Appel d'offres ouvert 16 lots Prix global et forfaitaire Visite obligatoire du site pour les lots 1, 2 et 3 Délai d'exécution de 21 mois à compter de l'ordre de service prescrivant de commencer les prestations Terrassement / VRD Gros oeuvre Charpente / Ossature / Bardage bois Couverture bac acier …
CPV: 45214200 Construction work for school buildings, 45212422 Canteen construction work, 45112500 Earthmoving work, 45223220 Structural shell work, 45261100 Roof-framing work, 45261210 Roof-covering work, 45443000 Facade work, 45421000 Joinery work, 44316500 Smiths' wares, 45421141 Installation of partitioning, 45432130 Floor-covering work, 45315000 Electrical installation work of heating and other electrical building-equipment, 45332000 Plumbing and drain-laying work, 45421151 Installation of fitted kitchens, 45112720 Landscaping work for sports grounds and recreational areas, 45442100 Painting work