Your search for Workshop equipment
Number of alerts found: 27

24 22 2CL 009 Anlagen zur Laserbehandlung von Scheiben an Zügen; DB Fahrzeuginstandhaltung GmbH

Beschafft werden sollen 4 Laseranlagen (2 für das Werk Nürnberg und 2 für das Werk Wittenberge) + 2 Laseranlagen als Option. Es sollen an Zügen in Werken der Deutschen Bahn AG Fahrgastraumseitenscheiben im eingebauten Zustand nach einem vorgegebenen Muster so gelasert werden, dass die HF-Transparenz dieser Scheibe nachweisbar ist. Für …

CPV: 43800000 Workshop equipment
Place of execution:
24 22 2CL 009 Anlagen zur Laserbehandlung von Scheiben an Zügen; DB Fahrzeuginstandhaltung GmbH
Awarding body:
DB Fahrzeuginstandhaltung GmbH (Bukr 49)
Award number:
Jan. 8, 2025, 3:49 p.m.
Furnizare - Dotări și echipamente fără montaj în cadrul Proiectului “Reabilitare, modernizare și dotare Liceul Tehnologic Lupeni” - Lot 6 Aparatură Atelier Auto, Cod SMIS 324441

Achiziția presupune atribuirea unui contract de Furnizare - dotări și echipamente fără montaj în cadrul proiectului „Reabilitare, modernizare și dotare Liceul Tehnologic Lupeni”, Cod SMIS 324441 finanțat prin Programul Regional Vest 2021-2027. Prioritatea 6: O regiune educată și atractivă; Obiectiv specific: RSO4.2_Îmbunătățirea accesului egal la servicii de calitate și incluzive …

CPV: 43800000 Workshop equipment, 80520000 Training facilities
Feb. 5, 2025, 3 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Furnizare - Dotări și echipamente fără montaj în cadrul Proiectului “Reabilitare, modernizare și dotare Liceul Tehnologic Lupeni” - Lot 6 Aparatură Atelier Auto, Cod SMIS 324441
Awarding body:
Municipiul Lupeni
Award number:
Jan. 1, 2025, 12:21 a.m.
Furnizare - Dotări și echipamente fără montaj în cadrul Proiectului “Reabilitare, modernizare și dotare Liceul Tehnologic Lupeni” - Lot 5 Aparatură Atelier Mecanică, Cod SMIS 324441

Achiziția presupune atribuirea unui contract de Furnizare - dotări și echipamente fără montaj în cadrul proiectului „Reabilitare, modernizare și dotare Liceul Tehnologic Lupeni”, Cod SMIS 324441 finanțat prin Programul Regional Vest 2021-2027. Prioritatea 6: O regiune educată și atractivă; Obiectiv specific: RSO4.2_Îmbunătățirea accesului egal la servicii de calitate și incluzive …

CPV: 39162200 Training aids and devices, 43800000 Workshop equipment, 80520000 Training facilities
Feb. 4, 2025, 3 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Furnizare - Dotări și echipamente fără montaj în cadrul Proiectului “Reabilitare, modernizare și dotare Liceul Tehnologic Lupeni” - Lot 5 Aparatură Atelier Mecanică, Cod SMIS 324441
Awarding body:
Municipiul Lupeni
Award number:
Jan. 1, 2025, 12:03 a.m.

<br/>Chaque lot fera l'objet d'une attribution séparée.<br/>Les prestations sont réglées par des prix unitaires.<br/><br/> EQUIPEMENT POUR ATELIER AUTOMOBILE POUR LES LYCEES DU DEPARTEMENT DU GARD (30), DE L'HERAULT (34) ET DE LA LOZERE (48) EQUIPEMENT POUR ATELIER AUTOMOBILE POUR LES LYCEES DU DEPARTEMENT DU LOT (46) ET DU TARN (81) …

CPV: 42415200 Works trucks, 42611000 Special-purpose machine tools, 42642100 Machine tools for working wood, 42662000 Welding equipment, 43328100 Hydraulic equipment, 43800000 Workshop equipment
Feb. 17, 2025, noon
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Awarding body:
Région Occitanie
Award number:
Dec. 25, 2024, 1:31 a.m.
CNC freesmachine

De Aanbestedende dienst nodigt u hierbij uit om u in te schrijven voor de aanbesteding met referentienummer 21335747 van “De levering, inclusief transport, hijsinstallaties en installatie, van één (1) stuk CNC freesmachine die aan de eisen voldoet uit het Programma van Eisen (Bijlage 2A, 2B en 2C), het “on site” …

CPV: 42000000 Industrial machinery, 42600000 Machine tools, 42900000 Miscellaneous general and special-purpose machinery, 43800000 Workshop equipment
Feb. 25, 2025, 11 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
CNC freesmachine
Awarding body:
Ministerie van Defensie
Award number:
Dec. 21, 2024, 4:42 a.m.
Dynamisk Indkøbssystem til indkøb af møbler og inventar

