Your search for Transformers
Number of alerts found: 93

Päämuuntajien (110/20 kV, 63 MVA) hankinta - Kokkola

Kokkolan Energia Oy (”Tilaaja”) on toteuttamassa sähkökattilahanketta (”Hanke”). Hankkeeseen sisältyy Tilaajan alustavan arvion mukaan seuraavat hankinnat: - sähkökattilat, - kaukolämpöakku, - sähköliittymät, - päämuuntajat, - kattilalaitos sähkökattiloille, ja - Hankkeen kokonaistoteutuksen kannalta tarpeellisen infrastruktuurin (esim. putkistot ja vaihtimet) hankinnat. Hankinnat kilpailutetaan erillisinä kokonaisuuksina Tilaajan määrittämissä toimitusrajoissa, laajuudessa ja aikataulussa. Tämän …

CPV: 31000000 Electrical machinery, apparatus, equipment and consumables; lighting, 31170000 Transformers
Place of execution:
Päämuuntajien (110/20 kV, 63 MVA) hankinta - Kokkola
Awarding body:
Kokkolan Energia Oy
Award number:
Nov. 30, 2024, 1:39 a.m.
(2024-DPS-2) 40-630 kVA 10 0,4 kV įtampos trifazių alyvinių galios transformatorių dinaminė pirkimų sistema

40-630 kVA 10 0,4 kV įtampos trifazių alyvinių galios transformatorių dinaminė pirkimų sistema 40-630 kVA 10 0,4 kV įtampos trifazių alyvinių galios transformatorių dinaminė pirkimų sistema

CPV: 31170000 Transformers
Sept. 24, 2029, 7 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
(2024-DPS-2) 40-630 kVA 10 0,4 kV įtampos trifazių alyvinių galios transformatorių dinaminė pirkimų sistema
Awarding body:
UAB „Ignitis grupės paslaugų centras“
Award number:
Nov. 30, 2024, 1:39 a.m.
(2022-DPS-2) 40-630 kVA 10/0,4 kV įtampos trifaziai alyviniai galios transformatoriai

40-630 kVA 10/0,4 kV įtampos trifaziai alyviniai galios transformatoriai 40-630 kVA 10/0,4 kV įtampos trifaziai alyviniai galios transformatoriai

CPV: 31170000 Transformers
Nov. 7, 2026, 8 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
(2022-DPS-2) 40-630 kVA 10/0,4 kV įtampos trifaziai alyviniai galios transformatoriai
Awarding body:
UAB „Ignitis grupės paslaugų centras“
Award number:
Nov. 30, 2024, 1:27 a.m.
Opracowanie dokumentacji projektowej oraz wykonanie modernizacji stacji elektroenergetycznej 110/20kV Jankowa Żagańska w celu przystosowania jej do współpracy ze źródłami OZE przyłączonymi i planowanymi do przyłączenia do sieci SN

Przedmiotem zamówienia jest projekt, budowa i uruchomienie modernizowanej stacji elektroenergetycznej 110/20kV „Jankowa Żagańska“ w celu przystosowania jej do współpracy ze źródłami OZE przyłączonymi i planowanymi do przyłączenia do sieci SN. Przedmiot zamówienia obejmuje kompleksową modernizację stacji elektroenergetycznej 110/20kV „Jankowa Żagańska“, zakres prac obejmuje projekt i budowę: 1. Rozbudowa rozdzielni 110kV: …

