Your search for Scalpels and blades
Number of alerts found: 15

Dostawa akcesoriów laboratoryjnych oraz drobnego specjalistycznego sprzętu laboratoryjnego na potrzeby Centralnego Laboratorium Głównego Inspektoratu Ochrony Roślin i Nasiennictwa

1. Przedmiotem niniejszego zamówienia jest dostawa akcesoriów laboratoryjnych oraz drobnego specjalistycznego sprzętu laboratoryjnego na potrzeby Centralnego Laboratorium Głównego Inspektoratu Ochrony Roślin i Nasiennictwa, określonych w Załączniku nr 2, w podziale na 96 części. 2. Szczegółowy sposób realizacji przedmiotu zamówienia został określony w Załączniku nr 1 do SWZ – Projektowanych postanowieniach …

CPV: 38000000 Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses), 38430000 Detection and analysis apparatus, 33192500 Test tubes, 38522000 Chromatographic scanners, 33960000 Embalming equipment and supplies, 33196000 Medical aids, 33157700 Blow bottle, 18424300 Disposable gloves, 42513200 Refrigerating equipment, 33631600 Antiseptics and disinfectants, 33141615 Bags for urine, 30237430 Light pens, 38931000 Temperature humidity testers, 33141111 Adhesive dressings, 42996700 Precipitators, 34631200 Buffers and drawgear, 38310000 Precision balances, 42310000 Furnace burners, 33696000 Reagents and contrast media, 33141411 Scalpels and blades
Place of execution:
Dostawa akcesoriów laboratoryjnych oraz drobnego specjalistycznego sprzętu laboratoryjnego na potrzeby Centralnego Laboratorium Głównego Inspektoratu Ochrony Roślin i Nasiennictwa
Awarding body:
Centrum Obsługi Administracji Rządowej
Award number:
Oct. 23, 2024, 5:57 a.m.
Dostawa akcesoriów laboratoryjnych oraz drobnego specjalistycznego sprzętu laboratoryjnego na potrzeby Centralnego Laboratorium Głównego Inspektoratu Ochrony Roślin i Nasiennictwa

1. Przedmiotem niniejszego zamówienia jest dostawa akcesoriów laboratoryjnych oraz drobnego specjalistycznego sprzętu laboratoryjnego na potrzeby Centralnego Laboratorium Głównego Inspektoratu Ochrony Roślin i Nasiennictwa, określonych w Załączniku nr 2, w podziale na 96 części. 2. Szczegółowy sposób realizacji przedmiotu zamówienia został określony w Załączniku nr 1 do SWZ – Projektowanych postanowieniach …

CPV: 38000000 Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses), 38430000 Detection and analysis apparatus, 33192500 Test tubes, 38522000 Chromatographic scanners, 33960000 Embalming equipment and supplies, 33196000 Medical aids, 33157700 Blow bottle, 18424300 Disposable gloves, 42513200 Refrigerating equipment, 33631600 Antiseptics and disinfectants, 33141615 Bags for urine, 30237430 Light pens, 38931000 Temperature humidity testers, 33141111 Adhesive dressings, 42996700 Precipitators, 34631200 Buffers and drawgear, 38310000 Precision balances, 42310000 Furnace burners, 33696000 Reagents and contrast media, 33141411 Scalpels and blades
Place of execution:
Dostawa akcesoriów laboratoryjnych oraz drobnego specjalistycznego sprzętu laboratoryjnego na potrzeby Centralnego Laboratorium Głównego Inspektoratu Ochrony Roślin i Nasiennictwa
Awarding body:
Centrum Obsługi Administracji Rządowej
Award number:
Oct. 23, 2024, 5:55 a.m.

