Your search for Sludge-processing equipment
Number of alerts found: 9

De engineering, de levering, de plaatsing, de opstart en het onderhoud van een installatie voor de productie van biochar op basis van pyrolyse technologie met geïntegreerde droger

De engineering, de levering, de plaatsing, de opstart en het onderhoud van een installatie voor de productie van biochar op basis van pyrolyse technologie met geïntegreerde droger welke ontwaterd slib (20 – 30% droge stof) tot biochar maakt. De leverancier van de installatie is verantwoordelijk voor de end-to-end oplossing die …

CPV: 42996900 Sludge-processing equipment
Place of execution:
De engineering, de levering, de plaatsing, de opstart en het onderhoud van een installatie voor de productie van biochar op basis van pyrolyse technologie met geïntegreerde droger
Awarding body:
Aquafin NV
Award number:
Nov. 30, 2024, 3 a.m.
Modernizacja urządzeń na oczyszczalni ścieków-rozszerzenie

Przedmiotem zamówienia jest realizacja zadania pn.: "Modernizacja urządzeń na oczyszczalni ścieków-rozszerzenie ".Szczegółowy opis przedmiotu zamówienia znajduje się w Załączniku Nr 1 (OPZ) do SWZ. Przedmiotem zamówienia jest realizacja zadania pn.: "Modernizacja urządzeń na oczyszczalni ścieków-rozszerzenie ".Szczegółowy opis przedmiotu zamówienia znajduje się w Załączniku Nr 1 (OPZ).

CPV: 42996900 Sludge-processing equipment
Dec. 5, 2024, 10 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Modernizacja urządzeń na oczyszczalni ścieków-rozszerzenie
Awarding body:
Award number:
Nov. 29, 2024, 5:34 a.m.
Investice do úpravy digestátu BPS Příložany

Předmětem plnění veřejné zakázky je vybudovaní koncového skladu (zastřešeného) v areálu současné bioplynové stanice, který umožní díky delší době zdržení nově hygienizaci kalů z ČOV, a tudíž navýšení zpracovaní odpadů oproti současnému stavu. Předmětem díla je dodání a montáž související technologie. Podrobný rozsah prací a dodávek, které požaduje zadavatel realizovat, …

CPV: 42996900 Sludge-processing equipment, 45222100 Waste-treatment plant construction work
Place of execution:
Investice do úpravy digestátu BPS Příložany
Awarding body:
Ing. Jan Kopeček
Award number:
Nov. 27, 2024, 3:45 p.m.
Centrifūgu piegāde un uzstādīšana

Centrifūgu piegāde un uzstādīšana Centrifūgu piegāde un uzstādīšana

CPV: 42996900 Sludge-processing equipment
Dec. 27, 2024, 9 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Centrifūgu piegāde un uzstādīšana
Awarding body:
SIA "Daugavpils ūdens"
Award number:
DŪ 2024/26
Nov. 27, 2024, 1:37 p.m.
Service af dekantere (slamafvandere)

Aftalen vedrører lovpligtig eftersyn og majorservice inkl. servicekits af Aarhus Vands 8 dekantere af mærket Alfa Laval, der er fordelt på Ordregivers renseanlæg i Egå, Viby og Marselisborg. Det lovpligtige eftersyn skal udføres én gang årligt pr. dekanter, mens majorservice skal udføres i overensstemmelse med operatørmanualen for den enkelte dekanter. …

CPV: 50530000 Repair and maintenance services of machinery, 42931000 Centrifuges, 42996900 Sludge-processing equipment
Place of execution:
Service af dekantere (slamafvandere)
Awarding body:
Aarhus Vand
Award number:
Service af dekantere (slamafvandere)
Nov. 20, 2024, 1:44 a.m.
Alquiler de una unidad móvil de deshidratación de fango, una bomba sumergible para fango y una cinta transportadora destinadas a la línea de fango de la ETAP arenillas de la empresa Agua y Residuos del Campo de Gibraltar Sociedad Anónima (ARCGISA).

Alquiler de una unidad móvil de deshidratación de fango, una bomba sumergible para fango y una cinta transportadora destinadas a la línea de fango de la ETAP arenillas de la empresa Agua y Residuos del Campo de Gibraltar Sociedad Anónima (ARCGISA). Alquiler de una unidad móvil de deshidratación de fango, …

CPV: 42996900 Sludge-processing equipment
Place of execution:
Alquiler de una unidad móvil de deshidratación de fango, una bomba sumergible para fango y una cinta transportadora destinadas a la línea de fango de la ETAP arenillas de la empresa Agua y Residuos del Campo de Gibraltar Sociedad Anónima (ARCGISA).
Awarding body:
Consejería Delegada de Agua y Residuos del Campo de Gibraltar, S.A. (ARCGISA)
Award number:
Nov. 4, 2024, 12:04 p.m.
Wartung von TGA für das IFA, Los 4 - Fäkalien-Hebeanlagen - Aufhebung - Bek. verg. Auftrag

Gegenstand dieses Vertrages ist die wiederkehrende Wartung und Inspektion, nachstehend als Wartung bezeichnet, sowie kleine Instandsetzungsarbeiten an den in der Übersicht B 1 bezeichneten Fäkalienhebeanlagen, nachfolgend auch als Anlagen bezeichnet, am Standort der DGUV in St. Augustin. Siehe "Kurze Beschreibung" und Übersicht B 1.

