Your search for Road-maintenance works
Number of alerts found: 142

Framework agreement for summer maintenance

Iveland municipality shall enter into a contract for the hire of machines, equipment and personnel for the operation and maintenance of roads and other municipal installations, as well as edge cutting, planing, sweeping, road gravel and mass transport. The municipality requests tenders for the following machines/personnel and work: Sub-contract 1: …

CPV: 45000000 Construction work, 45233141 Road-maintenance works, 45230000 Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and railways; flatwork, 45233140 Roadworks, 90610000 Street-cleaning and sweeping services, 90600000 Cleaning and sanitation services in urban or rural areas, and related services
Place of execution:
Framework agreement for summer maintenance
Awarding body:
Iveland kommune
Award number:
Feb. 5, 2025, 4:41 a.m.
Bieżące utrzymanie dróg krajowych, w zakresie nakładek i remontów cząstkowych, administrowanych przez GDDKiA Oddział w Olsztynie w podziale na 5 zadań

Przedmiotem zamówienia jest bieżące utrzymanie dróg krajowych, w zakresie nakładek i remontów cząstkowych, administrowanych przez GDDKiA Oddział w Olsztynie w podziale na 5 zadań. Przedmiot zamówienia został podzielony na następujące zadania (części): Zadanie 1 – Rejon w Elblągu:  DK nr S7i od km 48+850 do km 63+059 – odc. …

CPV: 45112100 Trench-digging work, 45233141 Road-maintenance works, 45221111 Road bridge construction work, 45233140 Roadworks, 45233200 Various surface works
Feb. 21, 2025, 11 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Bieżące utrzymanie dróg krajowych, w zakresie nakładek i remontów cząstkowych, administrowanych przez GDDKiA Oddział w Olsztynie w podziale na 5 zadań
Awarding body:
Generalna Dyrekcja Dróg Krajowych i Autostrad Oddział w Olsztynie
Award number:
Feb. 5, 2025, 4:38 a.m.
Road reinforcement Vestland 2025

The contract includes deep stabilisation, crushing milling and asphalting of county roads in Vestland County in accordance with the attached 'Quantity summary and list of sections'. The contract includes deep stabilisation, crushing milling and asphalting of county roads in Vestland County in accordance with the attached 'Quantity summary and list …

CPV: 44113000 Road-construction materials, 44113600 Bitumen and asphalt, 44113620 Asphalt, 45000000 Construction work, 45233141 Road-maintenance works, 45233142 Road-repair works, 45230000 Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and railways; flatwork, 45233000 Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads, 45233100 Construction work for highways, roads, 45233140 Roadworks, 45233220 Surface work for roads, 45233222 Paving and asphalting works, 45233251 Resurfacing works
March 13, 2025, 11 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Road reinforcement Vestland 2025
Awarding body:
Vestland fylkeskommune
Award number:
Feb. 5, 2025, 4:34 a.m.
Travaux d'entretien et d'aménagements des voiries, voies verte, ZAE, ouvrages et réseaux de compéténces ou de maîtrise d'ouvrage communautaire

Travaux d'entretien et d'aménagements des voiries, voies verte, ZAE, ouvrages et réseaux de compéténces ou de maîtrise d'ouvrage communautaire travaux d'entretien et d'aménagements des voiries, voies vertes, ZAE, ouvrages et réseaux de compétences ou de maîtrise d'ouvrage communautaire

CPV: 45233141 Road-maintenance works
Feb. 7, 2025, noon
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Travaux d'entretien et d'aménagements des voiries, voies verte, ZAE, ouvrages et réseaux de compéténces ou de maîtrise d'ouvrage communautaire
Awarding body:
Communauté de communes MACS
Award number:
Feb. 4, 2025, 2:54 a.m.
Road maintenance contract Vestland South 2025-2026

The contract work includes various maintenance work (call-offs) in the geographical area vestland south (includes operational contracts 1203 Nordhordland, 4603 SABO-Sotra/Askøy/Bergen/Øygarden and 4604 BOA-Bergen/Os/Austevoll) in Vestland county. The work includes minor measures on county roads. This is a project with several smaller call-offs, where the production is mainly connected to …

CPV: 45000000 Construction work, 45233141 Road-maintenance works, 45233100 Construction work for highways, roads, 45233140 Roadworks, 45233220 Surface work for roads, 50230000 Repair, maintenance and associated services related to roads and other equipment
Place of execution:
Road maintenance contract Vestland South 2025-2026
Awarding body:
Vestland fylkeskommune
Award number:
Feb. 4, 2025, 2:53 a.m.
Izvanredno održavanje državne ceste oznake DC44, dionica Ponte Porton - Buzet, od km 7+700 do 13+240

Izvanredno održavanje državne ceste oznake DC44, dionica Ponte Porton-Buzet, od km 7+700 do km 13+240 Izvanredno održavanje državne ceste oznake DC44, dionica Ponte Porton-Buzet, od km 7+700 do km 13+240

