Your search for Services related to water pollution
Number of alerts found: 9

Nabava usluga na saniranju nastale štete ili posljedica nastale štete uzrokovane višom silom ili zbog drugih okolnosti

Nabava usluga na saniranju nastale štete ili posljedica nastale štete uzrokovane višom silom ili zbog drugih okolnosti Nabava usluga na saniranju nastale štete ili posljedica nastale štete uzrokovane višom silom ili zbog drugih okolnosti

CPV: 90733000 Services related to water pollution
Place of execution:
Nabava usluga na saniranju nastale štete ili posljedica nastale štete uzrokovane višom silom ili zbog drugih okolnosti
Awarding body:
Hrvatske vode, pravna osoba za upravljanje vodama
Award number:
OP 2022/94
Nov. 30, 2024, 1:55 a.m.
SPD4/2024/078 - Re-Issue - Framework Contract for the Provision of Legionella and Potable Water Testing at Saint Vincent De Paul

SPD4/2024/078 - Re-Issue - Framework Contract for the Provision of Legionella and Potable Water Testing at Saint Vincent De Paul SPD4/2024/078 - Re-Issue - Framework Contract for the Provision of Legionella and Potable Water Testing at Saint Vincent De Paul

CPV: 90733000 Services related to water pollution, 71900000 Laboratory services, 85111820 Bacteriological analysis services, 71630000 Technical inspection and testing services, 24962000 Water-treatment chemicals
Feb. 6, 2025, 9:30 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
SPD4/2024/078 - Re-Issue - Framework Contract for the Provision of Legionella and Potable Water Testing at Saint Vincent De Paul
Awarding body:
Sectoral Procurement Directorate
Award number:
Nov. 29, 2024, 5:02 a.m.
Contrato mixto de suministro de productos químicos y servicio de mantenimiento de equipos de medición y análisis de las piscinas gestionadas por la Dirección General de Deportes

Suministro de productos químicos para mantener el agua de las piscinas gestionadas por la Dirección General de Deportes en las mejores condiciones físico-químicas y microbióticas, así como la prestación del servicio de mantenimiento de los equipos de medición y análisis de la calidad de las aguas y el aire en …

CPV: 24962000 Water-treatment chemicals, 50800000 Miscellaneous repair and maintenance services, 90733000 Services related to water pollution
Dec. 19, 2024, 11:59 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Contrato mixto de suministro de productos químicos y servicio de mantenimiento de equipos de medición y análisis de las piscinas gestionadas por la Dirección General de Deportes
Awarding body:
Comunidad de Madrid-Consejería de Cultura, Turismo y Deporte
Award number:
C-336A/034-24 (A/SUM-040720/2024)
Nov. 27, 2024, 1:13 p.m.
ÖGP Buna, Begleitung und Auswertung Grundwassermonitoring

ÖGP Buna, Begleitung und Auswertung Grundwassermonitoring Das Messnetz ÖGP Buna umfasst ca. 800 Messstellen und unterscheidet 8 Hauptgrundwasserleiter (1 x Lockergestein, 7 x Festgesteinsgrundwasserleiter) und wird in wiederkehrenden Monotoringkampagnen überwacht. Zu den Aufgaben des AN zählen in 2025 u.a. folgende wesentliche Leistungen: Erstellung Vorprojekt zur Neustrukturierung des Grundwassermonitorings ab dem …

CPV: 90733000 Services related to water pollution
Jan. 7, 2025, 10 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
ÖGP Buna, Begleitung und Auswertung Grundwassermonitoring
Awarding body:
Dow Olefinverbund GmbH
Award number:
TM 01.03-B 2025ff
Nov. 20, 2024, 1:16 a.m.
La présente consultation concerne l'exécution de prestations de contrôles sanitaires sur des canalisations de tout diamètre (réseau de distribution de diamètres inférieurs ou égaux à 300 mm et réseau de transport de diamètres supérieurs à 300 mm).

