority shall also exclude economic operators, which are subject to EU sanctions in accordance with EU regulation 833/2014 with later amendments, Article 5k.

5.1.10 Award criteria

Criterion :
Type : Price
Name : Price
Description : See tender material
Category of award threshold criterion : Weight (percentage, exact)
Award criterion number : 35
Criterion :
Type : Quality
Name : Data Acquisition
Description : See tender material
Category of award threshold criterion : Weight (percentage, exact)
Award criterion number : 25
Criterion :
Type : Quality
Name : Dataprocessing
Description : See tender material
Category of award threshold criterion : Weight (percentage, exact)
Award criterion number : 10
Criterion :
Type : Quality
Name : Sample Data
Description : See tender material
Category of award threshold criterion : Weight (percentage, exact)
Award criterion number : 30
Description of the method to be used if weighting cannot be expressed by criteria :
Justification for not indicating the weighting of the award criteria :

5.1.12 Terms of procurement

Information about review deadlines : Pursuant to Consolidated Act no. 593 of 2 June 2016 on the Complaints Board for Public Procurement as amended, the following time limits apply to the filing of requests for a review procedure: Complaints about procurement procedures or decisions falling within Part II of the Danish Public Procurement Act which are not covered by subsection 1 of the Act, must, according to section 7(2) of the Act, be filed with the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement within: (1) 45 calendar days of the contracting authority having published a notice in the Official Journal of the European Union to the effect that the contracting authority has entered into a contract. The time limit is calculated from the date after the date when the notice was published; (2) 30 calendar days, calculated from the date after the date when the contracting authority notified the affected tenderers that a contract based on a framework agreement with reopening of competition or a dynamic purchasing system has been entered into, if the notification contained a statement of the reasons for the decision. (3) six months of the contracting authority having entered into a framework agreement, counted from the date after the date when the contracting authority notified the affected candidates and tenderers, see section 2(2) of the Act, or section 171(4) of the Danish Public Procurement Act. (4) 20 calendar days calculated from the date after the contracting authority has announced its decision, see section 185(2), second sentence, of the Danish Public Procurement Act. If a contracting authority has complied with the procedure outlined in section 4 of the Act to ensure that a contract is not declared ineffective, see section 7(3) of the Act, an application for a review of whether the contracting authority has entered into a contract in contravention of the Public Procurement Directive without prior publication of a contract notice in the Official Journal of the European Union must be filed with the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement within 30 calendar days calculated from the date after the date when the contracting authority has published a notice in the Official Journal of the European Union stating that the contracting authority has entered into a contract, provided that the notice contains the reasons for the contracting authority’s decision to award the contract without prior publication of a contract notice in the Official Journal of the European Union. Not later than on the date of the filing of an application for a review procedure with the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement, the applicant must notify the contracting authority in writing that an application for a review procedure has been filed with the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement, see section 6(4) of the Act. Furthermore, the contracting authority must be informed of whether the application for a review procedure has been filed in the stand-still period, see section 3(1) or (2) of the Act, or during the period of 10 calendar days laid down in section 4(1)(ii). In cases where the application for a review procedure has not been filed in the above-mentioned periods, the applicant must also state whether the applicant has applied for a stay pending the outcome of the review procedure, see section 12(1) of the Act. The Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement’s own review procedure guidelines are available on

5.1.15 Techniques

Framework agreement :
No framework agreement
Information about the dynamic purchasing system :
No dynamic purchase system

