Your search for Software development services suites
Number of alerts found: 2

SLA podpora prevádzky a rozvoja informačného systému Viki

Predmetom zákazky je zabezpečenie komplexných odborných služieb technickej podpory softvérového riešenia údržby, úprav a rozvoja vzdelávacej platformy informačného systému (IS Viki) a zabezpečenia jeho riadnej prevádzkyschopnosti a rozvoj funkcionalít tak, aby v maximálnej možnej miere reflektovala požiadavky kľúčových používateľov v čase t.j. najmä učiteľov a žiakov. Hlavným cieľom zákazky je …

CPV: 72222300 Information technology services, 72260000 Software-related services, 72250000 System and support services, 72261000 Software support services, 72212422 Software development services suites, 72240000 Systems analysis and programming services, 72263000 Software implementation services
Place of execution:
SLA podpora prevádzky a rozvoja informačného systému Viki
Awarding body:
Ministerstvo školstva, výskumu, vývoja a mládeže Slovenskej republiky
Award number:
Dec. 3, 2024, 4:16 a.m.
Procurement of an agreement for software for route optimisation for the collection of waste in Oslo.

The aim of the procurement is to have an agreement for a route optimisation system that can give us new proposals on how the collection of waste in Oslo municipality ought to take place. The agreement shall i.a. ensure • increased productivity, "correct" load on sanitation engineers and vehicles • …

CPV: 72212330 Scheduling and productivity software development services, 48000000 Software package and information systems, 48100000 Industry specific software package, 48140000 Railway traffic control software package, 48150000 Industrial control software package, 48210000 Networking software package, 48211000 Platform interconnectivity software package, 48213000 Operating system enhancement software package, 48214000 Network operating system software package, 48215000 Networking developers' software package, 48219000 Miscellaneous networking software package, 48219300 Administration software package, 48219700 Communications server software package, 48332000 Scheduling software package, 48422000 Software package suites, 72212332 Scheduling software development services, 72212422 Software development services suites, 72212450 Time accounting or human resources software development services
Place of execution:
Procurement of an agreement for software for route optimisation for the collection of waste in Oslo.
Awarding body:
Oslo kommune v/ Renovasjons- og gjenvinningsetaten
Award number:
Oct. 31, 2024, 6:52 a.m.