Your search for Stage construction works
Number of alerts found: 23

Gesamtschule Osterfeld, Multifunktionskomplex - Veranstaltungstechnik

Veranstaltungstechnik Installation diverser Audio-, Ton-, Medien- und Techniksysteme

CPV: 45317000 Other electrical installation work, 32300000 Television and radio receivers, and sound or video recording or reproducing apparatus, 32340000 Microphones and loudspeakers, 45237000 Stage construction works
Place of execution:
Gesamtschule Osterfeld, Multifunktionskomplex - Veranstaltungstechnik
Awarding body:
SBO Servicebetriebe Oberhausen - Eigenbetrieb der Stadt Oberhausen
Award number:
107/2024/3790 Z
Dec. 4, 2024, 3:41 a.m.
Establecimiento Sistema Dinámico de Adquisición para la contratación de suministros habituales para la prestación de los servicios públicos de competencia municipal

El objeto es la contratación, mediante categorías, de los suministros demandados por el Ayuntamiento de forma habitual para la prestación de los servicios públicos de competencia municipal mediante el establecimiento de un Sistema Dinámico de Adquisición El objeto es la contratación, mediante categorías, de los suministros demandados por el Ayuntamiento …

CPV: 34928400 Urban furniture, 03120000 Horticultural and nursery products, 03121000 Horticultural products, 03121100 Live plants, bulbs, roots, cuttings and slips, 03121210 Floral arrangements, 03419000 Timber, 03451000 Plants, 03451300 Shrubs, 03452000 Trees, 09111400 Wood fuels, 09132000 Petrol, 09134100 Diesel oil, 14200000 Sand and clay, 14210000 Gravel, sand, crushed stone and aggregates, 14212410 Topsoil, 16160000 Miscellaneous gardening equipment, 18100000 Occupational clothing, special workwear and accessories, 18110000 Occupational clothing, 18140000 Workwear accessories, 18141000 Work gloves, 18222000 Corporate clothing, 18410000 Special clothing, 18412000 Sportswear, 18444111 Crash helmets, 18800000 Footwear, 18820000 Sports footwear, 18830000 Protective footwear, 19640000 Polythene waste and refuse sacks and bags, 22000000 Printed matter and related products, 22100000 Printed books, brochures and leaflets, 22120000 Publications, 22130000 Directories, 22150000 Brochures, 22200000 Newspapers, journals, periodicals and magazines, 22314000 Designs, 22458000 Bespoke printed matter, 22462000 Advertising material, 30216110 Scanners for computer use, 30216120 Optical-character-recognition equipment, 30232100 Printers and plotters, 30232110 Laser printers, 30233140 Direct-access storage devices (DASD), 30236100 Memory-expansion equipment, 31200000 Electricity distribution and control apparatus, 31300000 Insulated wire and cable, 31310000 Mains, 31320000 Power distribution cables, 31330000 Coaxial cable, 31340000 Insulated cable accessories, 31500000 Lighting equipment and electric lamps, 31600000 Electrical equipment and apparatus, 31610000 Electrical equipment for engines and vehicles, 31620000 Sound or visual signalling apparatus, 31630000 Magnets, 31640000 Machines and apparatus with individual functions, 31681200 Electric pumps, 31700000 Electronic, electromechanical and electrotechnical supplies, 32331300 Sound-reproduction apparatus, 34900000 Miscellaneous transport equipment and spare parts, 34922000 Road-marking equipment, 34928470 Signage, 34990000 Control, safety, signalling and light equipment, 34992000 Signs and illuminated signs, 34992200 Road signs, 34992300 Street signs, 35811200 Police uniforms, 37416000 Leisure equipment, 37450000 Field and court sports equipment, 37535100 Swings, 37535200 Playground equipment, 37535292 Rope climbing equipment, 39000000 Furniture (incl. office furniture), furnishings, domestic appliances (excl. lighting) and cleaning products, 39224300 Brooms and brushes and other articles for household cleaning, 39713410 Floor-cleaning machines, 42122000 Pumps, 42122130 Water pumps, 42512000 Air-conditioning installations, 42600000 Machine tools, 42611000 Special-purpose machine tools, 42972000 Parts of cleaning machines, 42995000 Miscellaneous cleaning machines, 44000000 Construction structures and materials; auxiliary products to construction (except electric apparatus), 44111000 Building materials, 44111100 Bricks, 44111200 Cement, 44111300 Ceramics, 44111400 Paints and wallcoverings, 44111510 Insulators, 44111600 Blocks, 44111700 Tiles, 44111900 Ceramic flags, 44113100 Paving materials, 44113120 Paving slabs, 44113600 Bitumen and asphalt, 44114000 Concrete, 44114200 Concrete products, 44114220 Concrete pipes and fittings, 44115000 Building fittings, 44115200 Plumbing and heating materials, 44115800 Building internal fittings, 44163110 Drainage pipes, 44163111 Drain pipes, 44191000 Miscellaneous construction materials in wood, 44300000 Cable, wire and related products, 44316000 Ironmongery, 44316400 Hardware, 44316500 Smiths' wares, 44411800 Urinals, 44423400 Signs and related items, 44423450 Nameplates, 44423460 Address plates, 44423700 Manhole elements, 44423740 Manhole covers, 44423750 Drain covers, 44423760 Access covers, 44500000 Tools, locks, keys, hinges, fasteners, chain and springs, 44510000 Tools, 44530000 Fasteners, 44531000 Threaded fasteners, 44531100 Wood screws, 44800000 Paints, varnishes and mastics, 44811000 Road paint, 44812200 Oil and water paints, 44830000 Mastics, fillers, putty and solvents, 44832000 Solvents, 44832100 Paint stripper, 44900000 Stone for construction, limestone, gypsum and slate, 44930000 Slate, 45223800 Assembly and erection of prefabricated structures, 45237000 Stage construction works, 45421144 Installation work of awnings, 45421160 Ironmongery work, 45430000 Floor and wall covering work, 51313000 Installation services of sound equipment, 79810000 Printing services, 79822500 Graphic design services
Place of execution:
Establecimiento Sistema Dinámico de Adquisición para la contratación de suministros habituales para la prestación de los servicios públicos de competencia municipal
Awarding body:
Pleno del Ayuntamiento de Azuqueca de Henares
Award number:
Dec. 4, 2024, 2:41 a.m.
Bühnentechnik –Obermaschinerie

