Your search for Soft furnishings
Number of alerts found: 8

Dostawa i montaż mebli do nowych kwater internatowych.

Przedmiotem zamówienia jest dostawa mebli do nowych kwater internatowych. Postępowanie jest podzielone na 2 części: Część 1 - dostawa i montaż mebli do nowych kwater internatowych w Nowej Dębie. Część 2 - dostawa i montaż mebli do kwater internatowych w Lublinie Zamawiający wezwie Wykonawców, których oferty zostały najwyżej ocenione w …

CPV: 39140000 Domestic furniture, 39141000 Kitchen furniture and equipment, 39144000 Bathroom furniture, 39516100 Soft furnishings
March 3, 2025, 9 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Dostawa i montaż mebli do nowych kwater internatowych.
Awarding body:
Agencja Mienia Wojskowego
Award number:
Feb. 1, 2025, 11:47 a.m.

• Pakiet 1 - Dostawa i montaż modułów kontenerowych biurowo-sanitarnych. • Pakiet 2 - Meble wraz z montażem do pomieszczeń biurowych zlokalizowanych w kontenerach • Pakiet 3 - Zestaw mebli kuchennych wraz z montażem pomieszczenia socjalnego zlokalizowanego w kontenerze • Pakiet 4 - Krzesła do pomieszczeń biurowych i do pomieszczenia …

CPV: 39130000 Office furniture, 39100000 Furniture, 39110000 Seats, chairs and related products, and associated parts, 39113100 Armchairs, 39121100 Desks, 39141200 Worktops, 39141300 Cabinets, 39150000 Miscellaneous furniture and equipment, 39516100 Soft furnishings, 39711130 Refrigerators, 39711362 Microwave ovens, 39721100 Domestic cooking appliances, 44211100 Modular and portable buildings, 44410000 Articles for the bathroom and kitchen
Feb. 24, 2025, 11 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Awarding body:
4. Wojskowy Szpital Kliniczny z Polikliniką Samodzielny Publiczny Zakład Opieki Zdrowotnej we Wrocławiu
Award number:
Jan. 30, 2025, 1:33 a.m.
Turnkey contract - Gladengveien 7 (G7) and Malerhaugveien 28 (M28)

The procurement concerns two furnishing works including outdoor work for nurseries in Malerhaugveien 28 (M28) and in Gladengveien 7 (G7). Both framework sections are situated in settled housing cooperatives where areas have been set aside for a nursery school. Both M28 and G7 are 4 department nurseries with room for …

CPV: 39516000 Furnishing articles, 39516100 Soft furnishings, 45000000 Construction work, 45210000 Building construction work, 45213142 Open-air market construction work, 45214100 Construction work for kindergarten buildings, 45300000 Building installation work, 45400000 Building completion work
Feb. 28, 2025, 11 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Turnkey contract - Gladengveien 7 (G7) and Malerhaugveien 28 (M28)
Awarding body:
Oslo kommune v/ Oslobygg KF
Award number:
Jan. 14, 2025, 2:23 a.m.
Dostawa mebli nowych do kwater internatowych – budynek przy ulicy Bohaterów Września 83 w miejscowości Sieradz

1. Przedmiotem zamówienia jest dostawa mebli nowych do kwater internatowych – budynek przy ulicy Bohaterów Września 83 w miejscowości Sieradz. 2. Szczegółowy opis przedmiotu zamówienia zawarty jest w załączniku nr 1 do SWZ Opis przedmiotu zamówienia 1. Przedmiotem zamówienia jest dostawa mebli nowych do kwater internatowych – budynek przy ulicy …

CPV: 39140000 Domestic furniture, 39141000 Kitchen furniture and equipment, 39151000 Miscellaneous furniture, 39516100 Soft furnishings
Place of execution:
Dostawa mebli nowych do kwater internatowych – budynek przy ulicy Bohaterów Września 83 w miejscowości Sieradz
Awarding body:
Agencja Mienia Wojskowego
Award number:
Jan. 14, 2025, 12:51 a.m.
Baldų užsakymai per CPO LT elektroninį katalogą

Baldai – standartiniai (sertifikuoti/nesertifikuoti) baldai, skirti ikimokyklinio bei bendrojo ugdymo įstaigoms, universitetams, kolegijoms ir pan., biurams, viešoms erdvėms, medicinos įstaigoms ir kt. Baldai – standartiniai (sertifikuoti/nesertifikuoti) baldai, skirti ikimokyklinio bei bendrojo ugdymo įstaigoms, universitetams, kolegijoms ir pan., biurams, viešoms erdvėms, medicinos įstaigoms ir kt.

