600792 Kongsvingerbanen Galterud Crossing Track - - procurement execution contract

Procurement of an execution contract for a new crossing track east of Galterud station as well as some work at Galterud station on the Kongsvinger railway. The following work shall be carried out; - filling in Glomma. - the establishment of new passing loops with simultaneous driveways - construction of …

CPV: 45000000 Construction work, 34940000 Railway equipment, 34946000 Railway-track construction materials and supplies, 45234115 Railway signalling works
Place of execution:
600792 Kongsvingerbanen Galterud Crossing Track - - procurement execution contract
Awarding body:
Award number:

1. Buyer

1.1 Buyer

Official name : Bane NOR SF
Activity of the contracting entity : Railway services

2. Procedure

2.1 Procedure

Title : 600792 Kongsvingerbanen Galterud Crossing Track - - procurement execution contract
Description : Procurement of an execution contract for a new crossing track east of Galterud station as well as some work at Galterud station on the Kongsvinger railway. The following work shall be carried out; - filling in Glomma. - the establishment of new passing loops with simultaneous driveways - construction of a new technical house - establishment of operational roads - demolition of track 2 (passing loop) at Galterud station. - extension of track 3 (butt track) at Galterud station.
Procedure identifier : 14e382d7-001c-409d-ad0d-d68ee2dc2420
Internal identifier : 202417702
Type of procedure : Negotiated with prior publication of a call for competition / competitive with negotiation
The procedure is accelerated : no
Justification for the accelerated procedure :
Main features of the procedure : See chapter B2. The procurement will be carried out as a two stage negotiations. The tender contest is initiated with a qualification phase. All interested suppliers can use this procedure to submit a request to participate in the competition. Of the qualified tenderers, a limited number will be invited to submit tender offers in the competition. The contracting authority plans to invite 3 to 5 tenderers to submit tenders on the basis of the selection criteria in point 3, but reserves the right to invite fewer tenderers. The contracting authority can, before or at any time during the negotiations, reduce the number of tenders that shall be negotiated. Such a reduction will be made based on the award criteria. The negotiations can apply to all sides of the tenders. If the negotiations result in a change of tender offer, this shall be confirmed in writing. The contracting authority can choose to award the contract without conducting negotiations. The award without negotiations does not prevent the contracting authority from clarifying and specifying information in the tenders.

2.1.1 Purpose

Main nature of the contract : Works
Main classification ( cpv ): 45000000 Construction work
Additional classification ( cpv ): 34940000 Railway equipment
Additional classification ( cpv ): 34946000 Railway-track construction materials and supplies
Additional classification ( cpv ): 45234115 Railway signalling works

2.1.2 Place of performance

Country subdivision (NUTS) : Innlandet ( NO020 )
Country : Norway
Additional information : New Galterud deviation track shall be built east of Galterud station from km 93.400 to km 94.616. The construction area approx. starts at Huvnes bridge, where the Kraftverkveien road runs over the railway. The construction area runs east towards Kongsvinger. See the tender documentation.

2.1.2 Place of performance

Postal address : Mellandsvegen 26
Town : Galterud
Postcode : 2223
Country subdivision (NUTS) : Innlandet ( NO020 )
Country : Norway
Additional information : Parts of the work shall be carried out at Galterud station. See the tender documentation.

2.1.3 Value

Estimated value excluding VAT : 166 000 000 Norwegian krone

2.1.4 General information

Legal basis :
Directive 2014/25/EU
Lov 17.6.2016 nr. 73 om offentlige anskaffelser - Act 17 June 2016 no. 73 on public procurements, also known as the Procurement Act, regulates how public procurements shall be made in Norway. The law's main objective is to ensure effective use of society ́s resources and to maintain trust in the procurement process.
Forskrift 12.8.2016 nr. 975 om innkjøpsregler i forsyningssektorene. - Regulation 12 August 2016 no. 975 on procurement regulations in the supply sector, also known as the Supply Regulations, regulates public procurements within specific sectors such as water and energy supply, transport and postal services in Norway. The regulations came into force 1 January 2017 and are purclosed in the Act from 17 June 2016 no. 73 on public procurements.
Lov 5.3.2004 nr. 12 om konkurranse mellom foretak og kontroll med foretakssammenslutninger. - Act 5 March 2004 no. 12 on competition between companies and control of company combinations, also known as the Competition Act, intends to promote competition and efficient use of resources in the markets. The law came into force on May 1, 2004 and replaced the previous Competition Act from 1993. Tenderers do not have the right to cooperate in violation of the provisions of the Act.