DTU ønsker at etablere et dynamisk indkøbssystem. Baggrunden for at etablere det dynamiske indkøbssystem er, at DTU løbende har behov for at indkøbe diverse typer af inventar og møbler. DTU har behov for at indkøbe mange forskellige typer af møbler og inventar i forbindelse med den almindelige bygningsdrift, vedligeholdelse samt …

CPV: 39130000 Office furniture, 03451000 Plants, 30190000 Various office equipment and supplies, 31500000 Lighting equipment and electric lamps, 34928400 Urban furniture, 37800000 Handicraft and art supplies, 38000000 Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses), 39110000 Seats, chairs and related products, and associated parts, 39120000 Tables, cupboards, desk and bookcases, 39140000 Domestic furniture, 39150000 Miscellaneous furniture and equipment, 39160000 School furniture, 39170000 Shop furniture, 39190000 Wallpaper and other coverings, 39200000 Furnishing, 39225720 Jars, 39230000 Special-purpose product, 39234000 Compost boxes, 39254000 Horology, 39260000 Delivery trays and desk equipment, 39292000 School slates or boards with writing or drawing surfaces or instruments, 39293000 Artificial products, 39295100 Sunshades, 39295500 Parts, trimmings and accessories of umbrellas, sunshades, walking sticks and similar articles, 39298000 Statuettes, ornaments; photograph or picture frames, and mirrors, 39300000 Miscellaneous equipment, 39510000 Textile household articles, 39530000 Carpets, mats and rugs, 39540000 Miscellaneous cordage, rope, twine and netting, 42968200 Sanitary dispensing machines, 43800000 Workshop equipment, 44211500 Glasshouses, 44521140 Furniture locks, 44613700 Refuse skips, 45212230 Installation of changing rooms, 45310000 Electrical installation work, 45421153 Installation of built-in furniture, 45422000 Carpentry installation work, 45431000 Tiling work, 45451000 Decoration work, 50800000 Miscellaneous repair and maintenance services, 71210000 Advisory architectural services, 71243000 Draft plans (systems and integration), 71313200 Sound insulation and room acoustics consultancy services
Place of execution:
Dynamisk Indkøbssystem til indkøb af møbler og inventar
Awarding body:
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU
Award number:
Jan. 16, 2024, 6:31 p.m.
Dynamisk Indkøbssystem til indkøb af møbler og inventar

DTU ønsker at etablere et dynamisk indkøbssystem. Baggrunden for at etablere det dynamiske indkøbssystem er, at DTU løbende har behov for at indkøbe diverse typer af inventar og møbler. DTU har behov for at indkøbe mange forskellige typer af møbler og inventar i forbindelse med den almindelige bygningsdrift, vedligeholdelse samt …

CPV: 39130000 Office furniture, 03451000 Plants, 30190000 Various office equipment and supplies, 31500000 Lighting equipment and electric lamps, 34928400 Urban furniture, 37800000 Handicraft and art supplies, 38000000 Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses), 39110000 Seats, chairs and related products, and associated parts, 39120000 Tables, cupboards, desk and bookcases, 39140000 Domestic furniture, 39150000 Miscellaneous furniture and equipment, 39160000 School furniture, 39170000 Shop furniture, 39190000 Wallpaper and other coverings, 39200000 Furnishing, 39225720 Jars, 39230000 Special-purpose product, 39234000 Compost boxes, 39254000 Horology, 39260000 Delivery trays and desk equipment, 39292000 School slates or boards with writing or drawing surfaces or instruments, 39293000 Artificial products, 39295100 Sunshades, 39295500 Parts, trimmings and accessories of umbrellas, sunshades, walking sticks and similar articles, 39298000 Statuettes, ornaments; photograph or picture frames, and mirrors, 39300000 Miscellaneous equipment, 39510000 Textile household articles, 39530000 Carpets, mats and rugs, 39540000 Miscellaneous cordage, rope, twine and netting, 42968200 Sanitary dispensing machines, 43800000 Workshop equipment, 44211500 Glasshouses, 44521140 Furniture locks, 44613700 Refuse skips, 45212230 Installation of changing rooms, 45310000 Electrical installation work, 45421153 Installation of built-in furniture, 45422000 Carpentry installation work, 45431000 Tiling work, 45451000 Decoration work, 50800000 Miscellaneous repair and maintenance services, 71210000 Advisory architectural services, 71243000 Draft plans (systems and integration), 71313200 Sound insulation and room acoustics consultancy services
Place of execution:
Dynamisk Indkøbssystem til indkøb af møbler og inventar
Awarding body:
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU
Award number:
Dec. 18, 2023, 9:20 a.m.