CPV: 45000000 Construction work, 31000000 Electrical machinery, apparatus, equipment and consumables; lighting, 31100000 Electric motors, generators and transformers, 31200000 Electricity distribution and control apparatus, 31210000 Electrical apparatus for switching or protecting electrical circuits, 31213000 Distribution equipment, 31213100 Distribution boxes, 31300000 Insulated wire and cable, 31320000 Power distribution cables, 31321000 Electricity power lines, 31321100 Overhead power lines, 31321200 Low- and medium-voltage cable, 31321220 Medium-voltage cable, 31170000 Transformers, 45100000 Site preparation work, 45110000 Building demolition and wrecking work and earthmoving work, 45111000 Demolition, site preparation and clearance work, 45111300 Dismantling works, 45112000 Excavating and earthmoving work, 45112100 Trench-digging work, 45113000 Siteworks, 45120000 Test drilling and boring work, 45121000 Test drilling work, 45122000 Test boring work, 45200000 Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work, 45220000 Engineering works and construction works, 45222000 Construction work for engineering works except bridges, tunnels, shafts and subways, 45223000 Structures construction work, 45230000 Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and railways; flatwork, 45231000 Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, 45231400 Construction work for electricity power lines, 45232000 Ancillary works for pipelines and cables, 45232200 Ancillary works for electricity power lines, 45232210 Overhead line construction, 45232220 Substation construction work, 45232221 Transformer substation, 45233000 Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads, 45236000 Flatwork, 45300000 Building installation work, 45310000 Electrical installation work, 45311000 Electrical wiring and fitting work, 45314000 Installation of telecommunications equipment, 45315400 High voltage installation work, 45316000 Installation work of illumination and signalling systems, 45315000 Electrical installation work of heating and other electrical building-equipment, 45315500 Medium-voltage installation work, 45317000 Other electrical installation work, 45400000 Building completion work, 45440000 Painting and glazing work, 45442000 Application work of protective coatings, 45450000 Other building completion work, 45453000 Overhaul and refurbishment work, 45500000 Hire of construction and civil engineering machinery and equipment with operator, 45510000 Hire of cranes with operator, 45520000 Hire of earthmoving equipment with operator, 48000000 Software package and information systems, 48100000 Industry specific software package, 48150000 Industrial control software package, 48151000 Computer control system, 65000000 Public utilities, 65300000 Electricity distribution and related services, 65310000 Electricity distribution, 71000000 Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services, 71240000 Architectural, engineering and planning services, 71245000 Approval plans, working drawings and specifications, 71300000 Engineering services, 71320000 Engineering design services, 71322000 Engineering design services for the construction of civil engineering works, 71323000 Engineering-design services for industrial process and production, 71323100 Electrical power systems design services, 71325000 Foundation-design services, 71330000 Miscellaneous engineering services, 71332000 Geotechnical engineering services, 71520000 Construction supervision services, 71354000 Map-making services
Jan. 13, 2025, 10 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Opracowanie dokumentacji projektowej oraz wykonanie modernizacji stacji elektroenergetycznej 110/20kV Jankowa Żagańska w celu przystosowania jej do współpracy ze źródłami OZE przyłączonymi i planowanymi do przyłączenia do sieci SN
Awarding body:
ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.
Award number:
Nov. 30, 2024, 1:17 a.m.
GUW Vogelstang, Gleichrichter- und Eigenbedarfstransformator

Für ein Gleichrichterwerk (GUW) in Mannheim ist ein 2.500-kVA Drehstrom-Gießharz-Transformator Yy0 für die Versorgung von einem 6-pulsigen Silizium-Gleichrichter, Nennspannung bis 1000 V, Nennstrom 3000 A Belastungsklasse VI nach DIN 41756, sowie ein 100 kVA Drehstrom-Gießharz-Transformator Yzn 5 im Schutzgehäuse IP23 anzubieten und frei Baustelle zu liefern. Das Angebot beinhaltet die …

CPV: 31170000 Transformers, 31100000 Electric motors, generators and transformers, 31153000 Rectifiers, 31162000 Parts of transformers, inductors and static converters, 31172000 Voltage transformers, 31174000 Power supply transformers
Jan. 10, 2025, 10 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
GUW Vogelstang, Gleichrichter- und Eigenbedarfstransformator
Awarding body:
MV Mannheimer Verkehr GmbH
Award number:
Nov. 29, 2024, 5:06 a.m.