5.1.16 Further information, mediation and review

Review organisation : Klagenævnet for Udbud -
Information about review deadlines : Pursuant to Consolidated Act no. 593 of 2 June 2016 on the Complaints Board for Public Procurement as amended, the following time limits apply to the filing of requests for a review procedure: Complaints about procurement procedures or decisions falling within Part II of the Danish Public Procurement Act which are not covered by subsection 1 of the Act, must, according to section 7(2) of the Act, be filed with the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement within: (1) 45 calendar days of the contracting authority having published a notice in the Official Journal of the European Union to the effect that the contracting authority has entered into a contract. The time limit is calculated from the date after the date when the notice was published; (2) 30 calendar days, calculated from the date after the date when the contracting authority notified the affected tenderers that a contract based on a framework agreement with reopening of competition or a dynamic purchasing system has been entered into, if the notification contained a statement of the reasons for the decision. (3) six months of the contracting authority having entered into a framework agreement, counted from the date after the date when the contracting authority notified the affected candidates and tenderers, see section 2(2) of the Act, or section 171(4) of the Danish Public Procurement Act. (4) 20 calendar days calculated from the date after the contracting authority has announced its decision, see section 185(2), second sentence, of the Danish Public Procurement Act. If a contracting authority has complied with the procedure outlined in section 4 of the Act to ensure that a contract is not declared ineffective, see section 7(3) of the Act, an application for a review of whether the contracting authority has entered into a contract in contravention of the Public Procurement Directive without prior publication of a contract notice in the Official Journal of the European Union must be filed with the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement within 30 calendar days calculated from the date after the date when the contracting authority has published a notice in the Official Journal of the European Union stating that the contracting authority has entered into a contract, provided that the notice contains the reasons for the contracting authority’s decision to award the contract without prior publication of a contract notice in the Official Journal of the European Union. Not later than on the date of the filing of an application for a review procedure with the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement, the applicant must notify the contracting authority in writing that an application for a review procedure has been filed with the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement, see section 6(4) of the Act. Furthermore, the contracting authority must be informed of whether the application for a review procedure has been filed in the stand-still period, see section 3(1) or (2) of the Act, or during the period of 10 calendar days laid down in section 4(1)(ii). In cases where the application for a review procedure has not been filed in the above-mentioned periods, the applicant must also state whether the applicant has applied for a stay pending the outcome of the review procedure, see section 12(1) of the Act. The Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement’s own review procedure guidelines are available on
Organisation providing additional information about the procurement procedure : Agency for Climate data -
Organisation providing offline access to the procurement documents : Agency for Climate data -
Organisation providing more information on the review procedures : Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen -
Organisation signing the contract : Agency for Climate data

5.1 Lot technical ID : LOT-0004

Title : Digital Oblique Image Acquisition and AT 2025 and 2026 - Lot 4
Description : Complete country cover of Denmark in 10cm digital oblique photos' and aerotriangulation. The contract will be split into five sub-contracts and nobody can win more than two lots. Each subcontract contains approximate the same amount of work. There same qualifications and technical knowledge is needed for all five lots.
Internal identifier : 4

5.1.1 Purpose

Main nature of the contract : Services
Main classification ( cpv ): 71000000 Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 71250000 Architectural, engineering and surveying services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 71354000 Map-making services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 71354100 Digital mapping services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 71354200 Aerial mapping services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 71355100 Photogrammetry services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 72314000 Data collection and collation services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 79961200 Aerial photography services
Quantity : 8 526 square kilometre
Options :
Description of the options : See section 3 in annex Q.1

5.1.2 Place of performance

Country subdivision (NUTS) : Byen København ( DK011 )
Country : Denmark
Additional information :

5.1.3 Estimated duration

Start date : 01/02/2025
Duration end date : 31/12/2028

5.1.5 Value

Estimated value excluding VAT : 5 000 000 Danish krone

5.1.6 General information

Procurement Project not financed with EU Funds.
The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) : yes
Additional information : The Danish Public Procurement Act section § 134 a The contracting authority shall in accordance with section 134 a of the Danish Public Procurement Act exclude economic operators established in a country stated on the EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes and which is not a party to the WTO Government Procurement Agreement or any other binding for Denmark free-trade agreement. Documentation for the grounds for exclusion The tenderer must complete and submit the ESPD as preliminary proof of compliance with the requirements set out in section 148(1)(i)-(iii) of the Danish Public Procurement Act. Prior to the decision on award of the contract, documentation of the information provided in the ESPD must be submitted, see sections 151 and 152 of the Danish Public Procurement Act. By way of documentation that a tenderer does not fall within the scope of one of the grounds for exclusion set out in section 135(1) and (3) and section 137(1)(ii) and (vi), the following must be provided in accordance with section 153 of the Danish Public Procurement Act: - an extract from a relevant register or an equivalent document showing that the tenderer is not encompassed by section 135(1) and a certificate proving that the tenderer does not fall within section 135(3) and section 137(1)(ii) and (vi); - where the country in question does not issue such documentation, or where these do not cover all the cases specified in section 135(1) or (3) and section 137(1) (ii) and (vi), they may be replaced by a declaration on oath or, in countries where there is no provision for declarations on oath, by a solemn declaration made before a competent judicial authority etc. For Danish tenderers, documentation may be provided in the form of a service certificate. Where a tenderer, one or more members of a group or other entities are from another EU/EEA country, such entity must generally provide the types of documentation specified in e-Certis. The contracting authority can however request a tenderer for further documentation and examine such obtained documentation, if the contracting authority considers this being necessary for the correct conduction of the procurement procedure. The tenderer shall not provide documentation for not being subject to the mandatory ground for exclusion set out in section 134 a. For other grounds for exclusion in the Danish Public Procurement Act than stated above, the contracting authority must demonstrate or have sufficiently plausible indications to conclude that one of the grounds for exclusion applies to the tenderer. A tenderer to whom a ground for exclusion applies is excluded from participating in the procurement process, unless the tenderer has provided sufficient documentation of its reliability in accordance with section 138 of the Danish Public Procurement Act, except for the ground for exclusion in section 134 a, where the tenderer does not have the possibility to document reliability. The contracting authority may only exclude a tenderer, if the contracting authority has informed the concerned tenderer that it is subject to a ground for exclusion and if the tenderer has not within an appropriate time limit provided sufficient documentation of its reliability (self-cleaning), or if the provided documentation is not considered sufficient to document reliability. For information on what constitutes sufficient documentation, see section 138(3) of the Danish Public Procurement Act. EU’s sanctions against Russia The contracting authority shall also exclude economic operators, which are subject to EU sanctions in accordance with EU regulation 833/2014 with later amendments, Article 5k.