CPV: 50000000 Repair and maintenance services, 42120000 Pumps and compressors, 42122400 Centrifugal pumps and liquid elevators, 42122420 Liquid elevators, 42996200 Sewage presses, 42996700 Precipitators, 42996800 Sedimentation beds, 42996900 Sludge-processing equipment
Place of execution:
Wartung von TGA für das IFA, Los 4 - Fäkalien-Hebeanlagen - Aufhebung - Bek. verg. Auftrag
Awarding body:
Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung e.V.
Award number:
Oct. 26, 2024, 4:42 a.m.
Telecontrollo hardware lato campo

Telecontrollo hardware lato campo Telecontrollo hardware lato campo

CPV: 42996900 Sludge-processing equipment
Place of execution:
Telecontrollo hardware lato campo
Awarding body:
Award number:
Jan. 12, 2024, midnight
Sistema di qualificazione di Acquedotto Pugliese SpA - Forniture

Sistema di qualificazione di Acquedotto Pugliese S.p.a.

CPV: 44132000 Culvert elements, 09100000 Fuels, 09300000 Electricity, heating, solar and nuclear energy, 14622000 Steel, 18100000 Occupational clothing, special workwear and accessories, 19520000 Plastic products, 19640000 Polythene waste and refuse sacks and bags, 22460000 Trade-advertising material, commercial catalogues and manuals, 22800000 Paper or paperboard registers, account books, binders, forms and other articles of printed stationery, 24100000 Gases, 24321000 Hydrocarbons, 24954000 Activated carbon, 24960000 Various chemical products, 30100000 Office machinery, equipment and supplies except computers, printers and furniture, 30190000 Various office equipment and supplies, 30230000 Computer-related equipment, 31000000 Electrical machinery, apparatus, equipment and consumables; lighting, 31100000 Electric motors, generators and transformers, 31120000 Generators, 31170000 Transformers, 31200000 Electricity distribution and control apparatus, 31320000 Power distribution cables, 31400000 Accumulators, primary cells and primary batteries, 31500000 Lighting equipment and electric lamps, 31600000 Electrical equipment and apparatus, 31680000 Electrical supplies and accessories, 31710000 Electronic equipment, 31711310 System for recording attendance, 31720000 Electromechanical equipment, 32323500 Video-surveillance system, 33191000 Sterilisation, disinfection and hygiene devices, 33600000 Pharmaceutical products, 33696500 Laboratory reagents, 33790000 Laboratory, hygienic or pharmaceutical glassware, 34100000 Motor vehicles, 34951300 Sludge-drier installation, 35000000 Security, fire-fighting, police and defence equipment, 35800000 Individual and support equipment, 38000000 Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses), 38290000 Surveying, hydrographic, oceanographic and hydrological instruments and appliances, 38400000 Instruments for checking physical characteristics, 38421100 Water meters, 38800000 Industrial process control equipment and remote-control equipment, 39180000 Laboratory furniture, 39717000 Fans and air-conditioning appliances, 42000000 Industrial machinery, 42120000 Pumps and compressors, 42121300 Pneumatic power engines, 42130000 Taps, cocks, valves and similar appliances, 42400000 Lifting and handling equipment and parts, 42514000 Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying gases, 42912000 Liquid filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus, 42912300 Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying water, 42996000 Machinery for the treatment of sewage, 42996900 Sludge-processing equipment, 43300000 Construction machinery and equipment, 44000000 Construction structures and materials; auxiliary products to construction (except electric apparatus), 44130000 Sewer mains, 44160000 Pipeline, piping, pipes, casing, tubing and related items, 44316000 Ironmongery, 44470000 Cast-iron products, 44600000 Tanks, reservoirs and containers; central-heating radiators and boilers, 44617200 Meter housings, 48000000 Software package and information systems, 65400000 Other sources of energy supplies and distribution, 38300000 Measuring instruments
Place of execution:
Sistema di qualificazione di Acquedotto Pugliese SpA - Forniture
Awarding body:
Acquedotto Pugliese S.p.A.
Award number:
Dec. 16, 2022, midnight