Your search for Shampoos
Number of alerts found: 10

The Supply and Delivery of Hairdressing, Barbering and Beauty Salon Class Consumables and Equipment in Eight (8) Lots to Cork Education and Training Board

This competition relates to a number of framework agreements (8 in total) for The Supply and Delivery of Hairdressing, Barbering and Beauty Salon Class Consumables and Equipment to designated Cork College of FET campuses as required. This competition relates to a number of framework agreements (8 in total) for The …

CPV: 33711200 Make-up preparations, 33711300 Manicure or pedicure preparations, 33711400 Beauty products, 33711410 Cotton buds, 33711420 Makeup kits, 33711430 Disposable personal wipes, 33711440 Lip balm, 33711500 Skin-care products, 33711600 Hair preparations and articles, 33711610 Shampoos, 33711620 Combs, 33711630 Wigs, 33711640 Vanity kits, 33720000 Razors and manicure or pedicure sets, 33721000 Razors, 33721100 Razor blades, 33721200 Shavers, 33722000 Manicure or pedicure sets, 33722100 Manicure sets, 33722110 Manicure implements, 33722200 Pedicure sets, 33722210 Pedicure implements, 33722300 Barrettes, 33740000 Hand and nails care products, 33741000 Hand care products, 33741100 Hand cleaner, 33741200 Hand or body lotions, 33741300 Hand sanitizer, 33742000 Nail care products, 33742100 Nail clippers, 33742200 Nail polish, 39100000 Furniture, 39200000 Furnishing
Place of execution:
The Supply and Delivery of Hairdressing, Barbering and Beauty Salon Class Consumables and Equipment in Eight (8) Lots to Cork Education and Training Board
Awarding body:
Cork Education and Training Board
Award number:
Jan. 25, 2025, 7:38 a.m.
SPD4/2024/039 - Framework Contract for The Provision of Hand Wash Lotion with Reduced Environmental Impact and Body Wash Lotion for Saint Vincent De Paul

SPD4/2024/039 - Framework Contract for The Provision of Hand Wash Lotion with Reduced Environmental Impact and Body Wash Lotion for Saint Vincent De Paul SPD4/2024/039 - Framework Contract for The Provision of Hand Wash Lotion with Reduced Environmental Impact and Body Wash Lotion for Saint Vincent De Paul SPD4/2024/039 - …

CPV: 33000000 Medical equipments, pharmaceuticals and personal care products, 33700000 Personal care products, 33711610 Shampoos, 33740000 Hand and nails care products, 33741200 Hand or body lotions
Place of execution:
SPD4/2024/039 - Framework Contract for The Provision of Hand Wash Lotion with Reduced Environmental Impact and Body Wash Lotion for Saint Vincent De Paul
Awarding body:
Sectoral Procurement Directorate
Award number:
SPD4/2024/039 Lot 1 - Hand Wash
Jan. 24, 2025, 5:22 a.m.
Establishment of a Panel for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Hair and Beauty Salon Class Consumables and Related Services to Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board

Establishment of a Panel for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Hair and Beauty Salon Class Consumables and Related Services to Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board Establishment of a Panel for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Hair and Beauty Salon Class Consumables and Related Services to Limerick …

CPV: 33711200 Make-up preparations, 33711300 Manicure or pedicure preparations, 33711400 Beauty products, 33711410 Cotton buds, 33711420 Makeup kits, 33711440 Lip balm, 33711500 Skin-care products, 33711600 Hair preparations and articles, 33711610 Shampoos, 33711620 Combs, 33711640 Vanity kits, 33711800 Shaving preparations, 33711810 Shaving creams, 33713000 Foot care products, 33721000 Razors, 33721100 Razor blades, 33721200 Shavers, 33722000 Manicure or pedicure sets, 33722100 Manicure sets, 33722110 Manicure implements, 33722200 Pedicure sets, 33722210 Pedicure implements, 33722300 Barrettes, 33742000 Nail care products, 33742100 Nail clippers, 33742200 Nail polish, 98320000 Hairdressing and beauty treatment services, 98321100 Barbers' services, 98322000 Beauty treatment services
Dec. 19, 2025, noon
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Establishment of a Panel for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Hair and Beauty Salon Class Consumables and Related Services to Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board
Awarding body:
Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board
Award number:
Jan. 22, 2025, 7:53 a.m.
Lieferung von Seifen und Shampoos

Die Behörde für Justiz und Verbraucherschutz beabsichtigt eine Rahmenvereinbarung über die Lieferung von Seifen und Shampoos für alle Hamburger Justizvollzugsanstalten, im öffentlichen Wettbewerb zu vergeben. Die Vertragsdauer soll zwei Jahre betragen, beginnend ab dem 1.4.2025, endend 31.3.2027 mit jährlicher Verlängerungsoption, längstens jedoch bis zum 31.03.2029. Die Ausschreibung ist in vier …