La présente consultation concerne l'exécution de prestations de contrôles sanitaires sur des canalisations de tout diamètre (réseau de distribution de diamètres inférieurs ou égaux à 300 mm et réseau de transport de diamètres supérieurs à 300 mm). Zone géographique nord Zone géographique Sud

CPV: 85111820 Bacteriological analysis services, 44162500 Drinking-water piping, 90733000 Services related to water pollution
Place of execution:
La présente consultation concerne l'exécution de prestations de contrôles sanitaires sur des canalisations de tout diamètre (réseau de distribution de diamètres inférieurs ou égaux à 300 mm et réseau de transport de diamètres supérieurs à 300 mm).
Awarding body:
Syndicat des eaux d'ile de france
Award number:
Nov. 20, 2024, 12:39 a.m.
M25 Fachtechnische Begleitung und Bewertung 02/2025 – 12/2028 & 2a Option

Fachliche Begleitung und Bewertung vier gebündelter langfristig laufender Grundwasserabstromsicherungsmaßnahmen im Ökologischen Großprojekt (ÖGP) Leuna. Hauptleistungsinhalte: • Einarbeitung in die Projektgrundlagen • Begleitende Maßnahmedokumentation unter Einbeziehung der technischen Dokumentation des Betreibers und der Monitoringergebnisse • Fachliche und vertragliche Überwachung der Unternehmen/ des Anlagenbetriebs • Aktualisierung des maßnahmeübergreifenden Monitoringkonzepts / Zuarbeit zur …

CPV: 90733000 Services related to water pollution
Dec. 16, 2024, 10 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
M25 Fachtechnische Begleitung und Bewertung 02/2025 – 12/2028 & 2a Option
Awarding body:
MDVV Mitteldeutsche Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH
Award number:
MDVV A 24 1760
Nov. 7, 2024, 8:40 a.m.
AG2549F ALAB RFT Multi Supplier Framework Agreement for the Provision of Technical Expertise to Evaluate the Ecological, Environmental and Technical Impact of Aquaculture Projects

The Aquaculture Licences Appeals Board (ALAB) wishes to procure services for the Provision of Technical Expertise to Evaluate the Ecological, Environmental and Technical Impact of Aquaculture Projects. Suppliers can tender for any one lot, or any combination of lots or all lots. Lots 1 and 2, Marine Ecology and Environment …

CPV: 90700000 Environmental services, 90711000 Environmental impact assessment other than for construction, 90712300 Marine conservation strategy planning, 90713000 Environmental issues consultancy services, 90732400 Soil pollution advisory services, 90732600 Soil pollution measurement or monitoring, 90732700 Organic fertilizer pollution assessment, 90732800 Pesticides pollution assessment, 90732900 Nitrates and phosphates pollution assessment, 90733000 Services related to water pollution, 90711300 Environmental indicators analysis other than for construction, 90711500 Environmental monitoring other than for construction, 90714000 Environmental auditing, 90714100 Environmental information systems, 90714500 Environmental quality control services, 90720000 Environmental protection, 90730000 Pollution tracking and monitoring and rehabilitation, 90731800 Airborne particle monitoring, 90740000 Pollutants tracking and monitoring and rehabilitation services
Place of execution:
AG2549F ALAB RFT Multi Supplier Framework Agreement for the Provision of Technical Expertise to Evaluate the Ecological, Environmental and Technical Impact of Aquaculture Projects
Awarding body:
Education Procurement Service (EPS)
Award number:
Nov. 1, 2024, 1:44 a.m.
Asistencia técnica al grupo de respuesta establecido en en Plan Interior Marítimo del Puerto de Bilbao (2024).

Ver Informe propuesta inicio. Ver Informe propuesta inicio.

CPV: 90733000 Services related to water pollution
Place of execution:
Asistencia técnica al grupo de respuesta establecido en en Plan Interior Marítimo del Puerto de Bilbao (2024).
Awarding body:
Presidencia de la Autoridad Portuaria de Bilbao
Award number:
Oct. 30, 2024, 3:42 a.m.
Limpieza de la lámina de agua en el Puerto de Bilbao (2024).

Ver Informe propuesta inicio. Ver Informe propuesta inicio.

CPV: 90733000 Services related to water pollution
Place of execution:
Limpieza de la lámina de agua en el Puerto de Bilbao (2024).
Awarding body:
Presidencia de la Autoridad Portuaria de Bilbao
Award number:
Oct. 30, 2024, 3:30 a.m.