2.1.6 Grounds for exclusion

Analogous situation like bankruptcy under national law : Is the tenderer in a similar situation in accordance with an equivalent procedure set in the national law? See the national law, the relevant notice or procurement documents.
Bankruptcy : Is the tenderer in a bankruptcy situation? Specify why, under the mentioned circumstances, one is able to carry out the contract, considering the current national provisions and measures for continuing the business activities? It is not necessary to provide this information if rejection of tenderers in such a situation is obligatory in accordance with the current national law with no exceptions, when the tenderer is still able to carry out the contract.
Corruption : Is the tenderer himself or a person, who is a member of the tenderer's administration, management or supervisory body or has the competence to represent or control or make decisions in such bodies, in the event a enforceable verdict has been convicted of corruption by a verdict handed down not more than five years ago, or a rejection period determined directly in the judgement that still applies? Corruption as defined in Article 3 of the Convention on Combating Corruption, Involving European Communities or European Union Member States (EUT C 195 of 25.6.1997, s. 1), and in Article 2, point 1, in the Council ́s framework decision 2003/568/RIA of 22 July 2003 on combating corruption in the private sector (EUT L 192 of 31.7.2003, p. 54). This rejection reason also includes corruption as defined in national law for the contracting authority or supplier.
Arrangement with creditors : Is the supplier in a situation where he has been forced debt arrangement? Specify why, under the mentioned circumstances, one is able to carry out the contract, considering the current national provisions and measures for continuing the business activities? It is not necessary to provide this information if rejection of tenderers in such a situation is obligatory in accordance with the current national law with no exceptions, when the tenderer is still able to carry out the contract.
Participation in a criminal organisation : Is the tenderer himself or a person, who is a member of the tenderer's administration, management or supervisory body or has the competence to represent or control or make decisions in such bodies, at the time a legally convicted verdict of participation in a criminal organisation by a verdict handed down no more than five years ago, or a rejection period set out directly in the judgement that still applies? Participation in a criminal organisation as defined in Article 2 of the Council ́s framework decision 2008/841/RIA of 24 October 2008 on control of organised crime (EUT L 300 of 11.11.2008, p. 42)
Agreements with other economic operators aimed at distorting competition : Has the tenderer entered into agreement(s) with other tenderers with the intention of turning the competition?
Breaching of obligations in the fields of environmental law : Is the tenderer aware of breaches of environmental provisions as stated in national law, the relevant notice or procurement documents or Article 18 (2) of Directive 2014/24/EU.
Money laundering or terrorist financing : Is the tenderer himself or a person, who is a member of the tenderer's administration, management or supervisory body or has the competence to represent or control or make decisions in such bodies, in the event a legal verdict has been convicted of money laundering or financing terrorism by a verdict handed down no more than five years ago, or a rejection period set out directly in the judgement that still applies?
Fraud : Is the tenderer himself or a person, who is a member of the tenderer's administration, management or supervisory body or has the competence to represent or control or make decisions in such bodies, at the time a legally convicted of fraud has been convicted of fraud by a verdict handed down not more than five years ago, or a rejection period determined directly in the judgement that still applies?
Child labour and other forms of trafficking in human beings : Is the tenderer himself or a person, who is a member of the tenderer's administration, management or supervisory body or has the competence to represent or control or make decisions in such bodies, in the event a legal verdict has been convicted of child labour and other forms of human trafficking by a verdict handed down no more than five years ago, or a rejection period determined directly in the judgement that still applies? Child labour and other forms of human trafficking as defined in Article 2 of the European Parliament and council directive 2011/36/EU of 5. 1 April 2011 on the prevention and control of human trafficking and the protection of its victims and for compensation of the Council ́s framework decision 2002/629/RIA (EUT L 101 of 15.4.2011, p. 1).
Insolvency : Is the tenderer in an insolvency situation? Specify why, under the mentioned circumstances, one is able to carry out the contract, considering the current national provisions and measures for continuing the business activities? It is not necessary to provide this information if rejection of tenderers in such a situation is obligatory in accordance with the current national law with no exceptions, when the tenderer is still able to carry out the contract.
