Your search for Road construction works
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Riorganizzazione del sistema viario relativo alla SP 25 – SRT 436 sito nel comune di Larciano (PT)

L’appalto riguarda l’affidamento della progettazione esecutiva e della realizzazione dei lavori relativi all’intervento “Riorganizzazione del sistema viario relativo alla SP 25 – SRT 436 sito nel comune di Larciano (PT) Riorganizzazione del sistema viario relativo alla SP 25 – SRT 436 sito nel comune di Larciano (PT)

CPV: 45233120 Road construction works, 71322000 Engineering design services for the construction of civil engineering works
March 20, 2025, 1 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Riorganizzazione del sistema viario relativo alla SP 25 – SRT 436 sito nel comune di Larciano (PT)
Awarding body:
Award number:
Feb. 5, 2025, 4:50 a.m.
Acuerdo Marco para La Contratación de Los Trabajos para La Restauración y Reposición de Los daños a Instalaciones y Limpieza y Reparación de Infraestructuras de Los daños causados por La Dana entre el 28 de Octubre y 4 de Noviembre de 2024, Incluidas Las Obras Financiadas Con Fondos Procedentes del Plan de Recuperación, Transformacion y Resiliencia Financiado Por La Union Europea

Acuerdo Marco para La Contratación de Los Trabajos para La Restauración y Reposición de Los daños a Instalaciones y Limpieza y Reparación de Infraestructuras de Los daños causados por La Dana entre el 28 de Octubre y 4 de Noviembre de 2024, Incluidas Las Obras Financiadas Con Fondos Procedentes del …

CPV: 45000000 Construction work, 45111213 Site-clearance work, 45111000 Demolition, site preparation and clearance work, 45111200 Site preparation and clearance work, 45111212 Rock-removal work, 45111214 Blast-clearing work, 45111220 Scrub-removal work, 45111230 Ground-stabilisation work, 45111240 Ground-drainage work, 45112000 Excavating and earthmoving work, 45112100 Trench-digging work, 45112310 Infill work, 45112320 Land-reclamation work, 45112330 Site-reclamation work, 45112340 Soil-decontamination work, 45112350 Reclamation of waste land, 45112500 Earthmoving work, 45223220 Structural shell work, 45213240 Agricultural buildings construction work, 45221100 Construction work for bridges, 45221110 Bridge construction work, 45221111 Road bridge construction work, 45221113 Footbridge construction work, 45221119 Bridge renewal construction work, 45223200 Structural works, 45223210 Structural steelworks, 45223000 Structures construction work, 45223100 Assembly of metal structures, 45223110 Installation of metal structures, 45223800 Assembly and erection of prefabricated structures, 45223810 Prefabricated constructions, 45223820 Prefabricated units and components, 45223821 Prefabricated units, 45223822 Prefabricated components, 45231110 Pipelaying construction work, 45231111 Pipeline lifting and relaying, 45231112 Installation of pipe system, 45231113 Pipeline relaying works, 45231300 Construction work for water and sewage pipelines, 45231400 Construction work for electricity power lines, 45232120 Irrigation works, 45232121 Irrigation piping construction work, 45232150 Works related to water-distribution pipelines, 45233120 Road construction works, 45233123 Secondary road construction work, 45233160 Paths and other metalled surfaces, 45233200 Various surface works, 45233222 Paving and asphalting works, 45233223 Carriageway resurfacing works, 45233250 Surfacing work except for roads, 45235210 Runway resurfacing, 45235311 Taxiway pavement construction work, 45236000 Flatwork, 45240000 Construction work for water projects, 45246100 River-wall construction, 45247111 Irrigation channel construction work, 45247230 Dyke construction work, 45247270 Reservoir construction works, 45255600 Coiled-tubing wellwork, 45261000 Erection and related works of roof frames and coverings, 45262300 Concrete work, 45262310 Reinforced-concrete work, 45262311 Concrete carcassing work, 45262320 Screed works, 45262321 Floor-screed works, 45262330 Concrete repair work, 45262370 Concrete-coating work, 45262400 Structural steel erection work, 45262420 Structural steel erection work for structures, 45262500 Masonry and bricklaying work, 45262620 Supporting walls, 45262660 Asbestos-removal work, 45314000 Installation of telecommunications equipment, 45315400 High voltage installation work, 45315500 Medium-voltage installation work, 45315600 Low-voltage installation work, 45317200 Electrical installation work of transformers, 45520000 Hire of earthmoving equipment with operator
March 3, 2025, 2 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Acuerdo Marco para La Contratación de Los Trabajos para La Restauración y Reposición de Los daños a Instalaciones y Limpieza y Reparación de Infraestructuras de Los daños causados por La Dana entre el 28 de Octubre y 4 de Noviembre de 2024, Incluidas Las Obras Financiadas Con Fondos Procedentes del Plan de Recuperación, Transformacion y Resiliencia Financiado Por La Union Europea
Awarding body:
Empresa de Transformación Agraria S.A.,S.M.E., M.P., (TRAGSA)
Award number:
Feb. 5, 2025, 4:26 a.m.
Travaux de réfection et création de voirie sur le centre de Valduc.

