Przedmiot zamówienia polega na budowie nowej siedziby Komendy Miejskiej Policji w Katowicach wraz z instalacjami wewnętrznymi i zewnętrznymi oraz zagospodarowaniem terenu, w tym budowa: 1) Budynku administracyjno - biurowego Komendy Miejskiej Policji wraz z masztem antenowym o wys. 21,0 m Parametry obiektu: - kubatura: 56658,5 m3, - pow. użytkowa …
The CA05 structural module is the IRWST / Pressurizer Wall Module, located in the Nuclear Island (NI). CA05 is classified as Safety Related, Seismic Category I, and Westinghouse Safety Class C. The CA05 scope is one of the smaller, yet still complex structural modules in the AP1000 design. CA05 is …
1. Experienced Suppliers capable of fabrication, procurement of ASME materials, documentation, inspection, testing, packaging, quality assurance/quality controls, special tooling, and fulfillment of all other responsibilities defined in ASME B&PV Code, Section III for the NPT Certificate Holder for AP1000 Steam Generators (described below), must (i) contact (email and/or phone call) …
The CA02 structural module is the IRWST / Pressurizer Wall Module, located in the Nuclear Island (NI). CA02 is classified as Safety Related, Seismic Category I, and Westinghouse Safety Class C. The CA02 scope is one of the smallest, yet still complex structural modules in the AP1000 design. CA02 is …
The CA20 structural module is the Auxiliary Building Area 5 & 6 Module, located in the Nuclear Island (NI). CA20 is classified as Safety Related, Seismic Category I, and Westinghouse Safety Class C. The CA20 scope is one of the largest and most complex structural module in the AP1000 design. …
The CA03 structural module is the IRWST Southwest Walls Module, located in the Nuclear Island (NI). CA03 is classified as Safety Related, Seismic Category I, and Westinghouse Safety Class C. The CA03 scope is the only CA module that is built in a panel-style radial configuration. The CA03 structural module …
The Shield Building is the structure and annulus area that surrounds the containment building and is located in the Nuclear Island (NI). The shield building uses concrete-filled steel plate construction (SC) as well as reinforced concrete sections. The SC40 Shield Building SC Wall Panels scope reflects the cylindrical portion of …
1. Experienced Suppliers capable of fabrication, procurement of ASME materials, documentation, inspection, testing, packaging, quality assurance/quality controls, special tooling, and fulfillment of all other responsibilities defined in ASME B&PV Code, Section III for the NPT Certificate Holder for AP1000 Reactor Vessel (described below), must (i) contact (email and/or phone call) …
Dachdeckungsarbeiten Allgemeine Projektbeschreibung Die Julius-Leber-Schule, Berufsschule für Wirtschaft, Verwaltung und Gesundheit in der Seilerstraße 32 in 60313 Frankfurt am Main wird von 2024 - 2027 saniert und umgebaut. Die Baumaßnahme erfolgt in drei Bauabschnitten bei laufendem Schulbetrieb. 1. BA: Flugdach + DG (Dachterrasse), 6.+5.+4. OG, 3.OG Süd 2. BA: 3.+2.+1. …
The CA01 structural module is the Steam Generator and Refueling Canal Structural Module, located in the Nuclear Island (NI). CA01 is classified as Safety Related, Seismic Category I, and Westinghouse Safety Class C. The CA01 scope is one of the largest and most complex structural module in the AP1000 design. …