5.1.10 Award criteria

Criterion :
Type : Price
Name : Price
Description : See tender material
Category of award threshold criterion : Weight (percentage, exact)
Award criterion number : 35
Criterion :
Type : Quality
Name : Data Acquisition
Description : See tender material
Category of award threshold criterion : Weight (percentage, exact)
Award criterion number : 25
Criterion :
Type : Quality
Name : Post processing
Description : See tender material
Category of award threshold criterion : Weight (percentage, exact)
Award criterion number : 10
Criterion :
Type : Quality
Name : Sample Data
Description : See tender material
Category of award threshold criterion : Weight (percentage, exact)
Award criterion number : 30
Description of the method to be used if weighting cannot be expressed by criteria :
Justification for not indicating the weighting of the award criteria :

5.1.12 Terms of procurement

Information about review deadlines : Pursuant to Consolidated Act no. 593 of 2 June 2016 on the Complaints Board for Public Procurement as amended, the following time limits apply to the filing of requests for a review procedure: Complaints about procurement procedures or decisions falling within Part II of the Danish Public Procurement Act which are not covered by subsection 1 of the Act, must, according to section 7(2) of the Act, be filed with the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement within: (1) 45 calendar days of the contracting authority having published a notice in the Official Journal of the European Union to the effect that the contracting authority has entered into a contract. The time limit is calculated from the date after the date when the notice was published; (2) 30 calendar days, calculated from the date after the date when the contracting authority notified the affected tenderers that a contract based on a framework agreement with reopening of competition or a dynamic purchasing system has been entered into, if the notification contained a statement of the reasons for the decision. (3) six months of the contracting authority having entered into a framework agreement, counted from the date after the date when the contracting authority notified the affected candidates and tenderers, see section 2(2) of the Act, or section 171(4) of the Danish Public Procurement Act. (4) 20 calendar days calculated from the date after the contracting authority has announced its decision, see section 185(2), second sentence, of the Danish Public Procurement Act. If a contracting authority has complied with the procedure outlined in section 4 of the Act to ensure that a contract is not declared ineffective, see section 7(3) of the Act, an application for a review of whether the contracting authority has entered into a contract in contravention of the Public Procurement Directive without prior publication of a contract notice in the Official Journal of the European Union must be filed with the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement within 30 calendar days calculated from the date after the date when the contracting authority has published a notice in the Official Journal of the European Union stating that the contracting authority has entered into a contract, provided that the notice contains the reasons for the contracting authority’s decision to award the contract without prior publication of a contract notice in the Official Journal of the European Union. Not later than on the date of the filing of an application for a review procedure with the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement, the applicant must notify the contracting authority in writing that an application for a review procedure has been filed with the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement, see section 6(4) of the Act. Furthermore, the contracting authority must be informed of whether the application for a review procedure has been filed in the stand-still period, see section 3(1) or (2) of the Act, or during the period of 10 calendar days laid down in section 4(1)(ii). In cases where the application for a review procedure has not been filed in the above-mentioned periods, the applicant must also state whether the applicant has applied for a stay pending the outcome of the review procedure, see section 12(1) of the Act. The Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement’s own review procedure guidelines are available on

