Accord cadre - Travaux de construction de 38 logements destinés à l'accession sociale et 54 logements locatifs sociaux - Ilot CA1' ZAC route de Toulouse - BEGLES Terrassement - VRD Fondations - Gros Oeuvre - Flocage Bardage Bois Etanchéité Menuiseries Extérieures Plâtrerie Menuiseries Intérieures Revêtement de sol - Faïence Peinture …
CPV: 45112500 Earthmoving work, 45112710 Landscaping work for green areas, 45211000 Construction work for multi-dwelling buildings and individual houses, 45223220 Structural shell work, 45233292 Installation of safety equipment, 45261420 Waterproofing work, 45262410 Structural steel erection work for buildings, 45262650 Cladding works, 45311200 Electrical fitting work, 45313100 Lift installation work, 45330000 Plumbing and sanitary works, 45410000 Plastering work, 45421000 Joinery work, 45432130 Floor-covering work, 45442100 Painting work