Your search for Roof
Number of alerts found: 6

Zimmer- und Holzbauarbeiten

1110 m² Brettstapelholzdecken mit kraftschlüssigen Auflagerpunkten, 70 m² Brettsperrholzwände, 150 m² Brettsperrholz-Attika, 250 m² Fassadenverkleidung aus Faserzementtafeln 1110 m² Brettstapelholzdecken mit kraftschlüssigen Auflagerpunkten, 70 m² Brettsperrholzwände, 150 m² Brettsperrholz-Attika, 250 m² Fassadenverkleidung aus Faserzementtafeln

CPV: 44112400 Roof, 45422000 Carpentry installation work, 45422100 Woodwork
Feb. 14, 2025, 10 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Zimmer- und Holzbauarbeiten
Awarding body:
Stadtverwaltung Rheda-Wiedenbrück
Award number:
Jan. 31, 2025, 3:30 a.m.
Contractor Emergency Works for Prefab Roof Repair Colaiste Bhride Carnew Co Wicklow

Contractor to repair an entire prefab roof and increase the over flow of a water outlet at Coláiste Bhríde, Carnew, Co. Wicklow Contractor to repair an entire prefab roof and increase the over flow of a water outlet at Coláiste Bhríde, Carnew, Co. Wicklow

CPV: 44112400 Roof, 45100000 Site preparation work, 45200000 Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work, 45260000 Roof works and other special trade construction works, 45261920 Roof maintenance work
Place of execution:
Contractor Emergency Works for Prefab Roof Repair Colaiste Bhride Carnew Co Wicklow
Awarding body:
Kildare and Wicklow Education and Training Board
Award number:
Jan. 25, 2025, 7:59 a.m.
Travaux de gros œuvre fermé à exécuter dans l’intérêt du Domaine Thermal Mondorf-rénovation et mise en conformité

Travaux de gros-œuvre fermé constituant un tout indivisible et reprenant les différents corps de métiers suivants : Travaux de gros-œuvre portant et non portant ; de construction en bois portante et non portante ; travaux d'isolation thermique et d'étanchéité des toitures, terrasses et balcon ; de menuiserie extérieure métallique, vitrages …

CPV: 44112400 Roof, 44220000 Builders' joinery, 45223220 Structural shell work, 45443000 Facade work
March 27, 2025, 10 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Travaux de gros œuvre fermé à exécuter dans l’intérêt du Domaine Thermal Mondorf-rénovation et mise en conformité
Awarding body:
Administration des bâtiments publics
Award number:
Jan. 24, 2025, 5:39 a.m.
9091 TER Design, Supply, Integration, and Repair Services

IE has a requirement for the Supply and Installation of Telecommunications Equipment Rooms (TER) and Retrofit Roofs for use at various locations nationally. These equipment rooms will primarily host Telecommunications Equipment and, as required additionally contain Signalling and Electrification equipment, to support the operational railway. The buildings must generally conform …

CPV: 44110000 Construction materials, 44112000 Miscellaneous building structures, 44112400 Roof, 44112410 Roof frames, 44112420 Roof supports, 44112430 Roof trusses, 44112500 Roofing materials, 44140000 Products related to construction materials, 44190000 Miscellaneous construction materials, 44210000 Structures and parts of structures, 44211000 Prefabricated buildings, 44211100 Modular and portable buildings, 44211200 Cubicles
Feb. 19, 2025, noon
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
9091 TER Design, Supply, Integration, and Repair Services
Awarding body:
Iarnród Eireann-Irish Rail
Award number:
Jan. 17, 2025, 3:05 a.m.
Travaux de gros œuvre fermé à exécuter dans l’intérêt du Domaine Thermal Mondorf-rénovation et mise en conformité

Travaux de gros-œuvre fermé constituant un tout indivisible et reprenant les différents corps de métiers suivants : Travaux de gros-œuvre portant et non portant ; de construction en bois portante et non portante ; travaux d'isolation thermique et d'étanchéité des toitures, terrasses et balcon ; de menuiserie extérieure métallique, vitrages …

CPV: 44112400 Roof, 44220000 Builders' joinery, 45223220 Structural shell work, 45443000 Facade work
Feb. 20, 2025, 10 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Travaux de gros œuvre fermé à exécuter dans l’intérêt du Domaine Thermal Mondorf-rénovation et mise en conformité
Awarding body:
Administration des bâtiments publics
Award number:
Dec. 13, 2024, 3:50 a.m.
Vorbereitende Dienstleistungen für Photovoltaik-Projekte

Über das Ausschreibungsverfahren des Dynamischen Beschaffungssystems (DBS) sollen vorbereitende Dienstleistungen für PV-Projekte im gesamten Berliner Stadtgebiet vergeben werden. Die Teilleistungen werden in folgende Kategorien unterteilt. Kategorie 1: Dachcheck-Leistungen insbesondere zur Überprüfung der Dacheignung für Photovoltaikanlagen (Photovoltaikanlagen-Dachcheck), Kategorie 2: Leistungen zur elektrotechnischen Vorprüfung hinsichtlich Eignung der Elektroinstallation für den Photovoltaikanschluss, Kategorie …

CPV: 71000000 Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services, 71317200 Health and safety services, 44112400 Roof, 71327000 Load-bearing structure design services, 71328000 Verification of load-bearing structure design services, 45311200 Electrical fitting work, 45315000 Electrical installation work of heating and other electrical building-equipment, 45317000 Other electrical installation work, 45315100 Electrical engineering installation works, 71314100 Electrical services, 71334000 Mechanical and electrical engineering services, 71521000 Construction-site supervision services, 45261000 Erection and related works of roof frames and coverings
Place of execution:
Vorbereitende Dienstleistungen für Photovoltaik-Projekte
Awarding body:
Land Berlin – Sondervermögen Immobilien des Landes Berlin (SILB) c/o BIM Berliner Immobilienmanagement GmbH
Award number:
May 25, 2024, 3:21 p.m.