Breaching of obligations in the fields of labour law : Is the tenderer aware of breaches of provisions on working conditions as stated in national law, the relevant notice or procurement documents or Article 18 (2) of Directive 2014/24/EU.
Assets being administered by liquidator : Specify why, under the mentioned circumstances, one is able to carry out the contract, considering the current national provisions and measures for continuing the business activities? It is not necessary to provide this information if rejection of tenderers in such a situation is obligatory in accordance with the current national law with no exceptions, when the tenderer is still able to carry out the contract.
Guilty of misrepresentation, withheld information, unable to provide required documents and obtained confidential information of this procedure : Has the tenderer: a) given grossly incorrect information with the notification of the information required to verify that there is no basis for rejection, or of the qualification requirements being fulfilled, b) failed to provide such information, c) made reservations immediately to present the supporting documents requested by the contracting authority, or d) improperly affected the contracting authority ́s decision process to acquire confidential information that could give this an unlawful advantage in connection with competition, or negligently has given misleading information that can have a significant influence on decisions on rejection, selection or award?
Purely national exclusion grounds : According to ESPD part III Rejection Reasons, Section D: "Other rejection reasons stipulated in the national legislation of the Contracting Authority's Member State" apply: The Norwegian procurement rules go further than what follows the rejection reasons stated in the EU Directive on Public Procurements and in the standard form for ESPD. Emphasis is put on the fact that all the rejection reasons in the utilities regulations § 20-2, including the purely national rejection reasons, apply in this competition. The following rejection reasons in the supply regulations § 20-2 are purely national rejection reasons: • § 20-2 (2). This provision states that the Contracting Authority can reject a Tenderer when he is aware that the Tenderer has been legally convicted or has accepted a writy for the stated punishable conditions. The requirement that the Contracting Authority can reject Tenderers who have accepted a wrearact for the stated punishable conditions is a distinctively Norwegian requirement. • § 20-2 (3) letter in. The rejection reason in the ESPD form only concerns serious errors in professional practice, whilst the Norwegian rejection reason also includes other serious errors that can lead to doubts about the tenderer's professional integrity. See the tender documentation.
Conflict of interest due to its participation in the procurement procedure : Is the tenderer aware of a conflict of interest as stated in national law, the relevant notice or procurement documents?
Direct or indirect involvement in the preparation of this procurement procedure : Has the tenderer or an entity associated with the supplier advised the contracting authority or in another way been involved in the planning of the competition?
Guilty of grave professional misconduct : Has the tenderer committed serious errors in professional practice? If relevant, see the definitions in national law, the relevant notice or procurement documents.
Early termination, damages or other comparable sanctions : Has the tenderer committed significant breaches of contract in connection with the fulfilment of a previous public contract, a previous contract with a public contracting authority or a previous concession contract, where the breach has led to the cancellation of the contract, compensation or other similar sanctions?
Breaching of obligations in the fields of social law : Is the tenderer aware of breaches of provisions on social conditions as stated in national law, the relevant notice or procurement documents or Article 18 (2) of Directive 2014/24/EU.
Payment of social security contributions : Have tenderers failed to fulfil all their social security obligations in the country where they are established and in their member state, if this is a different country than what he is established in?
Business activities are suspended : Has the tenderer's business conduct been stopped?
Payment of taxes : Has the tenderer not fulfilled all of his tax and duty obligations in both the country where he is established and in the contracting authority's member state, if this is a different country than what he is established in?
Terrorist offences or offences linked to terrorist activities : Is the tenderer himself or a person, who is a member of the tenderer's administration, management or supervisory body, or has the competence to represent or control or make decisions in such bodies, in the event a legal verdict has been convicted of acts of terrorism or criminal acts connected to terrorist activities by a verdict handed down no more than five years ago, or a rejection period set out directly in the judgement that still applies? Acts of terrorism or criminal acts relating to terrorist activity as defined in Article 1 and 3 of the Council ́s framework decision 2002/475/RIA of 13 June 2002 on combating terrorism (EFT L 164, af 22.6.2002, p. 3). This rejection reason also includes incitement to, participation or attempts to commit such actions as included in Article 4 in the mentioned framework decision.

