Accord-cadre de formations et exercices de gestion et de communication de crise pour le compte de Voies Navigables de France. L'accord-cadre est divisé en deux lots : - Lot 1 : Prestations de formation et d'exercices en gestion et communication de crise (Montant maximum de commande : 330 000 Euros …
Chaque lot fera l'objet d'une attribution séparée Dommage aux biens Responsabilité civile Parc automobile Cyber risques
2023/44 Re-advertising for Panel Membership - Year 2. Establishment of Panel for the Provision of Modern Methods of Construction Training Courses and Demonstration 2023/44 Re-advertising for Panel Membership - Year 2. Establishment of Panel for the Provision of Modern Methods of Construction Training Courses and Demonstration
UÉ is conducting a market sounding exercise to understand the structure of the market and specialist competencies/capabilities available in this area of Learning & Talent Development resources. UÉ is conducting a market sounding exercise to understand the structure of the market and specialist competencies/capabilities available in this area of Learning …
Servicio de prevención ajeno de riesgos laborales en las especialidades de seguridad en el trabajo, higiene industrial, ergonomía y psicosociología aplicada y medicina del trabajo para la sede y centros de producción de Tenerife y Gran Canaria y en las instalaciones en las islas no capitalinas de Televisión Pública de …
The Contracting Authority wish to create a Panel of Tutors who may be called on to deliver education services on a part-time basis for regular training, lecturing and related services. The purpose and function of the evening class programme is to provide accredited training, recreation, education and fun based activities …
Tech Northwest Skillnet on behalf of Atlantic Technological University wishes to establish a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) under eight (8) lots for Training Services. The focus is on Training for ICT and Technology Companies (LOT 1) but will also cover General Business Training under Lots 2-8. Most of the training …
Il presente avviso ha lo scopo di costituire un elenco di fornitori qualificati per i seguenti gruppi merceologici: SI001 -Servizio di collaudo statico per manufatti in c.a. SI002 -Servizio di collaudo tecnico amministrativo per reti idriche e manufatti acquedottistici SI003 -Servizio di elaborazione di studi geologici SRI001 -Servizio di rilievo …
Trattasi dell'erogazione di servizi di formazione per il Gruppo Dolomiti Energia e relativi ai macro ambiti di intervento di seguito riportati. Ambito "salute sicurezza e ambiente", ambito "competenze tecniche e digitali" e "Life Skills ".