Your search for Wood
Number of alerts found: 24

Fourniture de matériels et de matériaux de bâtiment pour la Ville de Saint-Étienne, Saint-Étienne Métropole et le Centre Communal d'Action Sociale

Consultation lancée par un groupement de commandes entre la Ville de Saint-Étienne, Saint-Étienne Métropole et le Centre Communal d'Action Sociale. Les prestations feront l'objet d'un accord-cadre à bons de commande mono attributaire sans minimum et avec un maximum de 7 632 000 euro(s) HT sur la durée totale du contrat, …

CPV: 03410000 Wood, 19210000 Woven fabrics, 31310000 Mains, 31681410 Electrical materials, 42122000 Pumps, 44100000 Construction materials and associated items, 44115220 Heating materials, 44411000 Sanitary ware, 44621221 Parts of central-heating boilers
Feb. 10, 2025, noon
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Fourniture de matériels et de matériaux de bâtiment pour la Ville de Saint-Étienne, Saint-Étienne Métropole et le Centre Communal d'Action Sociale
Awarding body:
Ville de Saint Etienne
Award number:
Jan. 14, 2025, 2:05 a.m.
2024/2621 - Framework agreement for bio-wood/wood chip for the incineration oven at Campus Evenstad.

Statsbygg needs a framework agreement for the delivery of bio-wood/wood chip for the incineration oven at Campus Evenstad. Statsbygg needs a framework agreement for the delivery of bio-wood/wood chip for the incineration oven at Campus Evenstad.

CPV: 03410000 Wood, 03461000 Wood pulp, 09000000 Petroleum products, fuel, electricity and other sources of energy, 09100000 Fuels, 09110000 Solid fuels, 09111400 Wood fuels
Feb. 13, 2025, 9 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
2024/2621 - Framework agreement for bio-wood/wood chip for the incineration oven at Campus Evenstad.
Awarding body:
Award number:
Jan. 14, 2025, 12:41 a.m.
Rahmenvereinbarung über die Durchführung von motormanueller Holzernte (Los 1) und Holzbringung (Los 2) im Forstbetriebsbezirk Karlsbrunn des Regionalforstamtes Hochstift des Landesbetriebes Wald und Holz Nordrhein-Westfalen

Rahmenvereinbarung über die Durchführung von motormanueller Holzernte (Los 1) und Holzbringung (Los 2) im Forstbetriebsbezirk Karlsbrunn des Regionalforstamtes Hochstift des Landesbetriebes Wald und Holz Nordrhein-Westfalen Rahmenvereinbarung über die Durchführung von jährlich ca. 1.850 fm (1.350 fm o. R. Garantiemenge / 500 fm o. R. Optionsmenge) motormanueller Holzernte (Los 1) im …

CPV: 03400000 Forestry and logging products, 03410000 Wood, 03440000 Forestry products, 77210000 Logging services, 77200000 Forestry services, 77211000 Services incidental to logging
Feb. 11, 2025, 10 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Rahmenvereinbarung über die Durchführung von motormanueller Holzernte (Los 1) und Holzbringung (Los 2) im Forstbetriebsbezirk Karlsbrunn des Regionalforstamtes Hochstift des Landesbetriebes Wald und Holz Nordrhein-Westfalen
Awarding body:
Wald und Holz NRW
Award number:
Jan. 11, 2025, 4:38 a.m.

Le présent marché a pour objet la fourniture de matériels et matériaux dans différents corps de métier. Pour tous les lots, les heures de livraison sont les suivantes : du lundi au vendredi de 8h30 à 11h30 et de 13h30 à 16h30 dans les locaux du centre technique municipal à …

CPV: 03410000 Wood, 31500000 Lighting equipment and electric lamps, 31600000 Electrical equipment and apparatus, 44100000 Construction materials and associated items, 44111400 Paints and wallcoverings, 44115210 Plumbing materials, 44316400 Hardware
Place of execution:
Awarding body:
Ville de Sartrouville
Award number:
Petits matériels
Jan. 10, 2025, 2:03 a.m.
Acquisition de matériaux et matériels de construction pour le gros oeuvre, second oeuvre, VRD et l'aménagement intérieur et extérieur

L'accord-cadre sera exécuté par l'émission de bons de commande. Chaque lot fera l'objet d'une attribution séparée. Les prestations sont réglées par des prix unitaires. Les montants estimatifs sont indicatifs et comprennent la totalité des périodes de reconduction. Lot 1 : montant HT maximum pour la durée totale du contrat : …

CPV: 03410000 Wood, 22500000 Printing plates or cylinders or other media for use in printing, 43320000 Construction equipment, 44100000 Construction materials and associated items, 44111000 Building materials, 44115200 Plumbing and heating materials
Place of execution:
Acquisition de matériaux et matériels de construction pour le gros oeuvre, second oeuvre, VRD et l'aménagement intérieur et extérieur
Awarding body:
Conseil départemental Meurthe et Moselle
Award number:
Jan. 8, 2025, 10:02 p.m.
Materiale necesare desfasurarii activitatii cu forte proprii, programate si neprogramate, din cadrul S.N.T.G.N. Transgaz S.A (Exploatari Teritoriale, Sucursala Medias, Departamente, Directii si sedii administrative)

