The aim of the procurement is to establish a framework agreement with tenderers who shall cover the Contracting Authority's ongoing need for plumbing services. The works will include a number of assignments of varying sizes and scope, including major renovations, replacement of old equipment and installations, as well as repairs …
Udbuddet omfatter oprettelsen af et dynamisk indkøbssystem til foringer på regn- og spildevandsrør hos Novafos A/S. Et dynamisk indkøbssystem er en elektronisk indkøbsproces, hvor hvert enkelt periodekøb/opgave bliver sendt i konkurrence (Miniudbud) blandt Deltagerne. Ordregiver benytter sig af det dynamiske indkøbssystem, når der opstår behov for indkøb af foringer på …
The aim of the procurement is that the framework agreement shall cover Bykle municipality ́s continuing need for trade services within plumbing work. The works will include a number of assignments of varying sizes and scope, including major renovations, replacement of old equipment and installations, as well as repairs and …
Fornecimento e soldadura de Geomembrana PEAD para impermeabilização da célula 1 do Aterro do Ecoparque da Abrunheira Fornecimento e soldadura de Geomembrana PEAD para impermeabilização da célula 1 do Aterro do Ecoparque da Abrunheira