5.1.15 Techniques

Framework agreement :
No framework agreement
Information about the dynamic purchasing system :
No dynamic purchase system

5.1.16 Further information, mediation and review

Review organisation : Klagenævnet for Udbud -
Information about review deadlines : Pursuant to Consolidated Act no. 593 of 2 June 2016 on the Complaints Board for Public Procurement as amended, the following time limits apply to the filing of requests for a review procedure: Complaints about procurement procedures or decisions falling within Part II of the Danish Public Procurement Act which are not covered by subsection 1 of the Act, must, according to section 7(2) of the Act, be filed with the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement within: (1) 45 calendar days of the contracting authority having published a notice in the Official Journal of the European Union to the effect that the contracting authority has entered into a contract. The time limit is calculated from the date after the date when the notice was published; (2) 30 calendar days, calculated from the date after the date when the contracting authority notified the affected tenderers that a contract based on a framework agreement with reopening of competition or a dynamic purchasing system has been entered into, if the notification contained a statement of the reasons for the decision. (3) six months of the contracting authority having entered into a framework agreement, counted from the date after the date when the contracting authority notified the affected candidates and tenderers, see section 2(2) of the Act, or section 171(4) of the Danish Public Procurement Act. (4) 20 calendar days calculated from the date after the contracting authority has announced its decision, see section 185(2), second sentence, of the Danish Public Procurement Act. If a contracting authority has complied with the procedure outlined in section 4 of the Act to ensure that a contract is not declared ineffective, see section 7(3) of the Act, an application for a review of whether the contracting authority has entered into a contract in contravention of the Public Procurement Directive without prior publication of a contract notice in the Official Journal of the European Union must be filed with the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement within 30 calendar days calculated from the date after the date when the contracting authority has published a notice in the Official Journal of the European Union stating that the contracting authority has entered into a contract, provided that the notice contains the reasons for the contracting authority’s decision to award the contract without prior publication of a contract notice in the Official Journal of the European Union. Not later than on the date of the filing of an application for a review procedure with the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement, the applicant must notify the contracting authority in writing that an application for a review procedure has been filed with the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement, see section 6(4) of the Act. Furthermore, the contracting authority must be informed of whether the application for a review procedure has been filed in the stand-still period, see section 3(1) or (2) of the Act, or during the period of 10 calendar days laid down in section 4(1)(ii). In cases where the application for a review procedure has not been filed in the above-mentioned periods, the applicant must also state whether the applicant has applied for a stay pending the outcome of the review procedure, see section 12(1) of the Act. The Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement’s own review procedure guidelines are available on
Organisation providing additional information about the procurement procedure : Agency for Climate data -
Organisation providing offline access to the procurement documents : Agency for Climate data -
Organisation providing more information on the review procedures : Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen -
Organisation signing the contract : Agency for Climate data

5.1 Lot technical ID : LOT-0005

Title : Digital Oblique Image Acquisition and AT 2025 and 2026 - Lot 5
Description : Complete country cover of Denmark in 10cm digital oblique photos' and aerotriangulation. The contract will be split into five sub-contracts and nobody can win more than two lots. Each subcontract contains approximate the same amount of work. There same qualifications and technical knowledge is needed for all five lots.
Internal identifier : 5

5.1.1 Purpose

Main nature of the contract : Services
Main classification ( cpv ): 71000000 Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 71250000 Architectural, engineering and surveying services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 71354000 Map-making services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 71354100 Digital mapping services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 71354200 Aerial mapping services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 71355100 Photogrammetry services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 72314000 Data collection and collation services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 79961200 Aerial photography services
Quantity : 8 117 square kilometre
Options :
Description of the options : See section 3 in annex Q.1

5.1.2 Place of performance

Country subdivision (NUTS) : Byen København ( DK011 )
Country : Denmark
Additional information :

