We would like to enter into a framework agreement for plumbing services for Ahus ́s locations. Sub-contract 1; sub area 1. Ahus Nordbyhagen including underlying locations and buildings (except Kongsvinger). Sub-contract 2; sub area 2. Ahus Kongsvinger, including owned personnel buildings.
Servicio de Mantenimiento integral de edificios adscritos al Departamento de Salud de Xàtiva-Ontinyent de la Conselleria de Sanidad, incluyendo su gestión y el suministro de repuestos para reparaciones. Servicio de Mantenimiento integral de edificios adscritos al Departamento de Salud de Xàtiva-Ontinyent de la Conselleria de Sanidad, incluyendo su gestión y …
This procurement is for trade services for Helse Førde Health Trust. The procurement is for plumbing services in addition to materials for Helse Førde HF. This procurement is divided into 2 sub-contracts, one for each location within Helse Førde Health Trust's area. Sub-contract 1: Helse Førde HF Plumbing services Ytre …
Oslo municipality, c/o the Agency for Sanitation and Recycling (REG) needs a framework agreement that shall ensure the need for special welding services, including planned and acute welding work, welding of pressurised parts, as well as monitoring wear on pipe systems and simulation. The scope concerns both repairs and replacement …
Troms County shall have a new framework agreement for plumbing services and the accompanying pipe parts/material. The contracts shall take care of Troms county ́s procurement of plumbing services and materials for the discipline. For pipe parts/materials, the sixth form colleges with education in these disciplines shall also be able …