Dotarea cu materiale didactice necesare desfășurării în bune condiții a procesului de predare-învățare-evaluare a unor unități de învățământ preuniversitar (Liceul Tehnologic Special pentru Copii cu Deficiențe Auditive Buzău, Centrul Școlar de Educație Incluzivă Buzău, Centrul Școlar de Educație Incluzivă Râmnicu Sărat – încadrate în categoria învățământului profesional și tehnic și …
La présente consultation a pour objet l'acquisition de : Fournitures scolaires et papeterie créative, jeux et jouets, livres scolaires et non scolaires nécessaires aux élèves des écoles maternelles et élémentaires publiques, aux maisons de l'enfance, aux structures petite enfance et autres services de la Ville de Vénissieux. La zone géographique …
Appel d'offres ouvert Montant HT minimum pour la durée initiale du contrat : 30 000.00 Euro(s) H.T. Montant HT maximum pour la durée initiale du contrat : 150 000.00 Euro(s) H.T. L'accord-cadre sera exécuté par l'émission de bons de commande. Le contrat est susceptible d'être reconduit dans les conditions du …
University of Galway, establishing a concession contract, are seeking responses from suitably qualified organisations to operate and manage their University Bookshop located on it’s main campus. All requirements are contained within the tender documents. As the subject matter of this competition is defined as a Title III service within the …
La consultation porte sur la fourniture de livres, d'abonnements et de documents sonores/vidéo pour les médiathèques et les services de la commune de Puteaux. La description des prestations attendues et leurs spécifications techniques sont dans le C.C.P. commun aux lots. La consultation est passée sous la forme d'un appel d'offres …
The Department of Education is seeking to establish a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for the supply of Schoolbooks, including eBooks, to Community and Comprehensive, and Voluntary Secondary Schools (excluding ETB Schools) within the Free Education Scheme. The Department has identified the need to put in place a central procurement solution …
- Het leveren via huur, koop en distribueren van schoolboeken (boeken, licenties, woordenboeken, atlassen e.d.) ten behoeve van het VAVO en de individuele student. Voor het VAVO betreft het de schoolboeken en licenties die gratis aan de studenten door Nova College ter beschikking worden gesteld in het kader van de …
SPD1/2024/062 - Framework Contract for Books in English for Primary Years 2 and 4 for the National Literacy Agency SPD1/2024/062 - Framework Contract for Books in English for Primary Years 2 and 4 for the National Literacy Agency
Obiectul achiziției de furnizare Materiale educaționale pentru Sălile de clasă pentru proiectul cu titlul „Dotarea cu mobilier, materiale didactice si echipamente digitale a unităților de învățământ preuniversitar și a unităților conexe din Municipiul Slatina”, cod F-PNRR-Dotari-2023-5682 - Lotul 1 - Materiale educaționale pentru cabinetele de asistentă psihopedagogică Caracteristicile tehnice ale …
The contracting authority intends to enter into a contract for printed teaching aids for VG1, VG2 and VG3, under the procurement of printed teaching aids in any additional subjects, in the vidaregåande skulane in Vestland county. Tenderers shall offer a broad assortment of teaching aids within all disciplines and must …