Die Laeiszhalle, gestiftet von dem Reederehepaar Carl und Sophie Laeis, wurde im Stil des Neo-Barocks ausgeführt und 1908 ihrerzeit als größtes und modernstes Konzerthaus Deutschlands eingeweiht. Neben der Elbphilharmonie ist die Laeiszhalle heute das bedeutendste Gebäude für klassische Musikdarbietungen in Hamburg. Der Bauherr führt bereits seit 2022 umfangreiche bauliche Maßnahmen …

CPV: 45237000 Stage construction works
Jan. 10, 2025, 11 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Bühnentechnik –Obermaschinerie
Awarding body:
Sprinkenhof GmbH
Award number:
Dec. 3, 2024, 4:39 a.m.
Zentrumsentwicklung Diepoldsau - BKP379 Bühneneinrichtung

Zentrumsentwicklung Diepoldsau - BKP379 Bühneneinrichtung Zentrumsentwicklung Diepoldsau - BKP379 Bühneneinrichtung

CPV: 45000000 Construction work, 45210000 Building construction work, 45237000 Stage construction works
Place of execution:
Zentrumsentwicklung Diepoldsau - BKP379 Bühneneinrichtung
Awarding body:
Politische Gemeinde Diepoldsau
Award number:
Nov. 30, 2024, 3:06 a.m.
347/2023/KKM/Zászlók, mark.- és dekorációs elemek