5.1.3 Estimated duration

Start date : 01/02/2025
Duration end date : 31/12/2028

5.1.5 Value

Estimated value excluding VAT : 5 000 000 Danish krone

5.1.6 General information

Procurement Project not financed with EU Funds.
The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) : yes
Additional information : The Danish Public Procurement Act section § 134 a The contracting authority shall in accordance with section 134 a of the Danish Public Procurement Act exclude economic operators established in a country stated on the EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes and which is not a party to the WTO Government Procurement Agreement or any other binding for Denmark free-trade agreement. Documentation for the grounds for exclusion The tenderer must complete and submit the ESPD as preliminary proof of compliance with the requirements set out in section 148(1)(i)-(iii) of the Danish Public Procurement Act. Prior to the decision on award of the contract, documentation of the information provided in the ESPD must be submitted, see sections 151 and 152 of the Danish Public Procurement Act. By way of documentation that a tenderer does not fall within the scope of one of the grounds for exclusion set out in section 135(1) and (3) and section 137(1)(ii) and (vi), the following must be provided in accordance with section 153 of the Danish Public Procurement Act: - an extract from a relevant register or an equivalent document showing that the tenderer is not encompassed by section 135(1) and a certificate proving that the tenderer does not fall within section 135(3) and section 137(1)(ii) and (vi); - where the country in question does not issue such documentation, or where these do not cover all the cases specified in section 135(1) or (3) and section 137(1) (ii) and (vi), they may be replaced by a declaration on oath or, in countries where there is no provision for declarations on oath, by a solemn declaration made before a competent judicial authority etc. For Danish tenderers, documentation may be provided in the form of a service certificate. Where a tenderer, one or more members of a group or other entities are from another EU/EEA country, such entity must generally provide the types of documentation specified in e-Certis. The contracting authority can however request a tenderer for further documentation and examine such obtained documentation, if the contracting authority considers this being necessary for the correct conduction of the procurement procedure. The tenderer shall not provide documentation for not being subject to the mandatory ground for exclusion set out in section 134 a. For other grounds for exclusion in the Danish Public Procurement Act than stated above, the contracting authority must demonstrate or have sufficiently plausible indications to conclude that one of the grounds for exclusion applies to the tenderer. A tenderer to whom a ground for exclusion applies is excluded from participating in the procurement process, unless the tenderer has provided sufficient documentation of its reliability in accordance with section 138 of the Danish Public Procurement Act, except for the ground for exclusion in section 134 a, where the tenderer does not have the possibility to document reliability. The contracting authority may only exclude a tenderer, if the contracting authority has informed the concerned tenderer that it is subject to a ground for exclusion and if the tenderer has not within an appropriate time limit provided sufficient documentation of its reliability (self-cleaning), or if the provided documentation is not considered sufficient to document reliability. For information on what constitutes sufficient documentation, see section 138(3) of the Danish Public Procurement Act. EU’s sanctions against Russia The contracting authority shall also exclude economic operators, which are subject to EU sanctions in accordance with EU regulation 833/2014 with later amendments, Article 5k.

5.1.10 Award criteria

Criterion :
Type : Price
Name : Price
Description : See tender material
Category of award threshold criterion : Weight (percentage, exact)
Award criterion number : 35
Criterion :
Type : Quality
Name : Data Acquisition
Description : See tender material
Category of award threshold criterion : Weight (percentage, exact)
Award criterion number : 25
Criterion :
Type : Quality
Name : Post processing
Description : See tender material
Category of award threshold criterion : Weight (percentage, exact)
Award criterion number : 10
Criterion :
Type : Quality
Name : Sample Data
Description : See tender material
Category of award threshold criterion : Weight (percentage, exact)
Award criterion number : 30
Description of the method to be used if weighting cannot be expressed by criteria :
Justification for not indicating the weighting of the award criteria :

5.1.12 Terms of procurement

Information about review deadlines : The tenderer must complete and submit the ESPD as preliminary proof of compliance with the requirements set out in section 148(1)(i)-(iii) of the Danish Public Procurement Act. Prior to the decision on award of the contract, documentation of the information provided in the ESPD must be submitted, see sections 151 and 152 of the Danish Public Procurement Act. By way of documentation that a tenderer does not fall within the scope of one of the grounds for exclusion set out in section 135(1) and (3) and section 137(1)(ii) and (vi), the following must be provided in accordance with section 153 of the Danish Public Procurement Act: - an extract from a relevant register or an equivalent document showing that the tenderer is not encompassed by section 135(1) and a certificate proving that the tenderer does not fall within section 135(3) and section 137(1)(ii) and (vi); - where the country in question does not issue such documentation, or where these do not cover all the cases specified in section 135(1) or (3) and section 137(1) (ii) and (vi), they may be replaced by a declaration on oath or, in countries where there is no provision for declarations on oath, by a solemn declaration made before a competent judicial authority etc. For Danish tenderers, documentation may be provided in the form of a service certificate. Where a tenderer, one or more members of a group or other entities are from another EU/EEA country, such entity must generally provide the types of documentation specified in e-Certis. The contracting authority can however request a tenderer for further documentation and examine such obtained documentation, if the contracting authority considers this being necessary for the correct conduction of the procurement procedure. The tenderer shall not provide documentation for not being subject to the mandatory ground for exclusion set out in section 134 a. For other grounds for exclusion in the Danish Public Procurement Act than stated above, the contracting authority must demonstrate or have sufficiently plausible indications to conclude that one of the grounds for exclusion applies to the tenderer. A tenderer to whom a ground for exclusion applies is excluded from participating in the procurement process, unless the tenderer has provided sufficient documentation of its reliability in accordance with section 138 of the Danish Public Procurement Act, except for the ground for exclusion in section 134 a, where the tenderer does not have the possibility to document reliability. The contracting authority may only exclude a tenderer, if the contracting authority has informed the concerned tenderer that it is subject to a ground for exclusion and if the tenderer has not within an appropriate time limit provided sufficient documentation of its reliability (self-cleaning), or if the provided documentation is not considered sufficient to document reliability. For information on what constitutes sufficient documentation, see section 138(3) of the Danish Public Procurement Act.

