Your search for Support services for water transport
Number of alerts found: 7

TI 2024-1244 Bemanningstjänster Södertälje Hamn

Upphandlingen avser leverans av bemanningstjänster för Södertälje hamn. Upphandlingen avser leverans av bemanningstjänster för Södertälje hamn.

CPV: 63721200 Port operation services, 63720000 Support services for water transport, 63721000 Port and waterway operation services and associated services
Place of execution:
TI 2024-1244 Bemanningstjänster Södertälje Hamn
Awarding body:
Telge Inköp AB
Award number:
Nov. 29, 2024, 5:19 a.m.
Štúdia realizovateľnosti: Návrh opatrení pre zabezpečenie plnosplavnosti vodnej cesty Dunaj v r. km 1880,26 – r. km 1853,10

Predmetom zákazky je poskytnutie služby s názvom: „Štúdia realizovateľnosti: Návrh opatrení pre zabezpečenie plnosplavnosti vodnej cesty Dunaj v r. km 1880,26 – r. km 1853,10“ (ďalej len „Predmet zákazky“ alebo „Štúdia realizovateľnosti“). Predmetom zákazky je vypracovanie štúdie realizovateľnosti. Hlavným cieľom predmetnej zákazky je definovanie variantov pre dosiahnutie požadovaných parametrov plavebnej …

CPV: 71241000 Feasibility study, advisory service, analysis, 71620000 Analysis services, 63721000 Port and waterway operation services and associated services, 63720000 Support services for water transport
Dec. 9, 2024, 10 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Štúdia realizovateľnosti: Návrh opatrení pre zabezpečenie plnosplavnosti vodnej cesty Dunaj v r. km 1880,26 – r. km 1853,10
Awarding body:
Ministerstvo dopravy Slovenskej republiky
Award number:
Nov. 12, 2024, 8:25 a.m.
SPD6/2024/028 - Tender for New Landscaping and Irrigation Works, including the Supply of Water and a twenty-Four (24) months maintenance agreement in an Environmentally Friendly Manner at Dock 1, etc

The subject of this tender is the Supply of landscaping plants, material, and water; and the maintenance, monitoring and management of the landscaping and irrigation system at Dock 1, Bormla (Cospicua) for a period of twenty-four (24) Months. A clarification meeting/site visit will be held on Monday 20th May 2024 …

CPV: 71421000 Landscape gardening services, 63726000 Miscellaneous water transport support services, 63720000 Support services for water transport, 60600000 Water transport services, 41120000 Non-drinking water, 44613500 Water containers, 45112700 Landscaping work, 45112712 Landscaping work for gardens, 03451300 Shrubs, 03452000 Trees
Place of execution:
SPD6/2024/028 - Tender for New Landscaping and Irrigation Works, including the Supply of Water and a twenty-Four (24) months maintenance agreement in an Environmentally Friendly Manner at Dock 1, etc
Awarding body:
Sectoral Procurement Directorate
Award number:
Nov. 12, 2024, 7:40 a.m.
Štúdia realizovateľnosti: Návrh opatrení pre zabezpečenie plnosplavnosti vodnej cesty Dunaj v r. km 1880,26 – r. km 1853,10

Predmetom zákazky je poskytnutie služby s názvom: „Štúdia realizovateľnosti: Návrh opatrení pre zabezpečenie plnosplavnosti vodnej cesty Dunaj v r. km 1880,26 – r. km 1853,10“ (ďalej len „Predmet zákazky“ alebo „Štúdia realizovateľnosti“). Predmetom zákazky je vypracovanie štúdie realizovateľnosti. Hlavným cieľom predmetnej zákazky je definovanie variantov pre dosiahnutie požadovaných parametrov plavebnej …

CPV: 71241000 Feasibility study, advisory service, analysis, 71620000 Analysis services, 63721000 Port and waterway operation services and associated services, 63720000 Support services for water transport
Dec. 9, 2024, 10 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Štúdia realizovateľnosti: Návrh opatrení pre zabezpečenie plnosplavnosti vodnej cesty Dunaj v r. km 1880,26 – r. km 1853,10
Awarding body:
Ministerstvo dopravy Slovenskej republiky
Award number:
Nov. 8, 2024, 9:28 a.m.
Ajourføring af søkort

Forsvarets Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelse (FMI) har indgået en rammeaftale med en Leverandør om ajourføring søkort. Aftalen omhandler ajourføring af papirsøkort leveret af FMI. Forsvarets skibe bruger søkortene til at navigere efter. FMI vil sikre, at Leverandøren har adgang til søkort, og Leverandøren skal stå for den løbende ajourføringen af disse …

CPV: 63000000 Supporting and auxiliary transport services; travel agencies services, 34930000 Marine equipment, 34933000 Navigation equipment, 63720000 Support services for water transport, 63724000 Navigation services
Place of execution:
Ajourføring af søkort
Awarding body:
Danish Ministry of Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation
Award number:
Nov. 7, 2024, 8:07 a.m.
Variazione ex art. 24 del Regolamento per l'esecuzione del C.d.N. dell'Accordo sostitutivo della concessione e contestuale anticipata occupazone ex art. 38 del C.d.N. - richiedente Grendi Trasporti Marittimi S.p.A.

Variazione ex art. 24 del Regolamento per l'esecuzione del C.d.N. dell'Accordo sostitutivo della concessione n. 5/2016, aggiornato con atto suppletivo n. 13/2018, al fine di ricomprendervi parte del piano terra ed il primo piano della palazzina sita nel porto di Marina di Carrara in Calata Buscaiol ad uso uffici, n. …

CPV: 63720000 Support services for water transport
Place of execution:
Variazione ex art. 24 del Regolamento per l'esecuzione del C.d.N. dell'Accordo sostitutivo della concessione e contestuale anticipata occupazone ex art. 38 del C.d.N. - richiedente Grendi Trasporti Marittimi S.p.A.
Awarding body:
Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mar Ligure Orientale
Award number:
Nov. 1, 2024, 2:49 a.m.
Trasporti per via d'acqua/Trasporto ceneri e gessi (codice gruppo merce SLTR18)

Scopo del sistema di qualificazione è di costituire un elenco di Imprese qualificate nel Gruppo Merceologico Dispositivo Trasporti per via d'acqua/Trasporto ceneri e gessi . Ulteriori dettagli sono descritti nel documento - Requisiti di Base per la qualificazione delle Imprese nel Gruppo Merceologico - Trasporti per via d'acqua/Trasporto ceneri e …

CPV: 63720000 Support services for water transport
Place of execution:
Trasporti per via d'acqua/Trasporto ceneri e gessi (codice gruppo merce SLTR18)
Awarding body:
Enel SpA
Award number:
June 20, 2023, midnight