A közbeszerzés tárgya: „Zászlók, egyéb marketing- és dekorációs elemek gyártása, bérlése valamint kapcsolódó szolgáltatások ellátása a Külgazdasági és Külügyminisztérium részére” A közbeszerzés mennyisége: A műszaki leírásban részletesen meghatározott rendezvényszervezéshez kapcsolódó feladatok, valamint kiegészítő szolgáltatások ellátása legfeljebb nettó 420.000.000,- Ft + Áfa, azaz nettó négyszázhúszmillió forint + általános forgalmi adó keretösszeg …

CPV: 79950000 Exhibition, fair and congress organisation services, 79300000 Market and economic research; polling and statistics, 45237000 Stage construction works, 45340000 Fencing, railing and safety equipment installation work, 45451000 Decoration work, 51000000 Installation services (except software), 55000000 Hotel, restaurant and retail trade services, 55300000 Restaurant and food-serving services, 79310000 Market research services, 79320000 Public-opinion polling services, 79340000 Advertising and marketing services, 79416000 Public relations services, 79710000 Security services, 79821000 Print finishing services, 79822500 Graphic design services, 79952000 Event services, 79960000 Photographic and ancillary services, 92000000 Recreational, cultural and sporting services, 92100000 Motion picture and video services, 92200000 Radio and television services, 92300000 Entertainment services, 92312000 Artistic services, 92331100 Fair services, 92340000 Dance and performance entertainment services, 92360000 Pyrotechnic services, 92370000 Sound technician, 92620000 Sport-related services, 92621000 Sports-event promotion services, 92622000 Sports-event organisation services
Place of execution:
347/2023/KKM/Zászlók, mark.- és dekorációs elemek
Awarding body:
Nemzeti Kommunikációs Hivatal
Award number:
Nov. 26, 2024, 12:55 a.m.
construction d'une salle des rencontres communale et d'une médiathèque intercommunale sur la commune du Grau du Roi

Travaux allotis en 17 lots Travaux de terrassements, fondations, gros œuvre nécessaires à la construction du bâtiment partagé Travaux d'isolation rapportée nécessaires à la construction du bâtiment partagé Travaux de charpente métallique, couverture et étanchéité nécessaires à la construction du bâtiment partagé Travaux de menuiseries extérieures Aluminium nécessaires à la …

CPV: 45210000 Building construction work, 45212330 Library construction work, 45212340 Lecture hall construction work, 45112500 Earthmoving work, 45320000 Insulation work, 45261213 Metal roof-covering work, 45421000 Joinery work, 45421141 Installation of partitioning, 45422100 Woodwork, 45432100 Floor laying and covering work, 45341000 Erection of railings, 45310000 Electrical installation work, 45331000 Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning installation work, 45237000 Stage construction works, 45421151 Installation of fitted kitchens, 45442100 Painting work, 45313100 Lift installation work, 45112320 Land-reclamation work, 45112710 Landscaping work for green areas
Place of execution:
construction d'une salle des rencontres communale et d'une médiathèque intercommunale sur la commune du Grau du Roi
Awarding body:
Mairie de Le Grau Du Roi
Award number:
Nov. 21, 2024, 1:55 a.m.
Neubau Stadtteilzentrum Büchenbach

Diese Vorinformation umfasst mehrere Gewerke bzw. Leistungen Stadtteilbibliothek durch die Stadt Erlangen errichtet. Das Gebäude ist freistehend, 3-geschossig und teilunterkellert. Die Zugänge erfolgen hauptsächlich im Norden über die Lindnerstraße. Zusätzliche Eingänge befinden sich im Süden und Osten. Im Zentrum des Gebäudes befindet sich ein 3-geschossiges Atrium. Zwei abgetrennte Treppenhäuser beinhalten …