5.1.15 Techniques

Framework agreement :
No framework agreement
Information about the dynamic purchasing system :
No dynamic purchase system

5.1.16 Further information, mediation and review

Review organisation : Klagenævnet for Udbud -
Information about review deadlines : The tenderer must complete and submit the ESPD as preliminary proof of compliance with the requirements set out in section 148(1)(i)-(iii) of the Danish Public Procurement Act. Prior to the decision on award of the contract, documentation of the information provided in the ESPD must be submitted, see sections 151 and 152 of the Danish Public Procurement Act. By way of documentation that a tenderer does not fall within the scope of one of the grounds for exclusion set out in section 135(1) and (3) and section 137(1)(ii) and (vi), the following must be provided in accordance with section 153 of the Danish Public Procurement Act: - an extract from a relevant register or an equivalent document showing that the tenderer is not encompassed by section 135(1) and a certificate proving that the tenderer does not fall within section 135(3) and section 137(1)(ii) and (vi); - where the country in question does not issue such documentation, or where these do not cover all the cases specified in section 135(1) or (3) and section 137(1) (ii) and (vi), they may be replaced by a declaration on oath or, in countries where there is no provision for declarations on oath, by a solemn declaration made before a competent judicial authority etc. For Danish tenderers, documentation may be provided in the form of a service certificate. Where a tenderer, one or more members of a group or other entities are from another EU/EEA country, such entity must generally provide the types of documentation specified in e-Certis. The contracting authority can however request a tenderer for further documentation and examine such obtained documentation, if the contracting authority considers this being necessary for the correct conduction of the procurement procedure. The tenderer shall not provide documentation for not being subject to the mandatory ground for exclusion set out in section 134 a. For other grounds for exclusion in the Danish Public Procurement Act than stated above, the contracting authority must demonstrate or have sufficiently plausible indications to conclude that one of the grounds for exclusion applies to the tenderer. A tenderer to whom a ground for exclusion applies is excluded from participating in the procurement process, unless the tenderer has provided sufficient documentation of its reliability in accordance with section 138 of the Danish Public Procurement Act, except for the ground for exclusion in section 134 a, where the tenderer does not have the possibility to document reliability. The contracting authority may only exclude a tenderer, if the contracting authority has informed the concerned tenderer that it is subject to a ground for exclusion and if the tenderer has not within an appropriate time limit provided sufficient documentation of its reliability (self-cleaning), or if the provided documentation is not considered sufficient to document reliability. For information on what constitutes sufficient documentation, see section 138(3) of the Danish Public Procurement Act.
Organisation providing more information on the review procedures : Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen -
Organisation signing the contract : Agency for Climate data

6. Results

Value of all contracts awarded in this notice : 16 000 000 Danish krone

6.1 Result lot ldentifier : LOT-0001

At least one winner was chosen.