CPV: 39100000 Furniture, 30100000 Office machinery, equipment and supplies except computers, printers and furniture, 30190000 Various office equipment and supplies, 30192000 Office supplies, 30192155 Office stamp holders, 30192170 Notice boards, 30193700 File storage box, 30195000 Boards, 30195300 Letter boards or accessories, 30195400 Dry erase boards or accessories, 30195500 Chalk boards or accessories, 30195600 Bulletin boards or accessories, 30195900 Whiteboards and magnetic boards, 30195910 Whiteboards, 30195913 Flipchart easels, 30195920 Magnetic boards, 33192000 Medical furniture, 33192100 Beds for medical use, 33192120 Hospital beds, 33192130 Motorised beds, 33192150 Therapy beds, 33192200 Medical tables, 33192210 Examination tables, 33192300 Medical furniture except beds and tables, 34144760 Mobile library vehicles, 35261000 Information panels, 39000000 Furniture (incl. office furniture), furnishings, domestic appliances (excl. lighting) and cleaning products, 39110000 Seats, chairs and related products, and associated parts, 39111000 Seats, 39111100 Swivel seats, 39111200 Theatre seats, 39112000 Chairs, 39112100 Dining chairs, 39113000 Miscellaneous seats and chairs, 39113100 Armchairs, 39113200 Settees, 39113300 Bench seats, 39113400 Deck chairs, 39113500 Stools, 39113600 Benches, 39114100 Upholstering, 39120000 Tables, cupboards, desk and bookcases, 39121000 Desks and tables, 39121100 Desks, 39121200 Tables, 39122000 Cupboards and bookcases, 39122200 Bookcases, 39130000 Office furniture, 39131000 Office shelving, 39131100 Archive shelving, 39132000 Filing systems, 39132100 Filing cabinets, 39132200 Card-index cabinets, 39132500 Office trolleys, 39133000 Display units, 39134000 Computer furniture, 39134100 Computer tables, 39136000 Coat hangers, 39141000 Kitchen furniture and equipment, 39141100 Shelves, 39141200 Worktops, 39141300 Cabinets, 39141500 Fume cupboards, 39142000 Garden furniture, 39143000 Bedroom, dining room and living-room furniture, 39143110 Beds and bedding and specialist soft furnishings, 39143113 Specialist soft furnishings, 39143116 Cots, 39143121 Wardrobes, 39143122 Chests of drawers, 39143200 Dining-room furniture, 39143210 Dining tables, 39143310 Coffee tables, 39151000 Miscellaneous furniture, 39151200 Work benches, 39151300 Modular furniture, 39153000 Conference-room furniture, 39153100 Bookstands, 39154000 Exhibition equipment, 39154100 Exhibition stands, 39155000 Library furniture, 39155100 Library equipment, 39156000 Lounge and reception-area furniture, 39160000 School furniture, 39161000 Kindergarten furniture, 39162000 Educational equipment, 39180000 Laboratory furniture, 39181000 Laboratory benching, 39292000 School slates or boards with writing or drawing surfaces or instruments, 39292100 Blackboards, 39516100 Soft furnishings, 39522520 Camp beds, 42671100 Laboratory tool carriers, 44421700 Boxes and lockers, 44421720 Lockers
Place of execution:
Baldų užsakymai per CPO LT elektroninį katalogą
Awarding body:
Viešoji įstaiga CPO LT
Award number:
Nov. 30, 2024, 2:38 a.m.
Baldų su projektavimu užsakymai per CPO LT elektroninį katalogą

