Københavns Kommune, Teknik- og Miljøforvaltningen, Mobilitet, Klimatilpasning og Byvedligehold udbyder to større skybruds- og byrumsprojekter ultimo marts 2025; Bispebjerg Kirkegård og Hans Tavsens Park. Denne vejledende forhåndsmeddelelse har til formål at gøre interesserede anlægsvirksomheder opmærksomme på de to kommende entrepriseudbud, så der kan afsættes ressourcer etc. Udbuddet for Bispebjerg Kirkegård …
CPV: 45000000 Construction work, 45200000 Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work, 45231300 Construction work for water and sewage pipelines, 45236250 Flatwork for parks, 45236300 Flatwork for cemeteries, 45232450 Drainage construction works, 45232454 Rain-water basin construction work, 45236210 Flatwork for children's play area, 45111100 Demolition work, 45262660 Asbestos-removal work, 45232130 Storm-water piping construction work, 45262220 Water-well drilling, 45232453 Drains construction work, 45262300 Concrete work, 45342000 Erection of fencing, 45311100 Electrical wiring work, 45311200 Electrical fitting work, 71900000 Laboratory services, 45112210 Topsoil-stripping work, 45112500 Earthmoving work, 45112600 Cut and fill, 77315000 Seeding services, 77313000 Parks maintenance services, 77341000 Tree pruning, 45233161 Footpath construction work, 45233162 Cycle path construction work, 45233260 Pedestrian ways construction work, 45233123 Secondary road construction work, 45233293 Installation of street furniture, 45233270 Parking-lot-surface painting work, 45233220 Surface work for roads, 77310000 Planting and maintenance services of green areas