6.1.2 Information about winners

Winner :
Official name : AVT-Airborne Sensing GmbH
Tender :
Tender identifier : Digital Oblique Image Acquisition and AT 2025 and 2026 - Lot 1 - AVT-Airborne Sensing GmbH
Identifier of lot or group of lots : LOT-0001
Value of the tender : 3 700 000 Danish krone
The tender was ranked : no
The tender is a variant : no
Contract information :
Identifier of the contract : Digital Oblique Image Acquisition and AT 2025 and 2026 - Lot 1 - AVT-Airborne Sensing GmbH
Date on which the winner was chosen : 06/12/2024
Date of the conclusion of the contract : 17/01/2025
Organisation signing the contract : Agency for Climate data

6.1.4 Statistical information

Received tenders or requests to participate :
Type of received submissions : Tenders
Number of tenders or requests to participate received : 14
Type of received submissions : Tenders from medium tenderers
Number of tenders or requests to participate received : 10
Range of tenders :
Value of the lowest admissible tender : 2 700 000 Danish krone
Value of the highest admissible tender : 4 000 000 Danish krone

6.1 Result lot ldentifier : LOT-0002

At least one winner was chosen.

6.1.2 Information about winners

Winner :
Official name : GEOREAL spol. s r.o.
Tender :
Tender identifier : Digital Oblique Image Acquisition and AT 2025 and 2026 - Lot 2 - GEOREAL spol. s r.o.
Identifier of lot or group of lots : LOT-0002
Value of the tender : 2 600 000 Danish krone
The tender is a variant : no
Contract information :
Identifier of the contract : Digital Oblique Image Acquisition and AT 2025 and 2026 - Lot 2 - GEOREAL spol. s r.o.
Date on which the winner was chosen : 06/12/2024
Date of the conclusion of the contract : 17/01/2025
Organisation signing the contract : Agency for Climate data

6.1.4 Statistical information

Received tenders or requests to participate :
Type of received submissions : Tenders
Number of tenders or requests to participate received : 14
Type of received submissions : Tenders from micro, small or medium tenderers
Number of tenders or requests to participate received : 10
Range of tenders :
Value of the lowest admissible tender : 2 500 000 Danish krone
Value of the highest admissible tender : 3 800 000 Danish krone

6.1 Result lot ldentifier : LOT-0003

At least one winner was chosen.

6.1.2 Information about winners

Winner :
Official name : GeoFly GmbH
Tender :
Tender identifier : Digital Oblique Image Acquisition and AT 2025 and 2026 - Lot 3 - GeoFly GmbH
Identifier of lot or group of lots : LOT-0003
Value of the tender : 2 900 000 Danish krone
The tender is a variant : no
Contract information :
Identifier of the contract : Digital Oblique Image Acquisition and AT 2025 and 2026 - Lot 3 - GeoFly GmbH
Date on which the winner was chosen : 06/12/2024
Date of the conclusion of the contract : 17/01/2025
Organisation signing the contract : Agency for Climate data

6.1.4 Statistical information

Received tenders or requests to participate :
Type of received submissions : Tenders
Number of tenders or requests to participate received : 14
Type of received submissions : Tenders from micro, small or medium tenderers
Number of tenders or requests to participate received : 10
Range of tenders :
Value of the lowest admissible tender : 2 700 000 Danish krone
Value of the highest admissible tender : 3 800 000 Danish krone

6.1 Result lot ldentifier : LOT-0004

At least one winner was chosen.

6.1.2 Information about winners

Winner :
Official name : AVT-Airborne Sensing GmbH
Tender :
Tender identifier : Digital Oblique Image Acquisition and AT 2025 and 2026 - Lot 4 - AVT-Airborne Sensing GmbH
Identifier of lot or group of lots : LOT-0004
Value of the tender : 3 800 000 Danish krone
The tender is a variant : no
Contract information :
Identifier of the contract : Digital Oblique Image Acquisition and AT 2025 and 2026 - Lot 4 - AVT-Airborne Sensing GmbH
Date on which the winner was chosen : 06/12/2024
Date of the conclusion of the contract : 17/01/2025
Organisation signing the contract : Agency for Climate data

6.1.4 Statistical information

Received tenders or requests to participate :
Type of received submissions : Tenders
Number of tenders or requests to participate received : 14
Type of received submissions : Tenders from micro, small or medium tenderers
Number of tenders or requests to participate received : 10
Range of tenders :
Value of the lowest admissible tender : 2 900 000 Danish krone
Value of the highest admissible tender : 3 800 000 Danish krone

6.1 Result lot ldentifier : LOT-0005

At least one winner was chosen.