Baldai su projektavimu Baldų projektavimas Baldai

CPV: 39100000 Furniture, 33192000 Medical furniture, 39110000 Seats, chairs and related products, and associated parts, 39111000 Seats, 39111200 Theatre seats, 39113000 Miscellaneous seats and chairs, 39120000 Tables, cupboards, desk and bookcases, 39130000 Office furniture, 39134000 Computer furniture, 39140000 Domestic furniture, 39141000 Kitchen furniture and equipment, 39141400 Fitted kitchens, 39142000 Garden furniture, 39150000 Miscellaneous furniture and equipment, 39151000 Miscellaneous furniture, 39151300 Modular furniture, 39153000 Conference-room furniture, 39155000 Library furniture, 39156000 Lounge and reception-area furniture, 39160000 School furniture, 39161000 Kindergarten furniture, 39180000 Laboratory furniture, 39516100 Soft furnishings, 79934000 Furniture design services
Place of execution:
Baldų su projektavimu užsakymai per CPO LT elektroninį katalogą
Awarding body:
Viešoji įstaiga CPO LT
Award number:
Nov. 30, 2024, 2:17 a.m.
Baldai Vilniaus universiteto objektams Nr. 4550/2024/TVPC

Vykdomas dinaminės pirkimo sukūrimas ir tiekėjų atranka. Pirkimo vykdytojas konkretaus pirkimo, vykdomo DPS pagrindu, metu numato įsigyti baldus, baldų projektavimo ir gamybos bei montavimo darbus Vilniaus universiteto objektams. Vykdomas dinaminės pirkimo sukūrimas ir tiekėjų atranka. Pirkimo vykdytojas konkretaus pirkimo, vykdomo DPS pagrindu, metu numato įsigyti baldus, baldų projektavimo ir gamybos …

CPV: 39100000 Furniture, 33192000 Medical furniture, 39110000 Seats, chairs and related products, and associated parts, 39111000 Seats, 39113000 Miscellaneous seats and chairs, 39120000 Tables, cupboards, desk and bookcases, 39130000 Office furniture, 39134000 Computer furniture, 39140000 Domestic furniture, 39141000 Kitchen furniture and equipment, 39143000 Bedroom, dining room and living-room furniture, 39143112 Mattresses, 39143200 Dining-room furniture, 39143300 Living-room furniture, 39144000 Bathroom furniture, 39150000 Miscellaneous furniture and equipment, 39151000 Miscellaneous furniture, 39151300 Modular furniture, 39153000 Conference-room furniture, 39155000 Library furniture, 39180000 Laboratory furniture, 39516100 Soft furnishings, 45421151 Installation of fitted kitchens, 45421153 Installation of built-in furniture, 79934000 Furniture design services
Place of execution:
Baldai Vilniaus universiteto objektams Nr. 4550/2024/TVPC
Awarding body:
Vilniaus universitetas
Award number:
Nov. 30, 2024, 1:44 a.m.
Baldai Vilniaus universiteto objektams Nr. 4550/2024/TVPC

Vykdomas dinaminės pirkimo sukūrimas ir tiekėjų atranka. Pirkimo vykdytojas konkretaus pirkimo, vykdomo DPS pagrindu, metu numato įsigyti baldus, baldų projektavimo ir gamybos bei montavimo darbus Vilniaus universiteto objektams. Vykdomas dinaminės pirkimo sukūrimas ir tiekėjų atranka. Pirkimo vykdytojas konkretaus pirkimo, vykdomo DPS pagrindu, metu numato įsigyti baldus, baldų projektavimo ir gamybos …

CPV: 39100000 Furniture, 33192000 Medical furniture, 39110000 Seats, chairs and related products, and associated parts, 39111000 Seats, 39113000 Miscellaneous seats and chairs, 39120000 Tables, cupboards, desk and bookcases, 39130000 Office furniture, 39134000 Computer furniture, 39140000 Domestic furniture, 39141000 Kitchen furniture and equipment, 39143000 Bedroom, dining room and living-room furniture, 39143112 Mattresses, 39143200 Dining-room furniture, 39143300 Living-room furniture, 39144000 Bathroom furniture, 39150000 Miscellaneous furniture and equipment, 39151000 Miscellaneous furniture, 39151300 Modular furniture, 39153000 Conference-room furniture, 39155000 Library furniture, 39180000 Laboratory furniture, 39516100 Soft furnishings, 45421151 Installation of fitted kitchens, 45421153 Installation of built-in furniture, 79934000 Furniture design services
Place of execution:
Baldai Vilniaus universiteto objektams Nr. 4550/2024/TVPC
Awarding body:
Vilniaus universitetas
Award number:
Sept. 18, 2024, 12:33 a.m.