Entitatea contractantă intenționează să încheie un acord-cadru având ca obiect Materiale necesare desfasurarii activitatii cu forte proprii, programate si neprogramate, din cadrul S.N.T.G.N. Transgaz S.A (Exploatari Teritoriale, Sucursala Medias, Departamente, Directii si sedii administrative) a) numărul maxim de operatori economici care vor fi parte a acordului-cadru ce urmează să fie …

CPV: 03100000 Agricultural and horticultural products, 03410000 Wood, 09211820 Petroleum oils, 09221100 Petroleum jelly, 09241000 Bituminous or oil shale, 14410000 Rock salt, 14700000 Basic metals, 14800000 Miscellaneous non-metallic mineral products, 14810000 Abrasive products, 16310000 Mowers, 18141000 Work gloves, 18143000 Protective gear, 18937000 Goods-packing sacks, 19510000 Rubber products, 19520000 Plastic products, 19521000 Polystyrene products, 24322500 Alcohol, 24450000 Agro-chemical products, 24455000 Disinfectants, 24951311 Anti-freezing preparations, 30192170 Notice boards, 30237200 Computer accessories, 30237300 Computer supplies, 31120000 Generators, 31161900 Voltage-control systems, 31154000 Uninterruptible power supplies, 31211300 Fuses, 31213100 Distribution boxes, 31214100 Switches, 31214500 Electric switchboards, 31221000 Electrical relays, 31224100 Plugs and sockets, 31224810 Extension cables, 31320000 Power distribution cables, 31430000 Electric accumulators, 31431000 Lead-acid accumulators, 31440000 Batteries, 31520000 Lamps and light fittings, 31527200 Exterior lights, 31527210 Lanterns, 31531000 Light bulbs, 31532910 Fluorescent tubes, 31680000 Electrical supplies and accessories, 32000000 Radio, television, communication, telecommunication and related equipment, 32581100 Data-transmission cable, 33735100 Protective goggles, 34300000 Parts and accessories for vehicles and their engines, 34320000 Mechanical spare parts except engines and engine parts, 34328300 Seat belts, 34911100 Trolleys, 34927100 Road salt, 34928480 Waste and rubbish containers and bins, 35125100 Sensors, 35250000 Repellents for canine attack, 38330000 Hand-held instruments for measuring length, 38410000 Metering instruments, 38412000 Thermometers, 38421100 Water meters, 38424000 Measuring and control equipment, 38425100 Manometers, 39220000 Kitchen equipment, household and domestic items and catering supplies, 39224000 Brooms and brushes and other articles of various types, 39226220 Flasks, 39295100 Sunshades, 39340000 Gas network equipment, 39500000 Textile articles, 39540000 Miscellaneous cordage, rope, twine and netting, 39811100 Air freshener, 39831220 Degreasing agents, 39831500 Automotive cleaners, 42122000 Pumps, 42123000 Compressors, 42130000 Taps, cocks, valves and similar appliances, 42410000 Lifting and handling equipment, 42600000 Machine tools, 42622000 Threading or tapping machines, 42631000 Machine tools for finishing metals, 42661000 Soldering and brazing equipment, 42662100 Electric welding equipment, 42670000 Parts and accessories of machine tools, 42671000 Tool holders, 43812000 Sawing equipment, 42996500 Sewage screens, 43413000 Concrete or mortar mixers, 44111520 Thermal insulating material, 44115210 Plumbing materials, 44160000 Pipeline, piping, pipes, casing, tubing and related items, 44165000 Hoses, risers and sleeves, 44167110 Flanges, 44170000 Plates, sheets, strip and foil related to construction materials, 44190000 Miscellaneous construction materials, 44212220 Pylons, poles and pickets, 44221000 Windows, doors and related items, 44300000 Cable, wire and related products, 44316510 Blacksmiths' wares, 44330000 Bars, rods, wire and profiles used in construction, 44411000 Sanitary ware, 44423200 Ladders, 44425200 Rubber seals, 44512000 Miscellaneous hand tools, 44512910 Drill bits, 44512940 Tool kits, 44520000 Locks, keys and hinges, 44530000 Fasteners, 44620000 Central-heating radiators and boilers and parts, 44812100 Enamels and glazes, 44812220 Water paints, 44812400 Decorating supplies, 44820000 Varnishes, 44830000 Mastics, fillers, putty and solvents
Feb. 17, 2025, 3 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Materiale necesare desfasurarii activitatii cu forte proprii, programate si neprogramate, din cadrul S.N.T.G.N. Transgaz S.A (Exploatari Teritoriale, Sucursala Medias, Departamente, Directii si sedii administrative)
Awarding body:
Societatea Nationala de Transport Gaze Naturale TRANSGAZ SA
Award number:
Jan. 8, 2025, 7:44 p.m.
Rahmenvereinbarung über die Durchführung von motormanueller Holzernte in den Forstbetriebsbezirken Ringelstein und Büren (Haus Büren`scher Fonds) des Regionalforstamtes Hochstift des Landesbetriebes Wald und Holz Nordrhein-Westfalen