CPV: 33711610 Shampoos, 33711620 Combs, 33711710 Toothbrushes, 33711720 Toothpaste, 33711810 Shaving creams, 33711900 Soap, 33721200 Shavers, 33741100 Hand cleaner, 33771100 Sanitary towels or tampons
Feb. 25, 2025, noon
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Lieferung von Seifen und Shampoos
Awarding body:
Behörde für Justiz und Verbraucherschutz
Award number:
BJV 2025000067
Jan. 22, 2025, 7:05 a.m.
2024 60 Multi Party Framework Agreement for the Supply and Delivery of Hairdressing and Barbering Equipment

2024 60 Multi Party Framework Agreement for the Supply and Delivery of Hairdressing and Barbering Equipment 2024 60 Multi Party Framework Agreement for the Supply and Delivery of Hairdressing and Barbering Equipment

CPV: 33711400 Beauty products, 33711610 Shampoos, 39241200 Scissors, 39712100 Hair clippers, 39712200 Hairdressing appliances, 39712210 Hair dryers
Place of execution:
2024 60 Multi Party Framework Agreement for the Supply and Delivery of Hairdressing and Barbering Equipment
Awarding body:
Louth and Meath Education and Training Board 1384
Award number:
Jan. 15, 2025, 1:17 a.m.
Προμήθειας Τροφίμων για τη λειτουργία του Κοινωνικού Παντοπωλείου του Δήμου Διονύσου και των Παιδικών Σταθμών και Κ.Α.Π.Η. του ΝΠΔΔ Κοινωνική Προστασία Αλληλεγγύη και Παιδεία «Η ΕΣΤΙΑ»

Αντικείμενο της σύμβασης είναι η προμήθεια τροφίμων για τη σίτιση των δικαιούχων του Κοινωνικού Παντοπωλείου του Δήμου Διονύσου και των παιδικών σταθμών και Κ.Α.Π.Η. του ΝΠΔΔ «Η ΕΣΤΙΑ». Αντικείμενο της σύμβασης είναι η προμήθεια τροφίμων για τη σίτιση των δικαιούχων του Κοινωνικού Παντοπωλείου του Δήμου Διονύσου και των παιδικών σταθμών …

CPV: 03142500 Eggs, 03200000 Cereals, potatoes, vegetables, fruits and nuts, 15000000 Food, beverages, tobacco and related products, 15100000 Animal products, meat and meat products, 15200000 Prepared and preserved fish, 15220000 Frozen fish, fish fillets and other fish meat, 15300000 Fruit, vegetables and related products, 15321000 Fruit juices, 15400000 Animal or vegetable oils and fats, 15500000 Dairy products, 15600000 Grain mill products, starches and starch products, 15612210 Corn flour, 15613310 Prepared breakfast cereals, 15800000 Miscellaneous food products, 15812000 Pastry goods and cakes, 15812120 Pies, 15982000 Soft drinks, 19520000 Plastic products, 24311900 Chlorine, 33711610 Shampoos, 33711900 Soap, 33760000 Toilet paper, handkerchiefs, hand towels and serviettes, 37823900 Kraftliner, 39831300 Floor cleaners
Place of execution:
Προμήθειας Τροφίμων για τη λειτουργία του Κοινωνικού Παντοπωλείου του Δήμου Διονύσου και των Παιδικών Σταθμών και Κ.Α.Π.Η. του ΝΠΔΔ Κοινωνική Προστασία Αλληλεγγύη και Παιδεία «Η ΕΣΤΙΑ»
Awarding body:
Award number:
Jan. 11, 2025, 3:41 a.m.
Aide alimentaire et/ou assistance matérielle dans le cadre du FSE plus (axe prioritaire 6) Lutte contre la privation matérielle – Soutien aux personnes les plus démunies

FSE plus (axe prioritaire 6) Lutte contre la privation matérielle – Soutien aux personnes les plus démunies Emballage en bouteille plastique/verre avec bouchon refermable Bouteille de 0.5 L à 1L max. Huile d’olive vierge extra de catégorie supérieure, cuisson+friture minimum 180°C Date limite de consommation : 1 an au moment …