6.1.2 Information about winners

Winner :
Official name : Primis spol. s r. o.
Tender :
Tender identifier : Digital Oblique Image Acquisition and AT 2025 and 2026 - Lot 5 - Primis spol. s r. o.
Identifier of lot or group of lots : LOT-0005
Value of the tender : 3 000 000 Danish krone
The tender is a variant : no
Contract information :
Identifier of the contract : Digital Oblique Image Acquisition and AT 2025 and 2026 - Lot 5 - Primis spol. s r. o.
Date on which the winner was chosen : 06/12/2024
Date of the conclusion of the contract : 17/01/2025
Organisation signing the contract : Agency for Climate data

6.1.4 Statistical information

Received tenders or requests to participate :
Type of received submissions : Tenders
Number of tenders or requests to participate received : 14
Type of received submissions : Tenders from micro, small or medium tenderers
Number of tenders or requests to participate received : 10
Range of tenders :
Value of the lowest admissible tender : 2 600 000 Danish krone
Value of the highest admissible tender : 3 700 000 Danish krone

8. Organisations

8.1 ORG-0001

Official name : Agency for Climate data
Registration number : 37284114
Department : Earthobservations
Postal address : Sankt Kjelds Plads 11
Town : København Ø
Postcode : 2100
Country subdivision (NUTS) : Byen København ( DK011 )
Country : Denmark
Contact point : Eskil Kjærshøj Nielsen
Telephone : +45 72545136
Roles of this organisation :
Organisation providing additional information about the procurement procedure
Organisation providing offline access to the procurement documents
Organisation signing the contract

8.1 ORG-0002

Official name : Klagenævnet for Udbud
Registration number : 37795526
Postal address : Nævnenes Hus, Toldboden 2
Town : Viborg
Postcode : 8800
Country subdivision (NUTS) : Østsjælland ( DK021 )
Country : Denmark
Telephone : +45 72405600
Internet address :
Roles of this organisation :
Review organisation

8.1 ORG-0003

Official name : Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen
Registration number : 10294819
Postal address : Carl Jacobsens Vej 35
Town : Valby
Postcode : 2500
Country subdivision (NUTS) : Byen København ( DK011 )
Country : Denmark
Telephone : +45 41715000
Internet address :
Roles of this organisation :
Organisation providing more information on the review procedures

8.1 ORG-0004

Official name : AVT-Airborne Sensing GmbH
Registration number : VAT 206594702
Postal address : International Airport Münster Osnabrück
Town : Greven
Postcode : 48268
Country subdivision (NUTS) : Münster, Kreisfreie Stadt ( DEA33 )
Country : Germany
Telephone : +49 2571944190
Roles of this organisation :
Winner of these lots : LOT-0001 LOT-0004

8.1 ORG-0005

Official name : GEOREAL spol. s r.o.
Size of the economic operator : Medium
Registration number : 70405214
Postal address : Halkova 12
Town : Plzen
Postcode : 30100
Country subdivision (NUTS) : Plzeňský kraj ( CZ032 )
Country : Czechia
Telephone : +420 373733441
Roles of this organisation :
Winner of these lots : LOT-0002

8.1 ORG-0006

Official name : GeoFly GmbH
Size of the economic operator : Small
Registration number : HRB 7596
Postal address : Ottersleber Chaussee 91
Town : Magdeburg
Postcode : 39120
Country subdivision (NUTS) : Magdeburg, Kreisfreie Stadt ( DEE03 )
Country : Germany
Telephone : +49 391509595150
Roles of this organisation :
Winner of these lots : LOT-0003

8.1 ORG-0007

Official name : Primis spol. s r. o.
Size of the economic operator : Small
Registration number : 02402718
Postal address : Slavickova 827/1a
Town : Brno
Postcode : 63800
Country subdivision (NUTS) : Olomoucký kraj ( CZ071 )
Country : Czechia
Telephone : +420 724013013
Roles of this organisation :
Winner of these lots : LOT-0005

8.1 ORG-0008

Official name : Mercell Holding ASA
Registration number : 980921565
Postal address : Askekroken 11
Town : Oslo
Postcode : 0277
Country subdivision (NUTS) : Oslo ( NO081 )
Country : Norway
Contact point : eSender
Telephone : +47 21018800
Fax : +47 21018801
Internet address :
Roles of this organisation :
TED eSender

11. Notice information

11.1 Notice information

Notice identifier/version : 051aacc8-f952-4ccd-a840-191e390f2f9f - 01
Form type : Result
Notice type : Contract or concession award notice – standard regime
Notice dispatch date : 27/01/2025 12:10 +00:00
Notice dispatch date (eSender) : 27/01/2025 12:30 +00:00
Languages in which this notice is officially available : English

11.2 Publication information

Notice publication number : 00059700-2025
OJ S issue number : 19/2025
Publication date : 28/01/2025