5. Lot

5.1 Lot technical ID : LOT-0000

Title : 600792 Kongsvingerbanen Galterud Crossing Track - - procurement execution contract
Description : Procurement of an execution contract for a new crossing track east of Galterud station as well as some work at Galterud station on the Kongsvinger railway. The following work shall be carried out; - filling in Glomma. - the establishment of new passing loops with simultaneous driveways - construction of a new technical house - establishment of operational roads - demolition of track 2 (passing loop) at Galterud station. - extension of track 3 (butt track) at Galterud station.
Internal identifier : 202417702

5.1.1 Purpose

Main nature of the contract : Works
Main classification ( cpv ): 45000000 Construction work
Additional classification ( cpv ): 34940000 Railway equipment
Additional classification ( cpv ): 34946000 Railway-track construction materials and supplies
Additional classification ( cpv ): 45234115 Railway signalling works

5.1.2 Place of performance

Country subdivision (NUTS) : Innlandet ( NO020 )
Country : Norway
Additional information : New Galterud deviation track shall be built east of Galterud station from km 93.400 to km 94.616. The construction area approx. starts at Huvnes bridge, where the Kraftverkveien road runs over the railway. The construction area runs east towards Kongsvinger. See the tender documentation.

5.1.2 Place of performance

Postal address : Mellandsvegen 26
Town : Galterud
Postcode : 2223
Country subdivision (NUTS) : Innlandet ( NO020 )
Country : Norway
Additional information : Parts of the work shall be carried out at Galterud station. See the tender documentation.

5.1.3 Estimated duration

Start date : 15/05/2025
Duration end date : 16/10/2026

5.1.4 Renewal

Maximum renewals : 0

5.1.5 Value

Estimated value excluding VAT : 166 000 000 Norwegian krone

5.1.6 General information

Reserved participation : Participation is not reserved.
Procurement Project not financed with EU Funds.
The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) : yes