L'accord-cadre, comprend notamment , les prestations suivantes : . - la réfection des routes et aires de stationnement, - la réfection ou la pose de bordure, - la réfection ou la pose de grille et d'avaloir d'eaux pluviales, - des marquages au sol, - des mises à niveau de regards, …

CPV: 45233142 Road-repair works, 45233120 Road construction works
Place of execution:
Travaux de réfection et création de voirie sur le centre de Valduc.
Awarding body:
Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives
Award number:
Feb. 5, 2025, 4:23 a.m.

Το έργο αφορά την επισκευή και αναβάθμιση των υφιστάμενων εγκαταστάσεων του Συνοριακού Σημείου Διέλευσης Κήπων Έβρου. Χωροθετείται στην Περιφέρεια Ανατολικής Μακεδονίας και Θράκης, στα σύνορα με την Τουρκία, στην Περιφερειακή Ενότητα Έβρου. Επιδιώκεται η αναβάθμιση των υποδομών του υφιστάμενου Οδικού Χερσαίου Συνοριακού Σημείου Διέλευσης Κήπων της Π.Ε. Έβρου, σύμφωνα με …

CPV: 45000000 Construction work, 45111000 Demolition, site preparation and clearance work, 45210000 Building construction work, 45233120 Road construction works, 45259900 Plant upgrade work, 45300000 Building installation work, 45310000 Electrical installation work, 45351000 Mechanical engineering installation works, 71320000 Engineering design services
Feb. 25, 2025, 11 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Awarding body:
Αποκεντρωμένη Διοίκηση Μακεδονίας – Θράκης (Α.Δ.Μ-Θ)
Award number:
Feb. 5, 2025, 3:46 a.m.
Lucrari de executie pentru proiectul „Modernizare infrastructură rutieră în Comuna Pișcolt”

Se propune execuția lucrărilor pentru proiectul „Modernizare infrastructură rutieră în Comuna Pișcolt”. Proiectul „Modernizare infrastructură rutieră în Comuna Pișcolt” are finantare asigurata prin PROGRAMUL NATIONAL DE INVESTITII “ANGHEL SALIGNY”. Lungimea totala propusa prin proiect este de 11.459,2 ml care este compusa din modernizare strazi pe lungimea de 4.671,0 ml si …

CPV: 45233120 Road construction works
Place of execution:
Lucrari de executie pentru proiectul „Modernizare infrastructură rutieră în Comuna Pișcolt”
Awarding body:
Award number:
Feb. 5, 2025, 3:18 a.m.
Proiectare si executie lucrari pentru obiectivul de investitii “Modernizare DJ 207 F, Padureni- Iliesi- Gura Vaii, judetul Bacau”

