Démolition - reconstruction des écoles maternelle et élémentaire des Verdins LOT 2 Terrassement - VRD LOT 3 Gros oeuvre LOT 4 Mur ossature bois - Structure bois et métallique LOT 5 Couverture zinc LOT 6 Couverture polycarbonate LOT 7 Étanchéité LOT 8 Menuiseries extérieures aluminium - Protection solaire LOT 9 …
CPV: 45112500 Earthmoving work, 45112710 Landscaping work for green areas, 45223220 Structural shell work, 45214210 Primary school construction work, 45223210 Structural steelworks, 45261420 Waterproofing work, 45255500 Drilling and exploration work, 45261210 Roof-covering work, 45300000 Building installation work, 45321000 Thermal insulation work, 45331000 Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning installation work, 45410000 Plastering work, 45421140 Installation of metal joinery except doors and windows, 45431000 Tiling work, 45432130 Floor-covering work, 45442100 Painting work