5.1.7 Strategic procurement

Green Procurement Criteria : National Green Public Procurement criteria

5.1.9 Selection criteria

Criterion :
Type : Economic and financial standing
Name : The tenderer's economic and financial capacity
Description : The tenderer must have sufficient economic and financial capacity to be able to carry out the contract work. See the tender documentation.
Use of this criterion : Used
Criterion :
Type : Other
Name : The tenderer ́s registration
Description : Tenderers shall be registered in a company register, professional register or a commerce register in the country where the tenderer is established. See the tender documentation.
Use of this criterion : Used
Criterion :
Type : Other
Name : The tenderer ́s relation to the current sanctions law.
Description : The tenderer, or other entities that the tenderer will use to fulfil the qualification requirements, shall not be a unit affected by the ban in the Sanctions Regulations of Ukraine § 8n. See the tender documentation.
Use of this criterion : Used
Criterion :
Type : Suitability to pursue the professional activity
Name : The tenderer's experience and competence
Description : Tenderers (possibly with support from other companies) shall document that they have sufficient experience, robustness in the organisation and competence from multi-disciplinary assignments with work that takes place close to commissioned railway tracks. The contracting authority will invite 3 to 5 Tenderers who fulfil the qualification requirements in chapter 3, to submit a tender in the competition. When the tenderers who fulfil the minimum qualification requirements are chosen, the contracting authority will rank the tenderers according to who is assessed as best based on the tenderer ́s experience and competence. Assessment will be made on, among other things, to what degree the described comparable assignments are relevant for this procurement. If there are fewer than 3 Tenderers who fulfil the qualification requirements, the Contracting Authority can choose to go ahead with fewer pre-qualified tenderers. See the tender documentation.
Use of this criterion : Used
The criteria will be used to select the candidates to be invited for the second stage of the procedure
Maximum number of tenders passing : 5
Criterion :
Type : Suitability to pursue the professional activity
Name : The tenderer's management system for quality, environment and safety.
Description : 1. Tenderers shall have a documented and implemented quality management system in accordance with NS-EN ISO 9001:2015 or equivalent. 2. Tenderers shall have a documented and implemented environmental management system that fulfils the requirements in NS-EN-ISO 14001, EMAS or equivalent. 3. Tenderers shall have a documented and implemented internal control system that also includes safety. See the tender documentation.
Use of this criterion : Used
Criterion :
Type : Suitability to pursue the professional activity
Name : Authorisations from a specific organisation required
Description : Is it necessary to have specific authorisation from a particular organisation in order to provide the service in the tenderer ́s home country?
Use of this criterion : Used
Criterion :
Type : Suitability to pursue the professional activity
Name : Membership in a particular organisation required
Description : Is it necessary to have a particular membership in a particular organisation in order to provide the service in the tenderer ́s home country?
Use of this criterion : Used
Criterion :
Type : Technical and professional ability
Name : The tenderer ́s registration in the electrical company register.
Description : The tenderer, or his sub-supplier, shall be registered in the Electrical Enterprise Register with competence for execution/engineering design of electrical installations connected to railway and tramway operation. See the tender documentation.
Use of this criterion : Used
Criterion :
Type : Technical and professional ability
Name : The tenderer ́s access to a main security guard
Description : The tenderer, or his sub-supplier, shall have access to personnel who are certified as a main safety guard. This personnel shall be permanent employees in organisations that are certified in the Certification Scheme. See the tender documentation.
Use of this criterion : Used
Criterion :
Type : Technical and professional ability
Name : The tenderer ́s access to the manager for electricity safety.
Description : Tenderers, or their sub-suppliers, shall have access to personnel who are certified as Manager for Electricity Safety. This personnel shall be permanent employees in organisations that are certified in the Certification Scheme. See the tender documentation.
Use of this criterion : Used
Criterion :
Type : Technical and professional ability
Name : When procuring goods: Certificates issued by official bodies for quality control
Description : Can tenderers submit the requested certificates issued by official bodies for quality control, and who can confirm that the goods, which are clearly identified by reference to technical specifications or standards, as determined in the notice or in the procurement documents, are in accordance with these?
Use of this criterion : Used
Criterion :
Type : Technical and professional ability
Name : Certificates issued by independent bodies for quality assurance standards.
Description : Can tenderers submit certificates issued by independent bodies that document that the tenderer fulfils the stated quality assurance standards, including universal design requirements?
Use of this criterion : Used
Criterion :
Type : Technical and professional ability
Name : Certificates issued by independent bodies for environmental management standards.
Description : Is the tenderer able to submit certificates issued by independent bodies as documentation that the tenderer fulfils the stated environmental management systems or standards?
Use of this criterion : Used
Information about the second stage of a two-stage procedure :
Minimum number of candidates to be invited for the second stage of the procedure : 1
Maximum number of candidates to be invited for the second stage of the procedure : 5
The procedure will take place in successive stages. At each stage, some participants may be eliminated

5.1.10 Award criteria

Criterion :
Type : Price
Name : Total price
Description : Tenderers shall enclose their prices in the tender form in E3.
Weight (points, exact) : 1
Criterion :
Type : Quality
Name : 1. Implementation and assignment organisation.
Description : See the tender documentation.
Weight (points, exact) : 2
Criterion :
Type : Quality
Name : 1. Transport of matter and handling matter, 2.Emission free construction site and site area, 3. Tenderer's proposal
Description : See the tender documentation.
Weight (points, exact) : 3
Description of the method to be used if weighting cannot be expressed by criteria :
Justification for not indicating the weighting of the award criteria :

5.1.11 Procurement documents

Languages in which the procurement documents are officially available : Norwegian
Deadline for requesting additional information : 26/11/2024 23:00 +00:00
Address of the procurement documents : https://tendsign.com/doc.aspx?MeFormsNoticeId=36057
Ad hoc communication channel :
Name : All kontakt mellom Leverandør og Oppdragsgiver skal gå via meldingsfunksjonen i kommunikasjonsverktøyet for konkurransegjennomføring Mercell TendSign, jf. B2 pkt. 1.4. Se forøvrig konkurransegrunnlaget.