ÎIn cadrul acestei proceduri de achizitie autoritatea contractanta doreste achizitionarea contractului de achizitie publica avand ca obiect: Proiectare si executie lucrari pentru obiectivul de investitii “Modernizare DJ 207 F, Padureni- Iliesi- Gura Vaii, judetul Bacau” care are ca scop realizarea urmatoarelor servicii si lucrari: 1) Servicii de proiectare, constand in: …

CPV: 45221110 Bridge construction work, 45233120 Road construction works, 71311100 Civil engineering support services, 71322500 Engineering-design services for traffic installations
Place of execution:
Proiectare si executie lucrari pentru obiectivul de investitii “Modernizare DJ 207 F, Padureni- Iliesi- Gura Vaii, judetul Bacau”
Awarding body:
Award number:
Feb. 5, 2025, 3:05 a.m.
50-es villamosvonal peronfelújítás, II-es ütem

Budapest, 50-es villamosvonal akadálymentesítése II-es ütem Jelen projektben az 50-es villamos vonalán a Határ út és a Szarvas csárda tér megállóhelyek közötti szakaszán, a korábbi kivitelezésekből kimaradt megállóhelyek átépítését kell elvégezni az új, alacsony padlós járművek közlekedésének biztosítására, az akadálymentesség követelményeinek megfelelően. Ajánlatkérő rögzíti, hogy a tárgyi kivitelezés engedély köteles …

CPV: 45200000 Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work, 45233120 Road construction works, 45234126 Tramline construction works, 45234128 Tramway platforms construction work, 45234129 Urban railway track construction works, 45316200 Installation of signalling equipment, 45316212 Installation of traffic lights, 45316213 Installation of traffic guidance equipment, 71500000 Construction-related services
March 17, 2025, noon
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
50-es villamosvonal peronfelújítás, II-es ütem
Awarding body:
BKK Budapesti Közlekedési Központ Zártkörűen Működő Részvénytársaság
Award number:
Feb. 5, 2025, 2:59 a.m.
Rīgas valstspilsētas ielu seguma periodiskās atjaunošanas darbi

Rīgas valstspilsētas ielu seguma periodiskās atjaunošanas darbi Rīgas valstspilsētas ielu seguma periodiskās atjaunošanas darbi

CPV: 45000000 Construction work, 45233120 Road construction works
Place of execution:
Rīgas valstspilsētas ielu seguma periodiskās atjaunošanas darbi
Awarding body:
Rīgas valstspilsētas pašvaldības Centrālās administrācijas Iepirkumu pārvalde
Award number:
Feb. 4, 2025, 3 a.m.
MBC Denges - lot 47 - Aménagements extérieurs et Elargissement RC 79

Le présent marché prévoit la réalisation de travaux de génie civil au niveau du nouveau garage-dépôt pour la flotte de bus de la compagnie des MBC et de la route cantonale RC 79 B-P : - Pour la RC 79 B-P existante : § son élargissement côté dépôt, la création …

CPV: 45233120 Road construction works
March 5, 2025, 11:59 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
MBC Denges - lot 47 - Aménagements extérieurs et Elargissement RC 79
Awarding body:
MBC - Transports de la région Morges Bière Cossonay SA - Ferrari Architectes
Award number:
Feb. 4, 2025, 2:42 a.m.
Straßen- und Tiefbauarbeiten

Straßen- und Tiefbauarbeiten Umgestaltung der Franziusstraße (Straßen- und Tiefbauarbeiten) Ca. 145 m Steinzeugsammelleitung DN300 Ca. 4 St Kanalschächte Ca. 1 St Regenwassersedimentationsanlage Ca. 22.600 m2 Planum herstellen Ca. 3.600 m Betonbordsteine setzen Ca. 1.100 m Granitbordsteine setzen Ca. 1.000 m Entwässerungsborde Ca. 60 m Blockstufen, Beton setzen Ca. 1.600 m …

CPV: 45233120 Road construction works
March 18, 2025, 10 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Straßen- und Tiefbauarbeiten
Awarding body:
Stadt Frankfurt am Main, Amt für Straßenbau und Erschließung
Award number:
Feb. 4, 2025, 2:18 a.m.