Przedmiot zamówienia polega na budowie nowej siedziby Komendy Miejskiej Policji w Katowicach wraz z instalacjami wewnętrznymi i zewnętrznymi oraz zagospodarowaniem terenu, w tym budowa: 1) Budynku administracyjno - biurowego Komendy Miejskiej Policji wraz z masztem antenowym o wys. 21,0 m Parametry obiektu: - kubatura: 56658,5 m3, - pow. użytkowa …
CPV: 45000000 Construction work, 45111000 Demolition, site preparation and clearance work, 45216110 Construction work for buildings relating to law and order, 45100000 Site preparation work, 45200000 Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work, 45430000 Floor and wall covering work, 45450000 Other building completion work, 45113000 Siteworks, 45111200 Site preparation and clearance work, 45262300 Concrete work, 45262310 Reinforced-concrete work, 45262522 Masonry work, 45324000 Plasterboard works, 45261000 Erection and related works of roof frames and coverings, 45442100 Painting work, 45421000 Joinery work, 45260000 Roof works and other special trade construction works, 45220000 Engineering works and construction works, 45262100 Scaffolding work, 45320000 Insulation work, 45321000 Thermal insulation work, 45300000 Building installation work, 45332000 Plumbing and drain-laying work, 45343000 Fire-prevention installation works, 45331000 Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning installation work, 45232140 District-heating mains construction work, 45310000 Electrical installation work, 45311000 Electrical wiring and fitting work, 45314300 Installation of cable infrastructure, 31520000 Lamps and light fittings, 45316100 Installation of outdoor illumination equipment, 45232310 Construction work for telephone lines, 45230000 Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and railways; flatwork, 45231300 Construction work for water and sewage pipelines