Your search for Services furnished by business, professional and specialist organisations
Number of alerts found: 29

(24020) 805 EnergieSchweiz für Unternehmen: Dachkommunikation und Community Management

(24020) 805 EnergieSchweiz für Unternehmen: Dachkommunikation und Community Management (24020) 805 SuisseEnergie pour les entreprises: Communication faîtière et Community Management (24020) 805 EnergieSchweiz für Unternehmen: Dachkommunikation und Community Management (24020) 805 SuisseEnergie pour les entreprises: Communication faîtière et Community Management

CPV: 98100000 Membership organisation services, 98110000 Services furnished by business, professional and specialist organisations, 98111000 Services furnished by business organisations, 98113000 Services furnished by specialist organisations, 98130000 Miscellaneous membership organisations services, 98300000 Miscellaneous services, 79900000 Miscellaneous business and business-related services, 71314000 Energy and related services, 75100000 Administration services, 75131000 Government services, 79340000 Advertising and marketing services, 79411100 Business development consultancy services, 79413000 Marketing management consultancy services, 79416000 Public relations services
Place of execution:
(24020) 805 EnergieSchweiz für Unternehmen: Dachkommunikation und Community Management
Awarding body:
Bundesamt für Bauten und Logistik BBL
Award number:
Dec. 3, 2024, 4:47 a.m.
Rahmenvertrag Social Media Agentur

Es wird zur Unterstützung des Social Media-Teams der BayTM eine externe Dienstleistung an eine geeignete Agentur vergeben mit den Schwerpunktaufgaben - Strategische Weiterentwicklung der Social-Media-Aktivitäten - Kreativberatung und ggfs. entsprechende Projektumsetzung - Redaktioneller Support - Redaktionelle Begleitung von Events - Ad-Management - Vernetzung der Social-Media-Aktivitäten mit Creator- und Influencer Relations …

CPV: 79000000 Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security, 72000000 IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support, 79340000 Advertising and marketing services, 79413000 Marketing management consultancy services, 79416000 Public relations services, 79822500 Graphic design services, 98110000 Services furnished by business, professional and specialist organisations
Place of execution:
Rahmenvertrag Social Media Agentur
Awarding body:
Bayern Tourismus Marketing GmbH
Award number:
Nov. 26, 2024, 2:55 a.m.
T20421 stand a lone award re Supp for MC RFT 215475  ref T09163 and FA RFT 154311

T20421 stand a lone award re Supp for MC RFT 215475 ref T09163 and FA RFT 154311 T20421 stand a lone award re Supp for MC RFT 215475 ref T09163 and FA RFT 154311

CPV: 98110000 Services furnished by business, professional and specialist organisations
Place of execution:
T20421 stand a lone award re Supp for MC RFT 215475  ref T09163 and FA RFT 154311
Awarding body:
Commission for Communications Regulation
Award number:
Nov. 26, 2024, 2:51 a.m.
HSE 24182 - Provision of Quality and Compliance consultancy to National Organ Procurement Service at Organ Donation Transplant Ireland

The HSE invites suitably qualified tenders for the provision of Quality and Compliance consultancy to National Organ Procurement Service at Organ Donation Transplant Ireland. The HSE invites suitably qualified tenders for the provision of Quality and Compliance consultancy to National Organ Procurement Service at Organ Donation Transplant Ireland.

CPV: 85120000 Medical practice and related services, 33141560 Human organs, 85121000 Medical practice services, 85140000 Miscellaneous health services, 85146000 Services provided by blood banks, 85146200 Services provided by transplant organ banks, 85148000 Medical analysis services, 72224200 System quality assurance planning services, 72225000 System quality assurance assessment and review services, 98110000 Services furnished by business, professional and specialist organisations, 98113000 Services furnished by specialist organisations
Place of execution:
HSE 24182 - Provision of Quality and Compliance consultancy to National Organ Procurement Service at Organ Donation Transplant Ireland
Awarding body:
Health Service Executive (HSE)
Award number:
Nov. 26, 2024, 2:35 a.m.
T20466 Supp on MC T09261 RFT 232920 dawn under FA RFT 154311

T20466 Supp on MC T09261 RFT 232920 dawn under FA RFT 154311 T20466 Supp on MC T09261 RFT 232920 dawn under FA RFT 154311

CPV: 98110000 Services furnished by business, professional and specialist organisations
Place of execution:
T20466 Supp on MC T09261 RFT 232920 dawn under FA RFT 154311
Awarding body:
Commission for Communications Regulation
Award number:
Nov. 26, 2024, 12:45 a.m.
T20309 stand a lone award ComReg FA CFT 2490533 and MC CFT 4079396

T20309 stand a lone award ComReg FA CFT 2490533 and MC CFT 4079396 T20309 stand a lone award ComReg FA CFT 2490533 and MC CFT 4079396

CPV: 98110000 Services furnished by business, professional and specialist organisations
Place of execution:
T20309 stand a lone award ComReg FA CFT 2490533 and MC CFT 4079396
Awarding body:
Commission for Communications Regulation
Award number:
Nov. 23, 2024, 4:22 a.m.
T20253 Stand a lone award ComReg FA CFT 2490533 MC NIS2 Dir Funct and Ob

T20253 Stand a lone award ComReg FA CFT 2490533 MC NIS2 Dir Funct and Ob T20253 Stand a lone award ComReg FA CFT 2490533 MC NIS2 Dir Funct and Ob

CPV: 98110000 Services furnished by business, professional and specialist organisations
Place of execution:
T20253 Stand a lone award ComReg FA CFT 2490533 MC NIS2 Dir Funct and Ob
Awarding body:
Commission for Communications Regulation
Award number:
Nov. 22, 2024, 1:47 a.m.
T20333 MC drawn per ComReg FA CFT 2490533 re Unfair Burden 2011-16

T20333 MC drawn per ComReg FA CFT 2490533 re Unfair Burden 2011-16 T20333 MC drawn per ComReg FA CFT 2490533 re Unfair Burden 2011-16

CPV: 98110000 Services furnished by business, professional and specialist organisations
Place of execution:
T20333 MC drawn per ComReg FA CFT 2490533 re Unfair Burden 2011-16
Awarding body:
Commission for Communications Regulation
Award number:
Nov. 21, 2024, 2:43 a.m.
T20386 Stand a lone award re RFQ for Wholesale Notifications & FTTH

T20386 Stand a lone award re RFQ for Wholesale Notifications & FTTH T20386 Stand a lone award re RFQ for Wholesale Notifications & FTTH

CPV: 98110000 Services furnished by business, professional and specialist organisations
Place of execution:
T20386 Stand a lone award re RFQ for Wholesale Notifications & FTTH
Awarding body:
Commission for Communications Regulation
Award number:
Nov. 21, 2024, 2:23 a.m.
T20502 stand a lone award re Switching Research Project

T20502 stand a lone award re Switching Research Project T20502 stand a lone award re Switching Research Project

CPV: 98110000 Services furnished by business, professional and specialist organisations
Place of execution:
T20502 stand a lone award re Switching Research Project
Awarding body:
Commission for Communications Regulation
Award number:
Nov. 20, 2024, 1:08 a.m.