Zadavatel zavádí dynamický nákupní systém na dodávky spotřebního zdravotnického materiálu pro potřeby oddělení a klinik FNB. Jako součást dodávek může zadavatel požadovat i výpůjčku zařízení k požadovanému spotřebnímu zdravotnickému materiálu. Zadavatel může v rámci veřejných zakázek v zaveden DNS může požadovat také samostatnou dodávku zařízení spadajícího do níže uvedené klasifikace. …

CPV: 18142000 Safety visors, 33141325 Fistula needles, 33141323 Biopsy needles, 33141324 Dialysis needles, 33140000 Medical consumables, 33141000 Disposable non-chemical medical consumables and haematological consumables, 33141100 Dressings; clip, suture, ligature supplies, 33141110 Dressings, 33141111 Adhesive dressings, 33141112 Plasters, 33141113 Bandages, 33141114 Medical gauze, 33141115 Medical wadding, 33141116 Dressing packs, 33141117 Cotton wool, 33141118 Wipes, 33141119 Compresses, 33141120 Clip, suture, ligature supplies, 33141121 Surgical sutures, 33141122 Surgical staples, 33141123 Sharps containers, 33141124 Sharps pads, 33141125 Material for surgical sutures, 33141126 Ligatures, 33141127 Absorbable haemostatics, 33141128 Needles for sutures, 33141200 Catheters, 33141210 Balloon catheters, 33141220 Cannulae, 33141230 Dilator, 33141240 Catheter accessories, 33141310 Syringes, 33141320 Medical needles, 33141321 Anesthesia needles, 33141322 Arterial needles, 33141326 Radiology procedural needles, 33141327 Vented needles, 33141328 Epidural needles, 33141329 Amniocentesia needles, 33141410 Wire-cutter and bistoury, 33141411 Scalpels and blades, 33141500 Haematological consumables, 33141600 Collector and collection bags, drainage and kits, 33141610 Collection bag, 33141613 Blood bags, 33141614 Plasma bags, 33141615 Bags for urine, 33141620 Medical kits, 33141621 Incontinence kit, 33141622 AIDS-prevention kits, 33141623 First-aid boxes, 33141624 Administration sets, 33141625 Diagnostic kits, 33141626 Dosage kits, 33141630 Blood plasma filters, 33141640 Drain, 33141641 Probes, 33141642 Drain accessories, 33141700 Orthopaedic supplies, 33141710 Crutches, 33141720 Walking aids, 33141730 Surgical collars, 33141740 Orthopaedic footwear, 33141750 Artificial joints, 33141760 Splints, 33141770 Fracture appliances, pins and plates, 33141800 Dental consumables, 33141810 Dental filling materials, 33141820 Teeth, 33141900 Blood lancets, 33162200 Operating-theatre instruments, 33170000 Anaesthesia and resuscitation, 33171000 Instruments for anaesthesia and resuscitation, 33171100 Instruments for anaesthesia, 33171110 Anaesthesia mask, 33171200 Instruments for resuscitation, 33171210 Resuscitation mask, 33171300 Epidural kits or packs, 33184000 Artificial parts of the body, 33184100 Surgical implants, 33184300 Artificial parts of the heart, 33184400 Breast prostheses, 33184410 Internal breast prostheses, 33184420 External breast prostheses, 33184600 False eyes, 33192500 Test tubes, 33194000 Devices and instruments for transfusion and infusion, 33194100 Devices and instruments for infusion, 33194120 Infusion supplies, 33194200 Devices and instruments for transfusion, 33194220 Blood-transfusion supplies, 33196000 Medical aids, 33196100 Devices for the elderly, 33196200 Devices for the disabled, 33198000 Hospital paper articles, 33198100 Paper compresses, 33198200 Paper sterilisation pouches or wraps, 33914200 Post-mortem needles, 33730000 Eye care products and corrective lenses, 33731000 Contact lenses, 33731100 Corrective lenses, 33731110 Intraocular lenses, 33790000 Laboratory, hygienic or pharmaceutical glassware, 33791000 Hygienic glassware, 33792000 Pharmaceutical glassware, 33793000 Laboratory glassware, 33910000 Pathology dissection instruments and supplies, 33911000 Autopsy scissors, 33912100 Autopsy dissection forceps, 33913000 Autopsy bullet probes, 33914000 Post-mortem thread, needles or incision clips, 33914100 Post-mortem thread, 33914300 Post-mortem incision clips, 33915000 Autopsy vein directors, 33916000 Autopsy saw blades or accessories, 33916100 Autopsy saws, 33917000 Dissection boards or pads, 33918000 Cases for post-mortem surgical instruments or accessories, 33919000 Instrument rolls for post-mortem surgical instruments or accessories, 33920000 Autopsy equipment and supplies, 33921000 Bone dust collectors, 33922000 Cadaver transport bags, 33923000 Autopsy head rests, body boards or hanging scales, 33923100 Autopsy head rests, 33923200 Autopsy body boards, 33923300 Autopsy hanging scales, 33924000 Autopsy infectious disease kits, 33925000 Post-mortem identification tags or bracelets, 33926000 Autopsy fluid collection vacuum aspirators or tubing, 33927000 Post-mortem rectal thermometers, 33928000 Post-mortem finger straighteners, 33929000 Cadaver tissue builder kits
Place of execution:
Awarding body:
Award number:
Aug. 7, 2024, 8:39 a.m.
DNS - spotřební materiál pro laboratoře