CPV: 45233141 Road-maintenance works
Feb. 20, 2025, 11 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Izvanredno održavanje državne ceste oznake DC44, dionica Ponte Porton - Buzet, od km 7+700 do 13+240
Awarding body:
Hrvatske ceste d.o.o.
Award number:
Feb. 4, 2025, 2:35 a.m.
"Wykonywanie usług z zakresu gospodarki leśnej na terenie Nadleśnictwa Lidzbark w roku 2025"

Przedmiotem zamówienia są usługi z zakresu gospodarki leśnej zgodnie z określeniem w art. 6 ust. 1 pkt. 1 ustawy z dnia 28 września 1991 r. o lasach (tekst jedn.: Dz. U. z 2024 r. poz. 530 – „Ustawa o lasach”) obejmujące prace z zakresu hodowli i ochrony lasu, ochrony przeciwpożarowej, …

CPV: 45233141 Road-maintenance works, 45233142 Road-repair works, 77210000 Logging services, 77200000 Forestry services, 77110000 Services incidental to agricultural production, 77211000 Services incidental to logging, 77211100 Timber harvesting services, 77211200 Transport of logs within the forest, 77211300 Tree-clearing services, 77211400 Tree-cutting services, 77211500 Tree-maintenance services, 77211600 Tree seeding, 77230000 Services incidental to forestry, 77231000 Forestry management services, 77231200 Forest pest control services, 77231600 Afforestation services, 77600000 Hunting services
Place of execution:
"Wykonywanie usług z zakresu gospodarki leśnej na terenie Nadleśnictwa Lidzbark w roku 2025"
Awarding body:
Skarb Państwa - Państwowe Gospodarstwo Leśne Lasy Państwowe Nadleśnictwo Lidzbark
Award number:
Feb. 4, 2025, 2:17 a.m.
Daugavpils valstspilsētas teritorijas ikdienas uzturēšana 2025. – 2029.gadam

Daugavpils valstspilsētas teritorijas ikdienas uzturēšana 2025. – 2029.gadam Daugavpils valstspilsētas teritorijas ikdienas uzturēšana 2025. – 2029.gadam

CPV: 45233141 Road-maintenance works, 90620000 Snow-clearing services, 90630000 Ice-clearing services, 90610000 Street-cleaning and sweeping services, 90600000 Cleaning and sanitation services in urban or rural areas, and related services
Place of execution:
Daugavpils valstspilsētas teritorijas ikdienas uzturēšana 2025. – 2029.gadam
Awarding body:
Daugavpils valstspilsētas pašvaldība
Award number:
DVP 2024/171
Feb. 4, 2025, 2:09 a.m.
Közutak felújítása, karbantartása és építése

Budapest Főváros XIII. Kerületi Önkormányzat tulajdonába és/vagy kezelésébe tartozó közutak, járdák, gyalogátkelők és tartozékaik építési jellegű felújítása, karbantartása és építése, valamint forgalomtechnikai elemek építése és karbantartása. Budapest Főváros XIII. Kerületi Önkormányzat tulajdonába és/vagy kezelésébe tartozó közutak és tartozékaik építési jellegű felújítása, valamint új utak, járdák építése és karbantartása, továbbá gyalogátkelők …

CPV: 34993000 Road lights, 34992000 Signs and illuminated signs, 45113000 Siteworks, 45223300 Parking lot construction work, 45233141 Road-maintenance works, 45233142 Road-repair works, 45231300 Construction work for water and sewage pipelines, 45232130 Storm-water piping construction work, 45233120 Road construction works, 45233161 Footpath construction work, 45233162 Cycle path construction work, 45233220 Surface work for roads, 45233290 Installation of road signs, 71311100 Civil engineering support services, 77314100 Grassing services, 90510000 Refuse disposal and treatment
March 3, 2025, 10 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Közutak felújítása, karbantartása és építése
Awarding body:
Budapest Főváros XIII. Kerületi Önkormányzat
Award number:
Feb. 4, 2025, 1:56 a.m.
N56 Dungloe to Glenties Active Travel Asset Renewal Minor Works Contract 2024 T2

This project is comprised of the installation of cycleway road markings, access controls for cycleway, maintenance of verges, drainage, minor earthworks and pavement reconstruction, Verge trimming, establishment, maintenance and removal of traffic management and collation of information for inclusion in the safety file for the project. The full scope of …

CPV: 45111213 Site-clearance work, 45111220 Scrub-removal work, 45112000 Excavating and earthmoving work, 45112400 Excavating work, 45112700 Landscaping work, 45233141 Road-maintenance works, 45232451 Drainage and surface works, 45232452 Drainage works, 45233100 Construction work for highways, roads, 45233140 Roadworks, 45233162 Cycle path construction work, 45233221 Road-surface painting work, 45233222 Paving and asphalting works, 45233223 Carriageway resurfacing works, 45233229 Verge maintenance work, 45233250 Surfacing work except for roads, 45233290 Installation of road signs, 45233291 Installation of bollards, 45233293 Installation of street furniture, 45233300 Foundation work for highways, roads, streets and footpaths, 45236290 Repair work on recreational areas
Place of execution:
N56 Dungloe to Glenties Active Travel Asset Renewal Minor Works Contract 2024 T2
Awarding body:
Donegal County Council_1193
Award number:
Feb. 4, 2025, 1:49 a.m.