Předmětem veřejné zakázky zadávané na základě zavedeného Systému kvalifikace pro kategorii VÝKONOVÉ TRANSFORMÁTORY VVN 40MVA 110±8x2%/36,75/(6,3)KV je smluvní zajištění dodávek VÝKONOVÝCH TRANSFORMÁTORŮ VVN 40MVA 110±8x2%/36,75/(6,3)KV s vybraným uchazečem pro plánované investiční akce, plánované opravy a zajištění odstranění havarijního stavu v dodávkách výkonových transformátorů pro bezpečné a spolehlivé provozování zařízení distribuční …

CPV: 31170000 Transformers
Place of execution:
Awarding body:
ČEZ Distribuce, a. s.
Award number:
Nov. 27, 2024, 4:53 p.m.
330/110/10 kV autotransformatorių pirkimas

Perkami 330/110/10 kV autotransformatoriai (2 vnt. 200 MVA ir 2 vnt. 250 MVA). Daugiau informacijos pateikiama Pirkimo dokumentuose. Procurement of 330/110/10 kV autotransformers (2 units of 330/110/10 kV 200 MVA power and 2 (two) units 330/110/10 kV 250 MVA autotransformers). more information is provided in the Procurement documents. Perkami 330/110/10 …

CPV: 31170000 Transformers
Place of execution:
330/110/10 kV autotransformatorių pirkimas
Awarding body:
Award number:
Nov. 27, 2024, 4:39 p.m.
Système de pré-qualification ouvert - Transformateurs de petite et moyenne puissance pour le Réseau haute tension Belge.

Deze prekwalificatie heeft betrekking op het ontwerp/engineering, de productie, het testen in de fabriek, de levering, het lossen, de installatie, het testen op locatie, de inbedrijfstelling en de dienst na verkoop van kleine en middelgrote energietransformatoren, met inbegrip van alle noodzakelijke/verwante accessoires en/of diensten voor Belgische (Elia) Onshore substations. De …

CPV: 31170000 Transformers
Place of execution:
Système de pré-qualification ouvert - Transformateurs de petite et moyenne puissance pour le Réseau haute tension Belge.
Awarding body:
Elia Asset
Award number:
Nov. 27, 2024, 2:03 p.m.
Material in oprema za izgradnjo elektrodistribucijskega omrežja

Naročnik je objavil postopek vzpostavitve dinamičnega nabavnega sistema. Javno naročilo je razdeljeno na kategorije, kot je navedeno v nadaljevanju. Kandidati se lahko kadarkoli v času trajanja dinamičnega nabavnega sistema prijavijo na eno ali več kategorij. Prav tako se lahko kandidat, ki mu je bil že odobren dostop do dinamičnega nabavnega …

CPV: 31600000 Electrical equipment and apparatus, 31210000 Electrical apparatus for switching or protecting electrical circuits, 44322000 Cable accessories, 44212226 Electricity poles, 31681000 Electrical accessories, 31300000 Insulated wire and cable, 24000000 Chemical products, 44520000 Locks, keys and hinges, 31216000 Lightning arrestors, 44000000 Construction structures and materials; auxiliary products to construction (except electric apparatus), 31680000 Electrical supplies and accessories, 44212000 Structural products and parts except prefabricated buildings, 38550000 Meters, 31170000 Transformers, 44200000 Structural products
Place of execution:
Material in oprema za izgradnjo elektrodistribucijskega omrežja
Awarding body:
ELEKTRO LJUBLJANA, podjetje za distribucijo električne energije, d.d.
Award number:
Nov. 27, 2024, 1:56 p.m.
Ramavtal nätstationer, transformatorer och ställverk för låg- och mellanspänning

Prekvalificeringsninbjudna inför upphandling av ramavtal för köp av nätstationer i plåt eller betong, transformatorer, hög- och mellanställverk samt tillhörande produkter och tjänster. • Nätstationer i betong, 12 kV– inomhusbetjänade • Nätstationer i plåt, 12 kV och 24 kV – utomhusbetjänade • Lågspänningsställverk • Mellanspänningsställverk • Distributionstransformatorer, 11kV 100-1250 kVA, 22 …

CPV: 31000000 Electrical machinery, apparatus, equipment and consumables; lighting, 31100000 Electric motors, generators and transformers, 31170000 Transformers, 31200000 Electricity distribution and control apparatus, 51100000 Installation services of electrical and mechanical equipment
Dec. 13, 2024, midnight
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Ramavtal nätstationer, transformatorer och ställverk för låg- och mellanspänning
Awarding body:
AB Borlänge Energi
Award number:
Nov. 27, 2024, 12:58 p.m.