CPV: 45211350 Multi-functional buildings construction work, 45262320 Screed works, 45420000 Joinery and carpentry installation work, 45112700 Landscaping work, 45311200 Electrical fitting work, 45311000 Electrical wiring and fitting work, 45315100 Electrical engineering installation works, 45317000 Other electrical installation work, 09331200 Solar photovoltaic modules, 71314100 Electrical services, 45237000 Stage construction works
Place of execution:
Neubau Stadtteilzentrum Büchenbach
Awarding body:
Stadt Erlangen - Zentrale Vergabestelle
Award number:
Nov. 19, 2024, 4:04 a.m.
Hyra av ljud, ljus, scen, video och personal – Gustav Adolfs Torg - Stockholms Kulturfestival 2025

Hyra av ljud, ljus, scen, video och personal – Gustav Adolfs Torg - Stockholms Kulturfestival 2025 Hyra av ljud, ljus, scen, video och personal – Gustav Adolfs Torg - Stockholms Kulturfestival 2025

CPV: 92370000 Sound technician, 31500000 Lighting equipment and electric lamps, 32340000 Microphones and loudspeakers, 32342400 Acoustic devices, 45237000 Stage construction works
Dec. 12, 2024, 11:59 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Hyra av ljud, ljus, scen, video och personal – Gustav Adolfs Torg - Stockholms Kulturfestival 2025
Awarding body:
Award number:
KUL 2024/1266
Nov. 15, 2024, 9:46 a.m.
556/2023/ME/ Rendezvényszervezési feladatok

Ajánlatkérő a jelen eljárást az alábbiakban megjelölt keretmegállapodás alapján folytatta le a közbeszerzésekről szóló 2015. évi CXLIII. törvény 105. § (1) bekezdés c) pont szerint. A keretmegállapodás tárgya: „Keretmegállapodás rendezvényszervezéshez kapcsolódó feladatok ellátására a Nemzeti Kommunikációs Hivatal jogállásáról és a kormányzati kommunikációs beszerzésekről szóló 162/2020. (IV. 30.) Korm. rendelet 2. …

CPV: 79950000 Exhibition, fair and congress organisation services, 79300000 Market and economic research; polling and statistics, 45237000 Stage construction works, 45340000 Fencing, railing and safety equipment installation work, 45451000 Decoration work, 51000000 Installation services (except software), 55000000 Hotel, restaurant and retail trade services, 55300000 Restaurant and food-serving services, 79310000 Market research services, 79320000 Public-opinion polling services, 79340000 Advertising and marketing services, 79416000 Public relations services, 79710000 Security services, 79821000 Print finishing services, 79822500 Graphic design services, 79952000 Event services, 79960000 Photographic and ancillary services, 92000000 Recreational, cultural and sporting services, 92100000 Motion picture and video services, 92200000 Radio and television services, 92300000 Entertainment services, 92312000 Artistic services, 92331100 Fair services, 92340000 Dance and performance entertainment services, 92360000 Pyrotechnic services, 92370000 Sound technician, 92620000 Sport-related services, 92621000 Sports-event promotion services, 92622000 Sports-event organisation services
Place of execution:
556/2023/ME/ Rendezvényszervezési feladatok
Awarding body:
Nemzeti Kommunikációs Hivatal
Award number:
Nov. 15, 2024, 8:26 a.m.
Modernisierung und Erweiterung Bürgerhaus Gräfelfing / Bühnentechnik

Der Beschaffungsgegenstand umfasst die Montage der Anlagen Bühnentechnik (Unter-, Obermaschinerie, Stahlbau, Bühnenboden) Der Beschaffungsgegenstand umfasst die Montage der Anlagen Bühnentechnik (Unter-, Obermaschinerie, Stahlbau, Bühnenboden)

CPV: 45237000 Stage construction works
Place of execution:
Modernisierung und Erweiterung Bürgerhaus Gräfelfing / Bühnentechnik
Awarding body:
Gemeinde Gräfelfing
Award number:
Nov. 14, 2024, 6:32 a.m.