CPV: 03211200 Maize, 03211300 Rice, 03212212 Chick peas, 03221210 Beans, 03221212 Green beans, 03221221 Garden peas, 03221240 Tomatoes, 15241400 Canned tuna, 15331411 Baked beans, 15411100 Vegetable oils, 15411110 Olive oil, 15511000 Milk, 15831200 White sugar, 15850000 Pasta products, 33711520 Bath gels, 33711610 Shampoos, 33711720 Toothpaste, 33761000 Toilet paper, 39830000 Cleaning products
Place of execution:
Aide alimentaire et/ou assistance matérielle dans le cadre du FSE plus (axe prioritaire 6) Lutte contre la privation matérielle – Soutien aux personnes les plus démunies
Awarding body:
Spëndchen asbl
Award number:
Jan. 8, 2025, 7:51 p.m.
fourniture de biens de consommation de première nécessité dans le cadre d’aide aux personnes démunies – fourniture de biens de consommation de première nécessité - conventionnée par le Ministère de la Famille, des Solidarités, du Vivre ensemble et de l’Accueil

fourniture de biens de consommation de première nécessité dans le cadre d’aide aux personnes démunies – fourniture de biens de consommation de première nécessité - conventionnée par le Ministère de la Famille, des Solidarités, du Vivre ensemble et de l’Accueil Emballage en bouteille plastique/verre avec bouchon refermable Bouteille de 0.5 …

CPV: 03211200 Maize, 03211300 Rice, 03212212 Chick peas, 03221210 Beans, 03221212 Green beans, 03221221 Garden peas, 03221240 Tomatoes, 15241400 Canned tuna, 15331411 Baked beans, 15411100 Vegetable oils, 15411110 Olive oil, 15511000 Milk, 15831200 White sugar, 15850000 Pasta products, 33711520 Bath gels, 33711610 Shampoos, 33711720 Toothpaste, 33761000 Toilet paper, 39830000 Cleaning products
Place of execution:
fourniture de biens de consommation de première nécessité dans le cadre d’aide aux personnes démunies – fourniture de biens de consommation de première nécessité - conventionnée par le Ministère de la Famille, des Solidarités, du Vivre ensemble et de l’Accueil
Awarding body:
Spëndchen asbl
Award number:
Jan. 8, 2025, 3:38 p.m.

Předmětem tohoto dynamického nákupního systému jsou dodávky drogistického zboží, LDPE pytlů a sáčků a klinik boxů

CPV: 39830000 Cleaning products, 33741100 Hand cleaner, 39221140 Water canteens, 24455000 Disinfectants, 39831600 Toilet cleaners, 33771000 Sanitary paper products, 39224320 Sponges, 39221160 Trays, 39224340 Bins, 33711610 Shampoos, 33764000 Paper serviettes, 39541140 Twine, 39221100 Kitchenware, 39812400 Sweeping compounds, 38412000 Thermometers, 33763000 Paper hand towels, 39525810 Polishing cloths, 33761000 Toilet paper, 39514100 Towels, 39224330 Buckets, 33141123 Sharps containers, 39812000 Polishes and creams, 33711710 Toothbrushes, 39221230 Saucers, 15911100 Spirits, 39221150 Vacuum flasks, 39224000 Brooms and brushes and other articles of various types, 39820000 Organic surface-active agents, 39833000 Anti-dust products, 39525100 Dusters, 39831000 Washing preparations, 19640000 Polythene waste and refuse sacks and bags, 39221130 Food containers, 33711900 Soap, 33741200 Hand or body lotions, 39811100 Air freshener, 39514200 Tea towels, 33770000 Paper sanitary, 39525800 Cleaning cloths, 39832000 Dishwashing products
Aug. 3, 2032, 10 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Awarding body:
Fakultní nemocnice Bulovka
Award number:
Oct. 23, 2023, midnight

Předmětem tohoto dynamického nákupního systému jsou dodávky drogistického zboží, LDPE pytlů a sáčků a klinik boxů Předmětem tohoto dynamického nákupního systému jsou dodávky drogistického zboží, LDPE pytlů a sáčků a klinik boxů

CPV: 15911100 Spirits, 24455000 Disinfectants, 33711610 Shampoos, 33711900 Soap, 33741100 Hand cleaner, 33741200 Hand or body lotions, 33761000 Toilet paper, 33763000 Paper hand towels, 33764000 Paper serviettes, 33770000 Paper sanitary, 33771000 Sanitary paper products, 39224320 Sponges, 39224340 Bins, 19640000 Polythene waste and refuse sacks and bags, 39514100 Towels, 39514200 Tea towels, 39525100 Dusters, 39525800 Cleaning cloths, 39525810 Polishing cloths, 39811100 Air freshener, 39812000 Polishes and creams, 39812400 Sweeping compounds, 39830000 Cleaning products, 39831000 Washing preparations, 39831600 Toilet cleaners, 39832000 Dishwashing products, 39833000 Anti-dust products, 39224000 Brooms and brushes and other articles of various types, 39820000 Organic surface-active agents, 39541140 Twine, 39221100 Kitchenware, 39221130 Food containers, 39221140 Water canteens, 39221150 Vacuum flasks, 39221160 Trays, 39221230 Saucers, 38412000 Thermometers, 33711710 Toothbrushes, 39224330 Buckets, 33141123 Sharps containers
May 31, 2099, 10 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Awarding body:
Fakultní nemocnice Bulovka
Award number:
July 19, 2023, midnight