5.1.12 Terms of procurement

Terms of the procedure :
Estimated date of dispatch of the invitations to submit tenders : 20/12/2024
Terms of submission :
Electronic submission : Required
Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted : Norwegian
Electronic catalogue : Allowed
Advanced or qualified electronic signature or seal (as defined in Regulation (EU) No 910/2014) is required
Variants : Not allowed
Tenderers may submit more than one tender : Not allowed
Deadline for receipt of requests to participate : 09/12/2024 11:00 +00:00
Information that can be supplemented after the submission deadline :
At the discretion of the buyer, some missing tenderer-related documents may be submitted later.
Additional information : The Utilities Regulations § 19-5. Sending and clarification of information and documentation. See the tender documentation.
Terms of contract :
The execution of the contract must be performed within the framework of sheltered employment programmes : No
Conditions relating to the performance of the contract : See the tender documentation.
A non-disclosure agreement is required : yes
Additional information about the non-disclosure agreement : See the tender documentation.
Electronic invoicing : Required
Electronic ordering will be used : yes
Electronic payment will be used : yes
Legal form that must be taken by a group of tenderers that is awarded a contract : See the tender documentation.
Financial arrangement : All expenses in connection with participation in the competition shall be covered by the Tenderer, cf. B2 point 1.13. See the tender documentation.
Information about review deadlines : Deadline for requesting a temporary injunction in accordance with the Public Procurement Act § 9 with a decision to: • reject a request for participation in the competition, cf. the utilities regulations § 20-1 and 20-2, or • reject a tender, cf. the utilities regulations § 20-1, or • not select a tenderer when there is a limit for the number of participants, cf. the Utilities Regulations § 12-7 is 15 calendar days from the day after the Contracting Authority has sent notification in accordance with the Utilities Regulations § 20-10 (3) or § 12-7 (4), cf. the utilities regulations § 16-5. See the tender documentation, including B2.

5.1.15 Techniques

Framework agreement :
No framework agreement
Information about the dynamic purchasing system :
No dynamic purchase system
Electronic auction : no

5.1.16 Further information, mediation and review

Review organisation : Oslo tingrett
Organisation providing additional information about the procurement procedure : Bane NOR SF
Organisation providing offline access to the procurement documents : Bane NOR SF
Organisation receiving requests to participate : Bane NOR SF
Organisation processing tenders : Bane NOR SF

8. Organisations

8.1 ORG-0001

Official name : Bane NOR SF
Registration number : 917082308
Department : 80104 Portefølje Øst kontrakt og marked
Postal address : Postboks 4350
Town : HAMAR
Postcode : 2308
Country : Norway
Contact point : Ole Kristian Moen
Telephone : +47 22 45 50 00
Internet address : https://www.banenor.no
Roles of this organisation :
Organisation providing additional information about the procurement procedure
Organisation providing offline access to the procurement documents
Organisation receiving requests to participate
Organisation processing tenders

8.1 ORG-0002

Official name : Oslo tingrett
Registration number : 926 725 939
Postal address : Postboks 2106 Vika
Town : Oslo
Postcode : 0125
Country subdivision (NUTS) : Oslo ( NO081 )
Country : Norway
Telephone : 22 03 52 00
Roles of this organisation :
Review organisation

11. Notice information

11.1 Notice information

Notice identifier/version : 246358b2-1395-4f01-9b09-a003ec5c252c - 01
Form type : Competition
Notice type : Contract or concession notice – standard regime
Notice dispatch date : 06/11/2024 14:25 +00:00
Notice dispatch date (eSender) : 06/11/2024 14:26 +00:00
Languages in which this notice is officially available : English

11.2 Publication information

Notice publication number : 00682121-2024
OJ S issue number : 218/2024
Publication date : 08/11/2024