Dodávka spotřebního materiálu a vybavení do laboratoří pro vědu a výzkum. Dodávka spotřebního materiálu a vybavení do laboratoří pro vědu a výzkum.

CPV: 33140000 Medical consumables, 15994200 Filter paper, 18424300 Disposable gloves, 19520000 Plastic products, 30192800 Self-adhesive labels, 33141117 Cotton wool, 33141123 Sharps containers, 33141320 Medical needles, 33141411 Scalpels and blades, 33141310 Syringes, 33141420 Surgical gloves, 33192500 Test tubes, 33793000 Laboratory glassware, 34928480 Waste and rubbish containers and bins, 38000000 Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses), 38430000 Detection and analysis apparatus, 38437000 Laboratory pipettes and accessories, 38437100 Pipettes, 38437110 Pipette tips, 42671100 Laboratory tool carriers, 39241200 Scissors, 38412000 Thermometers, 33735100 Protective goggles
Place of execution:
DNS - spotřební materiál pro laboratoře
Awarding body:
Univerzita Karlova, Přírodovědecká fakulta
Award number:
July 2, 2024, 10 a.m.

Účelem této veřejné zakázky je zavedení dynamického nákupního systému (dále jen „DNS“) na nákup laboratorních chemikálií, spotřebního laboratorního materiálu a příslušenství pro laboratorní el. přístroje dle níže uvedené klasifikace, a to pro výzkumné a vědecké účely. Zadavatel rozdělil DNS na zakladě předmětu veřejných zakázek zadávaných v DNS podle § 138 …

CPV: 24000000 Chemical products, 24110000 Industrial gases, 24930000 Photographic chemicals, 24950000 Specialised chemical products, 24111600 Hydrogen, 24111800 Liquid nitrogen, 24310000 Basic inorganic chemicals, 24320000 Basic organic chemicals, 24322220 Ethanol, 24200000 Dyes and pigments, 14523000 Related minerals, precious metals and associated products, 14700000 Basic metals, 09120000 Gaseous fuels, 44832000 Solvents, 24311410 Inorganic acids, 24311500 Hydroxides as basic inorganic chemicals, 33793000 Laboratory glassware, 33192500 Test tubes, 42671100 Laboratory tool carriers, 38436500 Mechanical stirrers, 42968000 Dispensers, 35113400 Protective and safety clothing, 18140000 Workwear accessories, 18141000 Work gloves, 18142000 Safety visors, 18143000 Protective gear, 18424300 Disposable gloves, 42514300 Filtering apparatus, 33141310 Syringes, 33141320 Medical needles, 33141411 Scalpels and blades, 33141420 Surgical gloves, 44613000 Large containers, 38400000 Instruments for checking physical characteristics, 38420000 Instruments for measuring flow, level and pressure of liquids and gases, 38437000 Laboratory pipettes and accessories, 44612000 Liquefied-gas containers, 42910000 Distilling, filtering or rectifying apparatus, 42931120 Tabletop centrifuges, 44531510 Bolts and screws, 44616000 Drums, 44618000 Light containers, corks, tops for containers, vats and lids, 38622000 Mirrors, 38623000 Optical filters, 38624000 Optical aids, 38620000 Polarising material, 44322000 Cable accessories, 44530000 Fasteners, 42994230 Laminators, 32354100 Radiology film, 32354110 X-ray film, 38437120 Pipette stands, 42671000 Tool holders, 38436130 Stands for separating funnels
Place of execution:
Awarding body:
České vysoké učení technické v Praze
Award number:
June 27, 2024, 8:19 a.m.