Rahmenvereinbarung über die Durchführung von motormanueller Holzernte in den Forstbetriebsbezirken Ringelstein und Büren (Haus Büren`scher Fonds) des Regionalforstamtes Hochstift des Landesbetriebes Wald und Holz Nordrhein-Westfalen Rahmenvereinbarung über die Durchführung von motormanueller Holzernte im Forstbetriebsbezirk Ringelstein (Los 1) (Haus Büren`scher Fonds) des Regionalforstamtes Hochstift des Landesbetriebes Wald und Holz Nordrhein-Westfalen Rahmenvereinbarung …

CPV: 03400000 Forestry and logging products, 03410000 Wood, 03440000 Forestry products, 77210000 Logging services, 77200000 Forestry services, 77211000 Services incidental to logging
Place of execution:
Rahmenvereinbarung über die Durchführung von motormanueller Holzernte in den Forstbetriebsbezirken Ringelstein und Büren (Haus Büren`scher Fonds) des Regionalforstamtes Hochstift des Landesbetriebes Wald und Holz Nordrhein-Westfalen
Awarding body:
Wald und Holz NRW
Award number:
Jan. 8, 2025, 5:18 p.m.
Rahmenvereinbarung über die Durchführung von motormanueller Holzernte (Los 1), Holzbringung (Los 2) sowie hoch- und teilmechanisierter Holzernte inkl. Holzbringung (Los 3) im FBB Dinslaken

Rahmenvereinbarung über die Durchführung von motormanueller Holzernte (Los 1), Holzbringung (Los 2) sowie hoch- und teilmechanisierter Holzernte inkl. Holzbringung (Los 3) im Forstbetriebsbezirk Dinslaken des Regionalforstamtes Niederrhein des Landesbetriebes Wald und Holz Nordrhein Rahmenvereinbarung über die Durchführung von insgesamt jährlich ca. 560 fm o. R. motormanueller Holzernte (160 fm o. …

CPV: 03400000 Forestry and logging products, 03410000 Wood, 03440000 Forestry products, 77210000 Logging services, 77200000 Forestry services, 77211000 Services incidental to logging
Place of execution:
Rahmenvereinbarung über die Durchführung von motormanueller Holzernte (Los 1), Holzbringung (Los 2) sowie hoch- und teilmechanisierter Holzernte inkl. Holzbringung (Los 3) im FBB Dinslaken
Awarding body:
Wald und Holz NRW
Award number:
Jan. 8, 2025, 5:03 p.m.
Procurement - Construction materials and fastening material - Ålesund East and West, 2024

The contracting authority would like to use this procurement to enter into three (3) framework agreements (parallel agreements) per contract area, provided that there are a sufficient number of qualified tenderers. The customer will assess in the evaluation phase how many parallel agreements they believe would be appropriate to enter …

CPV: 03410000 Wood, 44100000 Construction materials and associated items, 44110000 Construction materials
Place of execution:
Procurement - Construction materials and fastening material - Ålesund East and West, 2024
Awarding body:
Ålesund kommune
Award number:
Jan. 8, 2025, 3:40 p.m.

Consultation lancée par un groupement de commandes.<br/>L'accord-cadre sera exécuté par l'émission de bons de commande.<br/>Chaque lot fera l'objet d'une attribution séparée.<br/>Les prestations sont réglées par des prix unitaires.<br/>Les montants estimatifs sont indicatifs et comprennent la totalité des périodes de reconduction.<br/><br/> OUTILLAGE à main électroportatif<br/> OUTILLAGE - ESPACES VERTS<br/> QUINCAILLERIE, FIXATION …

CPV: 03410000 Wood, 14700000 Basic metals, 14820000 Glass, 16160000 Miscellaneous gardening equipment, 18100000 Occupational clothing, special workwear and accessories, 31400000 Accumulators, primary cells and primary batteries, 31600000 Electrical equipment and apparatus, 34142100 Elevator-platforms trucks, 35121000 Security equipment, 39515400 Blinds, 39715210 Central-heating equipment, 44113000 Road-construction materials, 44316000 Ironmongery, 44316500 Smiths' wares, 44510000 Tools, 44511000 Hand tools, 44810000 Paints, 45330000 Plumbing and sanitary works
Feb. 3, 2025, noon
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Awarding body:
Ville de Chambéry
Award number:
Dec. 25, 2024, 2:45 a.m.