Your search for Travel services
Number of alerts found: 13

Buitenlandse dienstreizen

Van Hall Larenstein is als hogeschool internationaal gericht. Stages, excursies, seminars, student -and staff exchange, beursbijeenkomsten en afstudeeropdrachten buiten Nederland vormen in toenemende mate een onderdeel van het onderwijs, wat betekent dat zowel medewerkers als studenten wereldwijd zullen reizen. 400.000 ( geraamd) Van Hall Larenstein is als hogeschool internationaal gericht. …

CPV: 63515000 Travel services
Dec. 6, 2024, midnight
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Buitenlandse dienstreizen
Awarding body:
Hogeschool Van Hall Larenstein
Award number:
Oct. 26, 2024, 4:45 a.m.
Zajištění distribuce vstupenek

Předmětem této veřejné zakázky je závazek dodavatele zajistit distribuci (prodej) vstupenek zadavatele do areálu Pražského hradu, popř. do areálu zámku Lány, ať už půjde o vstupenky do návštěvnických objektů/okruhů, vstupenky na kulturní akce a/či vstupenky na jiné akce (zejména nikoliv však výhradně komentované prohlídky, přednášky apod.), které bude pořádat/spolupořádat zadavatel …

CPV: 63500000 Travel agency, tour operator and tourist assistance services, 63515000 Travel services, 72400000 Internet services, 22459000 Tickets
Place of execution:
Zajištění distribuce vstupenek
Awarding body:
Správa Pražského hradu
Award number:
SPH 1970/2024
Oct. 24, 2024, 5:23 a.m.
Panel Membership for Provision of Suitable Sites for Adventure Trips for LCETB Students

LCETB engaged in a competitive process for the establishment of a panel from which it will source service providers for the provision of suitable sites for Adventure Trips for LCETB students. To be included on the panel you should review CFT and complete the Tender Response Document and return to …

CPV: 63500000 Travel agency, tour operator and tourist assistance services, 63514000 Tourist guide services, 63511000 Organisation of package tours, 63512000 Sale of travel tickets and package tours services, 80513000 Horse riding school services, 80412000 Flying-school services, 80413000 Sailing-school services, 80414000 Diving-school services, 80411000 Driving-school services, 63515000 Travel services
Feb. 10, 2025, noon
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Panel Membership for Provision of Suitable Sites for Adventure Trips for LCETB Students
Awarding body:
Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board
Award number:
Feb. 24, 2024, 5:48 a.m.